Monday, October 14, 2013



The benefit for Mark and Marty on Saturday at Templeton Fish and Game was an inspiring event.Many people are to be commended for stepping up to support Mark and Marty and their families.

The complete list of sponsors and raffle donations will follow this post.

Thank You:

Templeton Fish & Game for the donation of the club.

Matt Leclerc for donating the pig roast (absolutely wonderful!) and the corn.

Mr. Bob Mitchell for the pigs

Royer’s catering for many things, especially the potatoes and coleslaw.

Aubuchon Hardware for numerous generous donations.

Music generously donated


….and many, many others.

This event was made possible because of the  dedication and hard work of David Smart and his wife Judy.

Thank you Templeton!

Prior comments:

.                Beverly BartolomeoOctober 13, 2013 at 11:10 AM

.                So we did not have the sun but things were bright at this fundraiser for two good guys who work for the town. A super turn out by friends and supporters who made this a great success. It was nice that Mr. Obrien and his wife decided to attend. The food was great and no one went hungry. I will let Dave write more about this event but I will tell you, we do have people that step up when their neighbors need help. That is what living in a small town is about. Bev   

WOW what a turn out. The blog won't allow me to write enough on one comment for all that needs to be said.
I'll feed this info to the readers now and just say thanks so much for the support. As Bev said it's what living in a small town is about. Added up after minimal expenses we broke the 9,000.00 mark. I never in my wildest dreams thought this event would carry out this for a result and i for one am amazed at all who helped out.Donors,helpers,performers and the club. I will write a blog and see Karry for a followup story in the Gardner news also. Thank you all!
Now i need to call Mark and Marty and see how the day worked them over,i hope not too bad.

1 comment:

  1. It was heartwarming to see so many people there laughing and talking and having a good time. I believe every town department was in attendance including L&W. That was great! Former selectmen, current selectmen, former town employees, school committee members, police, was wonderful! This was an example of what the real Templeton is all about. Good people helping others, putting aside political difference in order to come together for the greater good. Don't let the trouble makers let you think this is a town divided. It is not. There was a lot of healing that happened on Saturday for everyone. Proof that love is stronger than hate. Thank you to Dave Smart for pulling together an amazing day! He worked very hard on the event and it showed. And thank you to Ms. Farrell who I don't think sat down the whole day. She does so much work behind the scenes that many do not see and she does not expect credit for it. One of the most selfless town officials around! Great music too! Who knew so much talent could be found right here in our town?! I hope Mark and Marty and their families see the whole town cares about them and feels the healing thoughts and prayers we are all giving them.
