Thursday, October 10, 2013

Get along with less and vote in support of override

Get along with less and vote in support of override

Joy Taintor
East Templeton

To the Editor:

I would like to ask the residents of Templeton to be sure to vote yes for the override.

As a bus driver in the town of Templeton for 32 years, I can vouch for the highway and cemetery departments as to our road conditions. In my 32 years, I got stuck once and that was my misjudgment as to where the ditch was while I was backing into a side street.

Do you realize that if school is cancelled, days have to be made up? Do you realize that teachers cannot teach, by state law, beyond June 30? What happens when we have too many snow days because the roads are unsafe for the buses?

Our oil, gas, food and insurance bills have gone up. Why do we feel that our taxes won’t go up?

Yes, it is very hard to make ends meet and our house taxes will go up, and we will have to stop going out to eat as often or perhaps not so many trips with the senior citizens, or Foxwoods trips. Luckily we pay our taxes four times a year, so the increase is not as great all at once.

Rather than voting no, maybe we can start trying to get along with less and tell one another how we cut corners. Perhaps we can make our own cookies, cakes, ect., go to the library for books and go shopping once a week and save gas.

I would hate to have an emergency and not have the police, fire and ambulance services respond quickly. We have been so fortunate in Templeton to have dedicated people working for our town.

Please save our town and vote yes for the override.

Joy Taintor
East Templeton


  1. Thanks Mom! There's the truth.
    Please save our town and vote yes for the override!
    Please take time to read the yellow flyer your town employees paid to send out to all in Templeton.
    What it is telling you is this town will not be the same as it is now.
    Our Safety is at risk. When i say our, That's you too!
    Vote yes!!

  2. well Joy many people are already getting along with less and to ask them to give up more of their less is not right. Maybe the town should learn to get along with less, maybe the School should learn to get along with less as well. Until then I will continue to VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE. I should not have to get along with less when the School has given all teacher, aides and secretaries a nice raise this year guess they don't need to get along with less!

    1. Your arguement is with the Union, not the town.

  3. If I vote NO I will have more, Isn't that better to have more, just like the commercial says more is better. So VOTE NO We also lose the liability of having the old part time employees that plow snow. Saving the town money on lawsuits when they get hurt or hurt someone else

  4. Here,s a thought, Why dont you NO voters actually put that sign on your front yard! That way, the Police will know which houses dont need protection, the Fire Dept will know which houses dont need saveing, & the Hwy dept will know which roads not to maintain.

    1. Agreed! Lets see all those No signs out there on lawns. Lets see all the No voters standing at the polls on Tuesday. If you're proud to vote No, lets see it.

    2. Really Diane??? The two posts I responded to, they're arguments make no sense. Get along with less??? We've been doing that for years. They think voteing no will stick it to the school & we all know thats not the case. It will destroy the town. These people need to wake up & realize that you cant run a town or school in 2013 on a 2003 tax rate. All the costs have gone up, but our taxes havent. It makes no sense.

    3. It's the tone Huff as I see your point, but's voting what is someone's conscience and it's not up to us to decide for them. Saying the police or fire won't come because they put a NO sign out is just ridiculous.

  5. There are many that will vote YES that won't put a sign in their yard. There are many that will vote NO that won't put a sign in their yard for the reason above...sarcasm, being called out one way or the other. IT'S A PERSONAL CHOICE PEOPLE and that is why we we should be happy to be able to vote our heart and how WE feel is correct. I am pretty sure I should be done with this blog and the reasons on this page and so many others are why. The NO voters have won twice at the polls, so calling them out is just childish and foolish. *really big sigh*

  6. Diane,
    I understand your frustration as well as huff n puff's . We have to keep the message moving. We don't agree on many things, but I think we do agree that the town needs this override to preserve public safety.

    Please VOTE YES on October 15th.

    Please vote to preserve public safety in Templeton.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future

  7. mrs. Farrell you have to be bi-polar...please get some medication.......better yet get off the town election boards. I honestly don't care if you seek help or not.....cold hard truth

  8. Please Vote Yes Tomorrow!
    Keep Templeton "SAFE" for everyone!
    We owe it to the kids!
    We owe it to the seniors!
    We owe it to all who live in Templeton.
    We will be responsible for the outcome!
    We can only have a YES vote tomorrow!

  9. I have been reading some of the other blog posts and Its terrible how people speak online. I am sad for my town as its divided and I will be happy when tomorrow is done. I will pray for the best outcome for Templeton, but I will say I am very disappointed in so many things here and attitude is everything.

  10. Diane I am sorry for disappointing you really I am...I have the upmost respect and will continue to do so. I'm sorry if you have lost some for myself. Unfortunately I see no other way! Believe me the last thing I want to do is think neither mind type about Mrs.Farrell but everyone else who has tried to take the "high road" has gotten so frustrated they have walked away or saved themselves the embarrassment of "lowering themselves to unfriendly tactics". (ie Mr. Stewart) So if I have to take the hit for the team and get my hands a little dirty. I will and will continue to do so only until my mission is rid Mrs.Farrell from being an elected official in templeton... what she has done to this town is a disgrace in my opinion....based upon my opinion supported by my OPINION!!! RIGHT JULES???

  11. The Truth, I am just disappointed in general. I see many view points here and it's great food for thought and I totally appreciate your support and I am thankful. I completely understand biting ones tongue is hard and I want to lash out at several posts on here, but I will save it for when I go to vote for new leadership at the polls. Right now I am just tired from the fight and the constant backlash. Our town cannot continue to thrive in an always cutting environment both financially and emotionally. I see a town divided and a frustration on many different levels and it's just a shame and it's sad. I will say again that I love this community and I will continue to fight for our school and our town and once again I will pray for the best outcome tomorrow. Please continue to speak up as many others also do and I hope we can meet one day in real time and not just here on the blog. There are many great posts here that bring situations to light I wasn't aware of and needed to know. It's always good to hear all sides of the story even if you don't always know which end is up or which is right. Thank you and please vote YES at the polls to save our services and give back our dedicated town employees the hours they lost that affected their financial resources. Please keep the programs we have in place, like the library and a senior center that we all voted to have. Let's be sure that we keep on top of things going on here with budgets and buildings so that we can continue to better Templeton's future. Thank you again for listening and speaking out your beliefs, I appreciate that.

    1. I would like that too Diane....thank you! are a true AMERICAN PATRIOT you have my vote of confidence !!!!
