Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shedding some light…October 8, 2013 meeting

Shedding some light…October 8, 2013 meeting

Drill a well –

The Capital Improvement Plan & Water Rate Study is complete. Discussion at last night’s meeting centered on which of the three options the water department should pursue to increase the water rates.

The most likely option will be a 5-year planned rate increase with the largest increase in water rates the first year.

This second scenario calls for:

Year 1 - 23% increase
Year 2 – 4.7 % increase
Year 3 – 4.8 % increase
Year 4 – 4.9 % increase
Year 5 - 1.6 % increase

Close to a 40% increase in water rates over 5 years. There was no vote taken, but a water rate increase will be voted on before the December billing cycle.

The Water Capital Improvement Plan & Rate Study may be posted soon to the website. They are very large files.

In other news- there are issues with truck 32. It has been out of service since June. Capital projects that will need attention soon:

Paint the inside of Ladder Hill - $180,000
Refurbish the motor/pump on one of the Maple St. wells - $20,000.

Light Department –

The Electric Rate Study is incomplete at this time. The firm performing the work is using a Cost of Service model, which will review time of use, elimination of the transition charge, possible low- income credit. It is anticipated that this study will recommend a small decrease in residential electric rates.

NRHS is applying for a DOER grant. Information was provided by the Light department to facilitate the grant.

Wind Turbine Blade inspection-
The wind turbine blades were inspected. There is a small hole that will need to be repaired but does not impact the operation of the turbine at this point. The light department is seeking a third quote to repair the blade as the price for the repair came in very high.

LED streetlights –
The project to replace the traditional streetlights with LED streetlights is ahead of schedule. There should be a $5,000 reduction in street lighting costs to the town next year. This program is for the public streetlights not the private lights that residents can purchase for $5.00/month.

The Light Department has no intention of installing SMART METERS at this time!

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. Actually, that progression represents a 43.84% increase. You don't just sum the percentages, you compound them.

    1. The good old boys at the Light and Water Department need to push up the cost of water to you lucky users some how. The money taken out for administration is greater than any other Department I have looked at, and these are all municipally owned. Water and sewer departments should never have been separated. This has never been a good thing for the rate payers. Call Henshaw Drilling for a way out 1-800-232-4725 Hee, Hee

  2. Down hear on the lower forty where thinkin runaway train for those looking to the government to provide services at a reasonable price. Three bathes in a lifetime is plenty as a good wash cloth and some soap and hot water on those problem areas from the wood stove keeps us acceptable. Don't worry none about water either as the well works fine and when it is a dry spell the outhouse is the most dependable peace of plumbing ever invented. Plenty of compose for the garden as well!!

    1. Lower, when you go to bed tonight, give thanks that you do have a good well. Bart has a saying " we get the government we deserve" If people do not vote they give someone else their voice. I like to think the" government is run be those who show up."It pays to check facts and to know what you are really voting for. Blind faith has proved to be deceiving. Bev.

  3. I have (3) wells on my property and not one of them is worth a dam there is so much iron on my property that the well water corrodes all the plumbing in my house... just tied into town water a few years back when it became available....and didn't I just read on this blog recently that Templeton already has one of the highest water rates in the area and now a 43% increase! and the towns people don't even get a say? I protest!

  4. The chairman of the commission would like to hear your complaints i sure!
    The last meeting only had 3 of us that were there to keep an eye on them!
