Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Correcting Unification of Templeton

Correcting Unification of Templeton

      In a LTE on Saturday, October 5, 2013, Keith Kent incorrectly writes that Jeff Bennett would jump out a window to take the first offer that comes along if it was close to the asking price. There is no asking price; the building at 252 Baldwinville Road is for sale through a bidding process, meaning the highest bidder could buy the building. The BOS however retains the right to reject any and all bids. At a BOS meet on September 23, 2013 and published in TGN on Wednesday, September 25, 2013, I did say and it was written that I would jump out a window to sell it if an offer of $400,000.00 was made. I would appreciate accuracy, honesty and some homework by all those who write and publish letters in the newspaper. I am often asked for backup material for letters I write and I hope that is the practice for all others.

       The purchase price for the building, $399,925.00, was not voted for at town meeting by “we the people”. There was a dollar figure of 1.9 million dollars that was voted for at town meeting for the purchase and renovation of a building at 252 Baldwinville Road. There was a vote on May 24, 2010 to sign a purchase & sale agreement for 252 but the purchase price of the building was not mentioned, discussed, voted on or signed at a public open meeting. I have to ask why that is? The intent of the sale and the process for now putting 252 out for bid was discussed and voted on in an open public meeting. My question for Mr. Kent and others is this, if 252 was sold would this same group step up and volunteer to support the reuse of a town owned building for town office space? Would there be an offer of free labor for the good of the town, for the unity within the community? (credit Diane Haley Brooks for that slogan) Since this group that appears to be all in for the 252 project has also brought forward a petition to force the selectmen to sell the town building formally known as ET school, I would guess the answer to that question would be no.
        As to the idea of where are you from, Templeton, Baldwinville or East Templeton, perhaps Templeton residents could help out the country and ask the postal service why Templeton has 3 zip codes and 3 post offices when the city of Gardner has only one. Perhaps we could ask the postal service to close the Baldwinville and ET post offices and keep the one post office and zip code for Templeton so when someone asks us where we are from and where out mail goes to, we could all simply say Templeton.

Jeffrey Bennett
Templeton, MA

Documents regarding 252 Baldwinville Rd (download the document and the links will work)


  1. Jeff i also find odd the facts put in by Mr. Kent weren't backed up as i have also had to prove when i named a previous selectmen on a comment made to sway voters opinion. Who is the true person behind this Letter?
    After my recent visits to former selectmen ad offer signs to support the override only 2 takers would have them.
    The former chairman Stewart was glad to proudly display one. The unity in community can happen when the real people sit and talk it out. The former bullies and fakes can not ever get it. They would rather cut Templeton nose off despite it's face.
    Please Vote Yes and Tell your neighbor their town is being hijacked and it's up to them to save whats left if they care about the town they call home!
    This vote has nothing to do with officials getting elected to office. It's about not allowing abuse to our town.

    1. I find it unbelievable that when we are going through another hard time, with not enough money for everyone,,these guys think we will cough up over one million bucks to deal with this building. Gee, what happens when it is not enough? What happened to the roof and all the work that needed? Was that a scam to drive the price up? Oh no the boys would not do that?? Dana do something cheap, no way because his ego would not let him. One Super Bowl Sunday My husband and I were going to the KP for a super bowl drawing. Dana saw me outside and started yelling at me, saying "he lost his job to do 252 because of me?? I told him this," I did not stop that project, you did by the way it was done". when I said you, I referred to the crew who tried to slide this through under the nose of the taxpayers. I WILL STAND BY MY WORDS UNTIL THE DAY I DIE. We have a bid on this building and I would like to see what it is. If it is a number we can live with then we should sell it. We still owe on this building as it is, never mind adding to it. Another big problem, where is the money coming from? Do not tell me a loan...We as a town have way too much debt, that is the reason we have very little money to spend. The good times have come to a end. There is no place to find money left, it is gone, gone gone. The surplace funds gone! Stabilization funds gone! No one wanted to raise taxes so we are broke. Dana wants to fill the room with light and water people to get his way. I am praying people are smart enough to stand up for what is good and right. We can not dig the hole any deeper. Bev.

  2. Please VOTE YES on October 15th

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton.

    Attend the STM on October 23rd.

    Get the facts before you vote.
