Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Meetings tonight!

Meetings tonight!

TMLWP Meeting tonight  Light and Water  agenda

Planning Board tonight  Planning Board  agenda

Please attend the Light and Water meeting if you are concerned or have questions about smart meters. You may have questions about your water rates. Attend the meeting and ask questions.


Attend the Planning Board meeting if you have questions the process of about accepting roads. There are two citizen petitions on the STM warrant on this issue.

Be inspired to participate!


  1. smart meters ? to raise who conscience ? You know as i see the administration in the L & W as being a public owned There is a there hunger of the non caring position , No matter what evidence the public says , We the people are given no discounts no policy as to rates for projects and are told what they plan to do is great for ? and they do it , seems they go to any cost even too hired fools form the state in past to tell us there agenda is correct and safe the state expert says its ok its just poison in water it will not hurt you ....So, again
    Even as the evidence is clear on electromagnetic radiation and problems to the public the L and W will just proceeded... G wis seems That mycelium in brain has mushroom a dictator for a leader come see in his unresponsive acts to listen to the public I wonder " should he be /// maybe dismissed ?? don't you think ? or better yet listen to them as soon they will charge you when ever you use power more . that is the instrument of smart meters is it not ? This town better take over the L and W and truly make it work for the people or they will have you working for it and pride themselves as they continue in telling you we are the best our rates are fair 1 cent lower the national grid . there no discounts for anyone no benifits what so ever i cost to aged or disability OH man is that not great terms ! i will be looking into my own power soon I may not come too deal with them what so ever , after they spend a spray may
    clearly be the old water pipes as they leak its no secret , old and rusted , yet the department consider to build a new project and ignore the present problems or maybe waiting for it to rise as an another emergency . Clearly the thugs run the power plant and water there currently hiding themselves form public view in there own meeting of the minds in sensitive executive session , no less wonder of smart meters , who is smart-er then those who stand to profit

  2. The Brotherhood of the Snake (Brotherhood) are Satanic Bloodlines of the very wealthy that had much in common with the spirit of Freemasonry when the Brotherhood infiltrated the Masonic Order officially as the Illuminati on May 1 1776, with Adam Weishaupt as its spokesman. Weishaupt stated The Brotherhood and Illuminati Orders goal: "The true purpose of the Order is to destroy all religions, overthrow all governments, and abolish private property. These goals mirror Marx and Engels Communist Manifesto.

    1. http://namastepublishing.co.uk/michael-tellingers-presentation-ancient-sound-technologies/
      this is beyond your thinking wonder if you cann take a look

  3. I will NOT allow a smart meter on my house...I WILL SMASH IT OFF IF IT IS INSTALLED !!! does the town L&W not read how bad smart meters are ?? or are they inept a$$es who force crap down out throats ??

    Prepare for war if you try to install that horror show on my house !!!

    1. Sooner or later people will wonder why their bills are so high. Our Light Company is in a position where they can charge you extra fees, weather you like it or not. This has been going on and will continue until people smarten up and put their foot down. Our Light Company of old, worked for the people in this town. That is not the case any longer. I will sit back and watch until people get fed up and I do not think it will take long. Dana told a person I know, he will stack the town meeting with light people to get 252 a town hall, even if it is not the best thing for the town. Our debt limit is very high as it is. All of the 40 year loans we are still paying off, so now we need to add more debt buy adding a million plus to it? We had no way to pay for 252 when it was bought so that money had to come out of our town budget. Mr. Skelton told David we could find the money somewhere! Well, finding what we do not have has finally come to bite us. I guess the way the town was run, by co mingling money has finally proven to run the town departments dry. In the past our leader would call the light co., for a few extra bucks when things got tight, but that will not work any longer, because they will no longer share. The town has run on a false economy and with the money from the government grants just about dried up it is time to pay the piper. Keep your eye on your water and light bills, my guess is up, up and away they will go. Bev.

  4. I had to ask after the discussion about it just to get the amount correct. in 5 years they will raise your water rates up by 30-35% + any unknowns the crop up. Like the pipes are getting in better shape over them 5 years!
    Asked and answered, we should expect the rates to swell like the pipe are. Every thing goes up, even taxes!


  5. if i had been taken with respect the MMT would have been an answer see Gardner News oct 4 Winchendon will profit while Templeton will not

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
