Friday, October 18, 2013

Residents invited to vacant school building

Residents invited to vacant school building

Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Coinciding with the open house at 252 Baldwinville Road, an open house at the East Templeton Elementary School building will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday as the Advisory Board plans to present voters with options for the vacant town-owned facility.

“If we take care of this building, we’ll have an asset for consolidating the town offices,” said Chairman Wilfred Spring.

Voters have twice rejected renovating the building for use as a town hall.

At the Annual Town Meeting, voters rejected using $250,000 in Community Preservation Act funding for that purpose, and at a Special Town Meeting in June voters rejected using $7,000 for a performance contracting assessment. However, the advisory board has opted to present voters with all options regarding the building at a future town meeting.

The advisory board has voted a prioritized list of options for the building — first, to use community preservation funding to acquire a performance contracting assessment and contract to renovate; second, to sell it; third, to leave it unoccupied; or fourth, to tear down the building at a cost of $100,000.

According to Mr. Spring, leaving the building as it is represents a liability for the town. He reported that the building has been broken into four times in the past six weeks, and said he has witnessed young children playing on the unstable roof of the back storage building.

East Templeton Elementary School was vacated by the Narragansett Regional School District in 2011 because of budget cuts. The town assessor has determined the value at $890,000 for the building and the land. The building is two floors with a total of 9,105 square feet.


Group hosting weekend open house at Baldwinville building eyed for town hall

Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — In an effort to inform voters of their proposal to renovate 252 Baldwinville Road for use as the town hall at a lower cost than previously estimated, a grassroots committee is hosting an open house at the building from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday.

“We’re trying to get everyone on board, to see that it’s viable and get their support,” said Bob Columbus.

Through a citizens petition submitted with 129 signatures, voters at the Oct. 23 Special Town Meeting will be asked to approve the creation of a seven-person building committee to oversee the renovation of 252 Baldwinville Road for use as a town hall.

The town purchased the building — the former home of Materials Unlimited Inc. — in 2010 after voters approved borrowing $1.9 million for the project. A building committee also completed environmental, feasibility and engineering studies utilizing other funding appropriated by voters.

However, once a contractor was hired, the total estimate for the project — $2.3 million — exceeded the funding available.

A citizens petition was subsequently submitted to town meeting, and voters decided to disband the 252 Baldwinville Road Town Hall Building Committee.

“Normally, the next step is for the committee to go get that additional amount of money approved or find ways to reduce the cost,” said Bernard Heaney.

Now, as the town continues to rent 690 Patriots Road for use as town offices and town officials are planning to again ask voters if they will renovate the former East Templeton Elementary School for town use, members of the disbanded 252 Baldwinville Road committee have come back to town officials with plans to complete the renovation project for approximately $1.2 million.

“East Templeton School will never fit all the town offices,” said Dennis O’Brien.

“The previous committee looked at a lot of sites (as possible locations for the town hall),” said Virginia Wilder. “They were interested in this site for a number of reasons — the size alone. It will fit all the town offices, and there might be enough space for public safety.”

At the discretion of the Board of Selectmen, 252 Baldwinville Road continues to be up for sale. The property has been on the market since January, and previously carried a minimum bid of $335,000. The select board removed the minimum requirement last month.

The board does not need the authorization of town meeting to dispose of surplus town-owned property.

The special town meeting begins at 7 p.m. Oct. 23 at the Narragansett Regional Middle School auditorium.



  1. Our debt as a town is to high as it is now. I find it beyond belief that this group continues to push this building as a town hall. It is this kind of project that has the town broke. It is bad enough that we are paying for the money that was used before the people said NO. East Templeton has it's roots in our town. As far as I am concerned I do not want a town hall that looks like a Wallmart. That should be used for a commercial business so it can bring in jobs and tax money. After what the town just went through, where are they planning to get a million dollars, or more from? Not from me!! Oh yes, If anyone says the money will come from under the debt limit, that means the money will come out of a department, so as we all know, there is not any extra to be found there. I do not care how this project is bent in the end you will pay. Using E.T. the money will come out of money that we have put into the Community Preservation Fund. The money is already there, but can only be used for a specific purposes. One is open space, one is culturally significant building, and community housing, the beauty of using this fund is, the money will not have to be paid back. You may ask why we need to move out of the building on Athol Road? Well for one thing, we don't own it, and the land lord wants to up the rent. I think we have poured enough money down the drain, don't you! People need to go to the meeting at 7:00 P.M. Oct. 23, at the high school. Please remember, if you do not attend town meetings you give up your voice. These are not the old days, when people voted once a year. That does not cut it any longer. As my friend says, "government is run by those who show up."

  2. Wanna bet a developer would love to purchase east templeton and turn it into low income housing?

  3. I think 252 Bald. Rd would make a great Coyote Ugly Bar or a low budget Gentlemans Club.

  4. After going to open house today at 252 have to admit it has a good plan.and by plan I mean a set of plans Starting with a clean slate with no hidden surprises behind the walls or ceilings or floors etc. should make for clear sailing. When I went to the yard sale in ET all I saw was hidden cost on top of hidden cost behind every wall. Also listening to the advisory board/pet project for Will Spring that he has cost for this project. How can you come up with a number with NO plans on paper. Just that I know a guy that can do this and I know another guy etc. You have to have a complete set of plans for every aspect, to rebuild that building, What about bidding,Performance bonds,Insurance,How about an environmental survey for asbestos,Lead,Mold,the list goes on and on, you would be surprised what they test for.When the cost for the rebuild goes way over estimated cost what will they say Whoops So vote against any thing that cost money on ET

    1. thank you halfway you are spot on with your assessment....I hope others open their eyes to the TRUTH!!

    2. one question Mr. / Ms., how will we pay for this big project with the perfect plan? Where will the money come from. and I hope it is not another one of those 40 year loans from uncle sam because we are still paying for those loans of that type for the water dept. which is why they have no working capital. Serious question, do they / you have a plan for the cash?

  5. Boy were you fed a bunch of BS today. and you actually believed what you were told. Good Grief

  6. Article 6 at the special town meeting on October 23rd asks to surplus East Templeton.

    The reason there are plans for 252 Baldwinville Rd is the former municipal building committee had what they thought was free reign over a 1.9 million dollar budget. That 1.9 million dollars is GONE. Templeton is repaying a 5 year loan for this project already.

    There is no plan for East Templeton because there has been no authorization by the townspeople to develop a plan for future use of East Templeton.

    Please allow the newly created Town Building Assessment Committee time to evaluate ALL town buildings including East Templeton.

    Please VOTE NO on article 5 and article 6.

    The Friends of Templeton Elders will hold a Tag Sale at East Templeton on November 2nd. Yesterday the Friends made quite a bit of money from the "yard sale in ET ".

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

  7. I'm not saying to sell ET but we need a plan then go out for bid to find out what it will cost to fix it, Sounds like we want to put a patch on top of patches. I would vote to spend money for complete plans so we could all see what the final picture would be. Then a bid for the cost,so we can put numbers together for both buildings. A lot of people cannot see past mess in that school

    1. Halfway why would the representation of ET school want the people to know the TRUTH!!! when I recently spoke wth the prior principal of the ET building he gave me a laundry list of things that would need to be done to get this building in workable position...they don't want people to know the plan because the people pushing for ET don't have a plan...the only thing in Jules and her puppets mind is not letting the people from the other side of the fence win this little game.....cold hard truth!!!

  8. ok truth, what would the laundry list be. Here in da hood, we thinks get the town monies in line and lets pay off the bill for 252 then while we be doin that, we plan for a new crib in say five years. But ain't we havin a talk bout a new school elementary style for last I hear, it was bout 32 million. Dat be a lot of cabbage so where we be getting all these greens to build a new crib, 252 or any place while we be payin millions for new school crib, loans for waater, district and 252 loan, member dat 700 big ones we be owein. Sounds like move into temp crib and make do for a few years tils we git some pocket money.

    1. Well said but that is too much of a common sense approach that 252 fans do not comprehend.

  9. I think we should stabilize our buildings so we don't incur any more damage to the buildings and then let the Town Building Assessment Committee do the evaluation and recommendations for the properties that we own as a town. It seems very short sighted to dispose of an asset like the ET school when we really have not assessed it in conjunction with the needs of the town.

  10. Why would anyone want to put money into an 82 yr old building?Just fix the roof and sell it.Let's put all the offices under one roof and get rid of Elm st, School st. and E.T..The 252 project has been scaled back in design and won't be looking like Walmart with big entrances.Viewing the floor plan presented yesterday,all the offices in town will be under one roof.No need for handicap access,it will be ground level.Have you ever tried obtaining a permit to do something in this town?It can be frustrating and time consuming.Then imagine from out of town, someone trying to bring in a business venture here.

    1. Well, someone has the gumption to have a bid on 252, and what they plan to do with it is a mystery to me, but what ever it is will be better than it is right now. The big problem with our using 252 for a town office building it this, WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT !!! Why people do not get the message is beyond me. I do not give a dam about who wants to do what...We can not stand anymore debt. Our debt should be around 5 0/0 of what we take in. Right now it is up to 9 0/0. We have no money in stabilization or free cash. Now you may wonder why?? Guess who used every cent to balance the budget, do projects that made no sense, overpaid the conservation agent and padded their pay. If you have not figured these things out, you have not paid attention. MWgreene, what you have said makes sense. We just do not need to dig the whole we are in any deeper, because many people really can't afford it. Bev.

    2. You would still need a handicap ramp at 252 as the grade slopes down towards the back of the building, where the entrance is proposed. Why would you put money in an 82 yr old building? To preserve its beauty and history. How many homes in town are over 82 yrs old? Should everyone living in an old house just knock it down and build a new home? No. There is value in homes and buildings because they are antiques. I agree the town offices should be consolidated into one building. I supported the town hall project at 252 until the costs of the project came in over 3 million. That is too expensive for the town. And, if the town was to use the 252 property even at the scaled down version, the town would still have to borrow money in order to build it. If the town is going to borrow money for any project, it should go towards the elementary school building project. Not a town hall. Selling ET building, Elm St and School St. is not as simple as you make it out to be. I suggest learning more about the town's options before making up your mind.

    3. “Why would anyone want to put money into an 82 yr old building?” Deuce, are you kidding? According to, 34 percent of the houses in this town were built prior to 1939 (so they are at least 70 years old. The site does not break numbers down more than that). If we all dumped our houses because they were old, a third of the town would be vacant buildings.
      The First Church on Templeton Common is something like 200 years old, and the congregation put a lot of effort and money into it just a few years ago. Seems they did a pretty good job and have preserved a piece of our history. I bet they don’t think it was a waste of money.
      I am not involved in any town politics, and I have never met most of the people who are speaking out on one side or the other, but out of curiosity and a desire to have information before voting at town meeting, I did go to see both buildings on Saturday. From what I could see, most people going to one also went to the other. Too bad the Gardner News didn’t see fit to provide a balanced article with information about both buildings. The only mention of ET was a comment from Ms. Wilder that totally trashed the building, and the reporter didn’t even bother to give someone from the “other side” a chance for rebuttal, or ask for documentation of those statements.
      The article in the News says that 252 Baldwinville Rd has 12,000 sq ft and is the only building big enough for our needs. The Massachusetts School Building Authority website ( says that ET has 12,000 square feet. So how is one 12,000 sq ft building too small but another 12,000 sq ft building just right?
      The article says that ET is full of mold that can’t be removed. Have any town officials brought in a specialist in mold remediation to give an assessment and a cost estimate for removal of any mold that may be there? Have any town officials brought in an engineer to assess the physical condition of ET (and 252, too, aside from those who were promoting its use)? If they have, I hope they present the report at or before the town meeting so we will have FACTS before we vote.
      I think this is why some folks are asking to have a building committee do an assessment of BOTH buildings, and maybe other buildings in town also, so that instead of just taking the one option that seemed to be available a few years ago, we could make some decisions based on unbiased facts.

  11. Wow! the spin and half truths and misinformation just keep rolling over and over. The fact is the town would have to borrow money to pay for 252 project. Is that what everyone thinks is a priority-- to borrow money we don't have for a town hall? How quickly we forget that we couldn't pay for basic town operations a week ago because of the whole school budget issue. And now we're going to start borrowing money further adding to our debt in order to solve what? To prove what? In my opinion, I would like the town to borrow money to build a new elementary school, not a town hall. Put the kids in a new facility and put the adults in something temporary until the town is on better financial footing. The kids have dealt with deteriorating facilities for a long time. Lets put our efforts towards investing in a new facility that they can be in for generations to come. Everyone claims to vote for what is best for the kids. Then, put your money where your mouth is. Lets make due with the buildings the town owns to met our immediate needs. Make a 10 yr plan for repurposing them or selling them. I do not approve of how the SC handled budget talks, but I will not vote against a new elementary school out of spite. Financially, over the long term, it makes sense to complete the elementary school project before starting any other new projects in town. After the new school, the next priority is building a new police station. 252 would be a great location for a safety complex. So would ET school. Does everyone remember how many years it took to find land for the new school and the price tags that were thrown around? $2mil for the land across the street from 252 with liens. So, when it comes time to build a safety complex, are we going to have to go through another 5-10 yrs of looking for land to buy? And then shell out $800-$1mil for the land? Why not maintain the property we have in order to utilize it in the future and avoid past mistakes?

    Everyone complains that the town wastes money. That is true. The town voters waste money on hasty financial decisions based on ego and personality rather than sensible and logical decisions. How much money wasted on recall elections, firing attorneys mid contract (resulting in having to pay two law firms in one month), buying property way over the market value, holding elections for a mere 16wk term. Call it what you will, but I call it irresponsible. Why does this town have to learn the hard way every time? I'd rather live in a town that has a nice new elementary school and town offices in an older building that has history and charm than live in a town with a brand new town hall and crappy, run down elementary schools. It shows where the priorities lie. And if you think that voting down the elementary school project will save money, think again. Those schools will need upgrades. We're going to have to pay one way or another. So, why not take the option where the state will pay over half of the price tag instead of the town paying the whole thing because they screwed up and wasted yet another opportunity? This town can get by with town offices in an existing town building for a while. Get out of paying rent and put that money towards better things. A brand new town hall is a want, not a need. A new elementary school is a need, not a want.

    1. Templetonian, truer words were never spoken. I do have a problem with the article in the Gardner snoos today Monday 10/21. One more time our friend VW will stand up and tell people things that are not really the truth. It seems she feels that is acceptable to say things that are not true, if it benefits her goal to get what she wants accomplished.The problem with this is sooner or later she will be in the position that no one will believe way or the other. People came to E.T after leaving 252 and did not find "a terrible mold problem" because there is not one to be found.. Gee, this building has sat empty for a couple of years, and yes it is old, but not decrepit. I would like to say it has character. I wish the walls could talk to tell us what they have seen for history over these past 80 or so years. As things stand now, we still do not have the money and can not afford 252 . There is a million dollars in Preservation money we can and should use to get us out of the Athol Road site, and we do not have to pay it back. Bev. .

    2. Where is the number that it is going to cost for ET. Haven't seen one yet, so are we going into this blind without a financial plan, looks that way.

    3. The cost to make repairs to the ET building falls between $500-700k. This has been discussed at a number of BOS meetings and Advisory Board meetings (look up Sept 4th meeting on Youtube) over the last several months. There most definitely is a plan, with estimates from contractors and a funding source (CPA money). Selling this building would be a HUGE mistake. The article to be voted on at this week's special town meeting is not a vote to move the town offices to ET building, it is a vote on whether to sell the ET building or hold onto it as a valuable asset and give the town more time to evaluate what should be done with it. It is a citizen's petition, not an article brought forth by the town. Please vote NO on Article 6.

    4. Who are the estimates from , do they have names, can they even do the work, I heard at one meeting that the heating guy with no name is just a one man operation and someone would have to help him. who would pick up the tab on the help, what if it don't work like this one man show says it should, who will pick up the tab to make it work. Woops I thought it would work sorry. Like I said NO PLAN just I know a guy who says he can. If you can't do it right don't do it

    5. I think you may have that confused with the list of donated help that has been promised to the 252 project. It was said at the 252 open house "a guy will donate an I-beam...a company is donating concrete". When asked who and if this was written down, the answer was "no, some people don't want to be named". If its not written down, how can it be counted on? And what happens if they back out? So, if you want to know who gave estimates for ET school, talk to the Advisory Board. They have the written estimates from professionals. I can understand if you don't want to believe what you hear on a blog. So, please go to the town officials and ask them. Or ask at town meeting.

    6. "Plus all this work has to go out for bid doesn't it"
      That is what I thought, HOW can people like Dana Blais already have the job to build the Original 252 Town Hall and now to rebuild the 2nd 252 Town Hall, without going thru the bid process. Seems pretty fishy and illegal to me.

    7. I am a Heating Guy with a 1 man operation and I am more than capable of installing a new state of the art heating system in ET school or elsewhere.
      I supplied an estimate for ET so they could get some numbers together, If the project is ok'd ,then bids are requested and are open to any and everyone to submit one.
      My systems work as installed, If there is ever a problem I am there to fix it.
      Rick B.

  12. No not confused, talking about ET. If you watch the meeting you can listen to Will talk about the guys he has talked to, but no names, just someone in the trade. Have been given numbers to do work without Plans just there word it will work. Plus all this work has to go out for bid doesn't it. But you need a Plan first.Not one on the back of a napkin

    1. Answer one question for me, halfway. Where do you think the money for 252 is going to come from?? After the week we went through trying to avoid shutting the town down, just who do you guys think is going to vote any extra money into the project we have spent too much money on already?? Say some how this happens, what are the chances of a new school being built?? There just is not enough money to run the town, and keep the school people happy as it is. Maybe this is the true master plan? To run the town into the ground, that is the old story I heard. Well, that may just happen!! It will come out in the wash. Bev.

    2. HUTH, there isn't approval to go forth and make ET building a town hall. The vote on Article 6 is a citizens petition to sell the building. The town has to vote on selling it or waiting until the building can be fully assessed for its value as it is a huge asset to the town. The town needs to assess all the town buildings and make a plan to either utilize them for town projects or sell them. I believe a new committee was just formed in order to do this. If that committee sees ET building as a way to get out of paying rent, then it will go to the town to vote to use CPA money to make repairs to the building. Please refrain from making this topic a 252 Baldwinville Rd. vs. ET school because it is not. ET building could be used for many needs the town has. It could even generate income. Voting on Article 6 has NOTHING to do with voting on starting up the 252 Baldwinville Rd. project. Please understand that. 252 Baldwinville Rd. project isn't a bad idea. But, there isn't funding for it right now. Its not to say that in two or three years the town will be better off financially and can afford the project. But, a new elementary school needs to be funded and built first. And, if we can get out of renting office space by utilizing a town-owned building using funding that is available, why would anyone be against that? This is a perfect example of how certain people in town use issues to make it a battle. This isn't one group against another. The town cannot afford to entertain personal battles. The town and its voters has to think logically and find ways to act responsibly with finances. Plain and simple. If the people who are pushing 252 Baldwinville Rd. project truly wanted to do something positive for the town, they would support finding space in a town owned building to get out of paying rent and work toward raising funds to build a new town hall several years in the future. But, for some reason this is not what they choose to put their energy towards. Instead, they misinform the public with fuzzy math, degrade town owned property and submit citizens petitions to sell property out of spite. You seem like an intelligent person. I'm sure you can comprehend all this correctly. So, please do not add to the misinformation and put your ideas and thoughts towards helping the town and voting on what is financially responsible.

    3. Very good points, Templetonian!! There are those certain few who keep fanning the flames & saying this is just a battle between 2 opposing sides. They are the major dividers of this town. The problems we face are way much more than that & these tactics seem to be an attempt to derail all the good that has been done by the current BOS to lift us up & get out from under all this debt that was piled on top of the taxpayers that was pushed through by a small segment years ago. Also, I have never understood why we have been paying High rent for so many years when we have always had the space for those offices in other town owned buildings. I think of how much money was wasted in rent when we didn't have to do that. I also think that people should remember the nice space we had in the Otter River school that mysteriously got burned down around the time 252 was proposed. It would have been wonderful for offices (some were located there once). This building was also supposed to be full of mold as a reason that this bidg shouldn't be used? Watch for these overblown claims for ET school because there are a few who do not want that bldg to work. I believe that this reason is a good excuse to get rid of a perfectly good building otherwise. Contrary to what some may say, mold can be cleaned up & would cost a lot less than getting a loan for another structure that would likely be built inferior to those that were constructed years ago. And with all these regulations we have now, it stifles progress, is very costly & defies sensibility even if there are repairs that need to be done. It could work out nicely on a limited budget until some of our outstanding loans were paid down. Many people these days are so spoiled, in my opinion, that they want everything new & won't settle for anything less no matter how much financial trouble it gets them into. I feel that it is the same thinking that got us into near bankruptcy in town. Anyway, Templetonian has laid out many good options to look at that would save us money so we could get back on our feet before we try to plunge into something we cannot handle right now. ET would be great for those offices we now have in a bldg that is rented. What kind of wonderful space is that? Those offices do not impress me for the money we lay out for them. We need to use what we have that is already paid for & not incur any more needless debt at this time. Full agreement with you. Thanks for such sensible options & for all your well written blogs, Templetonian. Have a good night!

  13. To the Truth, how will we pay for this, please explain and how much will it cost?

  14. I have to be honest I have read and read and asked and asked and I don't have the first clue as to how to vote on the 252 or ET projects. Both will cost money ~ CPA funds can be used for ET yes, but all of it? Either way it will cost some funds to complete. It is hard to read between all the lines. I will say that if I am not mistaken after reading way to much tonight that there is a loan on that building and I thought it was for 700K? No one will pay that for that building in this real estate market, so if the offers come in anything lower than what is owed .... what happens then? The town is paying for that and it's not even something the town owns any longer? Just a question not jumping to any conclusions here please and thank you. I am not on any "side" I just really want to vote the best way for the town. Where will the rest of the funds come from when the CPA cannot cover the cost for ET also? Thanks.

  15. Hi Diane- It is very confusing and I suspect many do not have all the correct information and will not vote for what is best for the town. I just hope there will be discussion on the floor which will be clear and easy to understand. While it would be nice to have a new town hall at 252 Baldwinville Rd, there isn't enough money to fund it. The town would have to borrow money to pay for it. While some may say "so what" my own opinion is that the only money the town should be borrowing money for is to fund the new elementary school building project. I feel that is a need and a priority over a new town hall. The town will more than likely lose money on the sale of 252. Many feel this location will be a good site to have a business and get it back on the tax roll. I agree with that, however, I personally feel this would make a great location for a new police/safety complex a few years down the road. Not everyone agrees with my opinion. But, seeing how hard it was to find land for the new elementary school and a town hall, I don't think the town should sell ANY property until the new committee that was just formed to evaluate all town property and buildings has time to review all the assets and gives their recommendation on which property to keep and reuse and what property would be best to sell.

    Regarding former ET school...CPC money would more than cover needed preservation upgrades to the building. There are two "phases" of repairs needed. The first would just be to stabilize the building and prevent further deterioration. This will maintain equity in the building and either give the town an opportunity to repurpose it or retain its value for sale. The second phase would be to make repairs to reuse the building for a town need--whether the town can use it to move offices out of 690 Pats Rd and get out of paying rent on office space or to use it as a community center or meeting hall or even rent it out and generate income. Personally, I feel it has too much value to the town (financially and historically) to sell it off without evaluating reusing it. CPC money could cover all these costs and the town would not have to pay it back. Its a very realistic solution.

    Here's where I think people are sadly confused...the vote tonight is not to decide where to put town offices and choose between the two locations. One vote is to reform a group to move forward with the 252 project. One vote is to sell ET. I plan on voting no on both as I do not feel a town hall project is what the town should be putting its money or energy towards right now. Maybe 2 or 3 years down the road the town can raise funds to complete the project. I would like to keep the ET property as I think it can meet some needs the town has as well as to preserve town history. What is confusing to me is why the people pushing for the 252 project aren't supporting saving ET. If the town offices could be moved into ET saving money, wouldn't that help the town's finances and then the town hall project could happen a couple years from now? Once the elementary school project is finished, the town will have TC school and Bvlle school as surplus buildings available to reuse or sell. Plus, the town will have Scout Hall available as soon as the senior center moves into its new home in a couple of months. It just seems irresponsible to sell any town property without proper evaluation and a 5-10 yr plan made. Many do not share my opinion. But, I'm only offering it to help find the best solution that benefits the whole town. Here's to hoping the meeting tonight will be civil!

  16. Thank you for all that information all in one place. I hope also that there will be discussion on town floor so others understand. I appreciate the time you took to put that all down for me. See you this evening.
