Friday, October 18, 2013

Open Meeting Law

Open Meeting Law


The following meeting has been scheduled:

OCTOBER  10, 2013

6:00 p.m.



Templeton , MA 01436

Susan Varney
Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Narragansett Regional School District
(978) 939-5661

Sent: Thursday, October 10, 2013 9:17:48 PM
Subject: tesbc meeting

            This is to inform you and the district that the elementary school building committee is a town committee appointed by the selectmen. It is NOT a district committee therefore all of its meeting postings have to go on the town clerk bulletin board and the town web site. The meetings must be posted 48 hours prior to the meeting taking place. This was not done for the meeting held Thursday, October 10, 2013. This is an open meeting violation! Posting on the district website alone does not meet the open meeting law requirements. Please make Ruth Miller aware of this. Also there are two (2) bills from Strategic Building solutions that will not be paid at this time. All spending of monies from the feasibility study must be vetted through the selectmen prior to being spent. The town cannot afford to waste this money. The selectmen must be informed so the funds can be tracked. Once again, this is a town project and NOT a district project! To top it off, the conference room at 690 Patriots road was never reserved by the committee. This must also be done to ensure there is no over lap from two or more committees.


Jeffrey Bennett


  1. Down hear on the lower forty where my six years of education have seen me through life, I'm thinkin. It seems the more education you get the less thinkin gets done.

    1. Lower forty, that is what I was thinking the other night. It seems what is good for the goose is good for the gander. I think that is how it goes. Bev.

    2. Oh Puffy and Dianne, I am so sorry, I have had my time filled up helping my grand daughter. Is this what you have been carrying on about? Seems people should do things right the first time, then there would be no problem . By the way, I am a older woman who does not need anyone to tell me what to do. I am more than able to think for myself, thank you. Oh by the way, this was the second time the S.C. ran a illegal meeting. Two in a row ! Maybe they will get it right, gee I hope so. Bev.

  2. I was not carrying on about you not coming to the meeting. They did post it correctly as I verified that before I posted on the blog. I COMPLETELY understand about family and priorities and you have to get them straight. I was carrying on about the fact that it seems to be difficult to make a phone call and ask for information before disruptions are done. But I guess complaints can only be filed if people show up to make the complaint in person. Again, it's never gonna end is it. I also do not need to be told what to do and people here seem to enjoy carrying on about that too correct? It's sad, just sad. Gansett Greatness put all our our energies into what we felt was best and now we will continue with what we wanted to begin all along. Advocacy for our district snd our community.
