Friday, October 18, 2013

Seeing problems from both sides of the fence

Seeing problems from both sides of the fence

Keith Kent

To the Editor:

In two recent editorials published by The Gardner News, the discussion about the building located at 252 Baldwinville Road in Templeton that was purchased for the purpose of building a town hall has been vicariously filled with interesting exchanges. As usual in my community, and as expected sadly, the scenario of, “If you’re not for us, you must be against us,” instead of, can two sides come to a mutual agreement, has seemingly taken yet once again a dark foothold and left yet another print that continues to soil the soil of our community.

Due to the fact that I raised valid points, it was immediately stated on a certain electronic propaganda site that I hang out at the bars, only listen to members of a local great charitable organization, and other falsehoods. I ask, is this how you heal a community in need of both social and moral rebuilding? I would like to thank these people for this, as this kind of communication, or lack thereof, only continues to prove my point about Templeton being a town divided, sadly in to four village quarters, and two opposing sides. For the record, especially as an Independent voter, I am neither connected or affiliated with any political party or political stance in the town of Templeton. Despite claims to the contrary, I am neutral and see problems on both sides of the fence.

Chairman of the Selectmen Jeffrey Bennett has stated in his rebuttal to my editorial that we should ask the U.S. Post Office as the citizens of Templeton why we have three zip codes and three post offices. Well, I am sorry sir, but while the USPS is responsible for that, they are not responsible for the level hostility that yet continues to amass from the both the perspective of, “I don't live in Templeton, I live in one of four villages,” and  “if you not for us, you must be against us”  political mentality.

Mr. Bennett states as for the building at 252 Baldwinville Road that “there is no asking price, and the BOS retains the right to reject any and all bids.” Did you just read between the lines in that statement? Note, it was not mentioned that they also retain the right to sell the structure for what ever or how ever little they want if they decide to. With roughly $700,000 in town funds that is currently invested in to the building, why would you sell if for $400,000 at a $300,000 loss to the residents of Templeton. This if potentially completed, would do nothing more than created more divided in Templeton, and I fear some day it will reach a community scale version of the Grand Canyon. As for people offering to try to offer labor for free, there is nothing bad about it if can be done,  and just like peace, give it a chance. If it doesn't pan out, then you get to say you gave it a chance. It’s that simple.

While I have lived in Templeton, I have seen both in the past and up to current times, a selectman recall election, police having to stand between selectmen and the citizens at a town meeting on the public access channel (I got called a liar for that also by way). Also, a chair of the selectmen stated he would jump out a window for a $400,000 sale of a building that has $700,000 plus in to it while not mentioning the BOS has a legal right to sell it for as little as they want if they see fit even though it took a town vote to approve the money for purchase, and a previous chair of the selectmen stated on her own in electronic media that the town of Templeton was “financially gang raped,” offending both many community women and men a like.

A selectman resigned her position due to threats which she feared both due to potential financial legal costs and physical harm, and while I respect their rights to their opinions, I have heard key community figures tell me that they felt it would be best to have the state of Massachusetts take over our school system, and a plethora of other tragic events that has many other surrounding communities just shaking their heads at Templeton.

If I were a young impressionable child and I watched many adults act like this, would I now grow up thinking it was the normal way to conduct myself?

I respect the individual right to freedom of speech, as all gave some and some gave all for us to have that right. But just because we have a right to say something, doesn't always mean we should. I bring up our problems as a community not because I hate it, but because I care about it. Unfortunately it is easier to try to tarnish than to try to work together for a mutual benefit.

Keith Kent



  1. Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    Vote Mitchell for Selectman!

  2. I agree with you Mr. Kent! Great letter! I have become less confident that the town can bridge the divide. By this I don't mean that everyone has to agree, just be respectful and recognize that there are different solutions to problems. We need to be objective and make the best decision. Not throw one or another out just because "they" are suggesting it. Unfortunately, it is very apparent, when reading the blog, that the "divide" continues to exist and thrive because so much energy is being into put maintaining it. It has to be a "we win" - "they lose" situation. This is what is dragging the town down....just my opinion...

  3. It has to be the FLUORIDE in the water it is making the town loopy

    1. I seriously doubt we could get what we have into 252 by selling it, at least not in this economic climate. Mr. Skelton and his followers spent more than it was worth from the start. Why they would do that is beyond me. Making the payments takes away from the things the town really needs, at a time when there is nothing extra. The idea to sell this disaster is a good one, tax money, maybe some jobs and one less bill to pay will make the situation better for everyone. It would be interesting to see if the plan would include the roof that was such a problem in the beginning. It will come out in the wash. Oh yes, I spoke to a couple of older women yesterday, and when I mentioned 252 one said, We voted no to that already! Like I told her No has very little meaning anymore. Bev.

  4. Truth you would know more about making an ASS of yourself than anyone i have read about! We all shine a little brighter thanks to you. Thanks again everyone for the votes to keep Templeton SAFE!!!!!!!!!
    Proud Templeton Highway Worker!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Why were the restriction to see all of 252 put up?
    Question why we weren't allowed to see the storage areas. What was the smell,could it be the chemicals saturated in the floors previously stored there? Are we not allowed to see the full building in a open house walk through?
    I would call that a partly closed house or a come see what we want you to see.
    When they tell us the cost to repair the E.T building do they speak the truth?
    They tell/told you what they wanted to get what they want. That is the truth!!!!!
    Lies were told about the recall to get what they wanted and now the same are up to it again and would say anything to get you to back them again. E.T. would do just fine as a Town hall and won't need the 40 year loan they would use to repair 252 we can't afford. The roof alone is a 1/2 million to fix. Don't trust the ones that hide behind a caution tape!
    Many who came to see the E.T school were wondering why the building was not being used now instead of paying rent like we are now!

    1. I have been reading for the past few weeks refraining from posting, I knew I would vote yes...and what I summize is equivalent to Don Henley's "Dirty Little Secrets" song...I swear, it could be Templeton's anthem and played at every meeting....

      Dirty little secrets
      Dirty little lies
      We got our dirty little fingers in everybody's pie
      We love to cut you down to size
      We love dirty laundry

      We can do "The Innuendo"
      We can dance and sing
      When it's said and done we haven't told you a thing
      We all know that Crap is King
      Give us dirty laundry!

      The point I am making goes along with this post...We as a town need to move on to the future and stop the two-sided fighting of "we win -- you lose" antics...It solves NOTHING! Instead of learning through history, many seem to thrive on it! We should be discussing the future and how do we bring revenue into this town before we need to raise taxes again next year. UGHHH it is very disappointing and frustrating to read the same old - same old tactics voiced through repeated posts

    2. This is exactly why we need a new face on the BOS and not someone from this or that side. It is an opportunity to move forward...not remain in the "we win-you lose" antics as you stated. Interestingly, my daughter just said to me "Are you on that Templeton blog again? Why? It just spawns hatred!"

  6. Simpletonian,

    I hope you attend the Special town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Thank you for supporting the town by voting yes to the override. It was not an easy decision for many people.

    When I end my posts with the phrase "Remember the past for a better future." I mean just that. We need to remember what transpired, how it transpired so the actions that have harmed the town do not happen that the town will not have zero reserves and tons of debt both of which hamper the town's ability to grow and prosper. It IS all about the money. Money spent wisely to provide needed services to residents of Templeton.

    The actions and decisions of prior boards of selectmen are in my opinion directly responsible for zero reserves and tons of debt. I was a member of those boards and have spoken out on numerous occasions on the folly of using free cash and stabilization funds for O&M costs.

    I believe the current BOS and its leadership can correct the mistakes of the past, but you have to understand the mistakes of the past to correct them. The town has changed town coordinators, town accountants and town treasurers,as well as new leadership on the advisory board - the town's financial team is making great strides in
    restoring the financial solvency of Templeton. More people have been attending BOS meetings which is a good thing. In my opinion the BOS needs more people to attend meetings to hold us accountable as well as make suggestions for the betterment of Templeton.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Remember the past, to ensure a better future.

    1. Very well said, Mrs. Farrell. There are those who really don't understand how serious of an issue this is. Many are NOT understanding AT ALL that this is anything but simply a feud between "two sides". They obviously don't know what truly happened to get us into this mess & that it is correct that we can Never go down that road again with blind faith in any of our leaders. And as you so aptly point out, yourself included, as you have said on a number of occasions. Thanks for doing your very best to get this town back on it's feet. Have a great day.
