Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Town could see larger presence on school board

Town could see larger presence on school board

Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

BARRE — A growing population in Hubbardston could provide the town with more seats on the Quabbin Regional School Committee as part of proposed changes to the district’s regional agreement, and several public forums have been scheduled to discuss the possible updates.

“Based on the 10-year census, Hubbardston has grown,” said committee Chairman Mark Brophy.

The school district’s regional agreement is nearly 30 years old. Having been approved in 1985, it predates the Massachusetts Educational Reform Act of 1993.

“It’s outdated and it needs to be changed and updated,” Mr. Brophy said.

Under the current regional agreement, all five of the district’s member communities must approve certain items of business that do not necessarily have an impact on schools in the other member towns.

“There some odd things in there, that’s all,” Mr. Brophy said.

Changes to the agreement could also mean Hubbardston will have four seats instead of three on the 14-member committee.

“Barre has lost some of it’s population. It’s still the greater (in size), but that’s one thing that is under analysis,” Mr. Brophy said. “Do you give Barre a four configuration along with four for Hubbardston?”

Currently, Barre gets five votes, Hubbardston and Hardwick get three, Oakham gets two and New Braintree gets one.

The committee’s regional agreement subcommittee may also propose increasing the number of members on the committee to 15, according to Mr. Brophy.

“That’s another issue that we’re looking at — dealing with the weighted voting and how many members,” he said. “You could conceivably add a member and make it a 15 — that’s negotiable.”

Changes to the regional agreement must be approved by all the member communities at their town meetings.

“I’m hopeful that if we can get this done by January — which be wonderful — that the school can vote a recommendation then it would have to go to the towns,” he said. “I’m hopeful we can get done and have a better workable document.”

The Hubbardston Board of Selectmen will be meeting with representatives from the school committee at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday in the Slade Building.

The school committee hosted a forum on the regional agreement changes on Sept. 26. Information about additional meetings and the regional agreement review will be on the school district’s website,

1 comment:

  1. Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    Vote Mitchell for Selectmen
