Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Voters OK $620K override in Templeton

Voters OK $620K override in Templeton

Town had faced 30-percent municipal budget cuts to fund school assessment
Kerry O'Brien
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — By a 958-736 margin, the nearly 1,700 voters who turned out at the polls for Tuesday’s special election approved the Board of Selectmen’s requested $620,000 Proposition 2 1/2 override.

The funding was sought to provide an additional sum for the Narragansett Regional School District’s budget and reinstate town employees’ hours while staving off major cuts to town services.

“We’d like to see it pass and see the town get the resources they need,” said voter Bob Tremblay. “We don’t have kids, so the school is not a priority to us, but the things we all invest in are. We all live in town, we share a common interest.”

The selectmen requested the override after Templeton and Phillipston voters at an Aug. 22 joint town meeting approved providing Narragansett with its full budget request for the current fiscal year.

That increased Templeton’s assessment by approximately $561,000 over what had initially been approved, with the town obligated to provide the additional funding.

Templeton voters had previously rejected providing the school district with its full assessment through an override. Tuesday’s request was brought forward to avoid significant cuts to town departments, which would otherwise have been needed to fund the school budget.

“Voters voted down the school budget more than once,” said Steve Schroeder. “I decided to vote ‘yes’ because I don’t want to lose services and I saw that there was a potential ... I voted ‘yes,’ but I’m not happy about it.”

At the Advisory Board’s recommendation, the select board had all town departments prepare for 30-percent cuts in the event Tuesday’s override failed.

“It means that there won’t be any cuts to services and the school will get their budget,” said Selectman Kenn Robinson following the vote.

For the Police Department, the override’s failure would have meant cutting four full-time officers and losing station coverage between 2 a.m. and 10 a.m..

“I think it’d be very unfortunate what could have happened if the highway and police departments were under-manned,” said Police Officer Ed Holden, who has worked for the department seven years and was among the potential cuts. “There would be no one to plow the roads, no police to respond first to medical calls in the middle of the night because the fire department is on call. I think (the vote) went in the direction to get the town back to where we should be.”

“I’m glad they came out for us,” said Police Officer Robert Fagundes, who also could have lost his position. “(I’m) ecstatic.”

A Special Town Meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Oct. 23 at Narragansett Middle School, as state law requires the town meeting to approve where the funding raised through the override will be allocated.

The selectmen are asking voters to approve using the $620,000 to give Narragansett its $561,000 and provide approximately $60,000 to reinstate full-time employees’ hours that were cut in 2012.


  1. This worked once but it will not work again. I really hope people have learned they have to attend meetings and vote or their voice is lost. If there had been a larger presence at the town meeting with Phillipston, we would have avoided all this upset to this town. Some think this is a show of support for the school. Sorry but in my eyes this was a sign of support for the people who work in our town. I do not want to go through this again. Please vote on the 23rd. Bev.

  2. Bev,
    If the JTM vote had gone differently, meaning a no vote for the school budget, why would that have been better? A no vote at the JTM would have resulted in program cuts as well as teachers and administrators losing their jobs. Why would that have been better? Why is it better for people who work at the school to lose their jobs? Just like town employees, those people are husbands and wives, mothers and fathers too. Whether or not a teacher/administrator lives in this town, they are still part of our commUNITY because they work with and for OUR children. So why is it more favorable for them to lose their jobs than town employees? As far as I'm concerned, nobody should be losing their job or having their hours cut. Period.

    So in the interest of UNITY can we please stop pointing fingers, rehashing the past and move forward together?

    Still trying to tear down walls and build bridges,

    1. Gina, lets put it this way, we all have our opinion and this is mine. In not too many years past we had a couple of Superintendents at the school who understood the position the town was in. They agreed to make adjustments to the budget to cut the town some slack. You can ask Mrs. Kasper about this fact. A person called the action the school took "going nuclear." I took that to mean this action was reserved for a emergency situation. Now the town is in dire straights, and working to get ourselves out of the financial hole other administrations put us iin. So knowing this from the very start, wouldn't it have been a better option for the school to help out, maybe level fund the teachers, make adjustments to the budget or do anything at all to help out?? Especially knowing the school is looking for more money for a feasibility study, and are looking forward to a new school??? So why on earth would you spit in the face of those that pay your way, just because you could. The people who work for the town have done more to help the town get on its feet, than any other group. The school was more than ready to hang them out to dry. The difference between town workers and the school people is the town had no place left to cut. Absolutely no place!!! People were afraid, and that is sad. The town people went without, because they cared what happened to their town. So do not hand the tired old song "its for the kids" because they had to go through the last few weeks with a parent who maybe was not going to have a job, or get out of the yard to get to work. These were not empty threats! Gansett Greatness had the power to tell Ms. Miller no when she said that middle school sports were going to be gone. They were not smart enough to use the power they had, and that is too bad. The town only has so much money to spend every year, so maybe people need to learn to share. So if you do not agree Miss Gina, then we must agree to disagree. Just for the record, this game had not better go on next year. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Bev

    2. So Bev, your not going to respond to the fact that Julie sent you to attempt to break up a perfectly legal meeting? Your not going to respond to being completely wrong? Your not going to respond to continuing to attempt to drive the wedge deeper & widen the divide between school & town? Your not going to respond to DHB blatently calling you out??

      You are one of the people perpetuating the problem. How can you continue to sh*t on the SC when you obviousely dont know how they work, because you dont go to their meetings?

      BTW, anyone wanting to see who is the problem here, please watch the video of this last SC meeting. Thats right Bev, it's all in tape!

  3. Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    I'm glad that meeting was taped!

  4. I think we can all agree that it is good the meeting was taped.. I also think we should all agree that this is Unacceptable your good buddy Mrs. Farrell...please mrs. Farrell please tell us your thoughts on this behavior from an elected official....people want to know do you approve of this behavior or Not?? Please be a leader and tell us your thoughts on this type of action... or maybe you will just twist things around but on a front and avoid the whole thing like your track record would support...cold hard truth Jules!!! : ))))

  5. Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd!

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    Mitchell for selectman!!

  6. no comments mrs. Farrell about the behavior at the school committee meeting?? please tell the community your thoughts about this matter mrs. Farrell...people want to know the truth ...............FRAUD!!!! that has a nice ring to it FRAUD FARRELL!!!! cold hard truth......oh you mean "sparky" light it up Mitchell.........You are completely out of your mind!!!!

  7. Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd!

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    Mitchell for selectman!!

    1. Cmon Mrs. Farrell please do your job and tell the community if you support Barf...sorry Bev's conduct at the School Committee meeting!! Mrs. Farrell you are representing the town of Templeton why are you not addressing this issue......A proper community leader would address this situation to help the are not addressing it because you are a ..........................................second best part..............................FRAUD!!!!!!!!!! A fraud who has gone too far to admit who and what they you keep playing this game! Well unfortunately for you people are now paying attention, yes it took a while but your time is nearly up Mrs. Farrell enjoy it because the clock is part..........................................cold hard truth jules

  8. I do not need a response Huff and Puff from anyone. I voice my opinion and concern and it really doesn't matter because it appears that the rift is there and will not end. I was once again blown away by people's attitudes at the BOS meeting last night when I handed out flyers for the Jack Frost Festival and apparently a group was complaining about wasting paper? And my name was being thrown around like it was trash. It was MY paper and that was the best thing you could say? How about what a nice idea for the town? It is extremely difficult to plan anything and want to do anything here when it's always met with sarcasm and resistance and whining and complaining. A better future...yes, we shall see.

  9. Diane this is all orchestrated by FRAUD FARRELL!!!!! this has only been going on wth her for ohhhhh 20+ years the sooner Templeton gets NEW CREDIBLE RESPECTFUL people to run it's town the better everyone will be....right Jules?? you really have dug yourself into a mess havn't you??? can't wait till the "witch hunt" (Mr. Stewert's description on tape) is viewed by the court system....I hope you have a good attorney for Templeton!! Oh wait you mean the guy who can not remember anything at a town meeting...yes that attorney!!! Jules you have completely torn this town apart from you silly little childish games...cold hard truth right jules??

  10. Diane,
    Thank you for your efforts to make the Jack Frost Festival a fun family event. For many years I have attended the tree lighting ceremonies where very few people participated. I hope the weather cooperates.

    I really liked the layout of the flyers. When the all the details are finalized, can you send an electronic copy to the BOS office? We should be able to put it on the Town's website. Thank you again for putting this event together.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd!

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    Visit 252 Baldwinville Rd and also visit the Open House at East Templeton both locations will be open for walkthroughs from 10 am to 2 pm.

    See you there!

  11. Yes I will send it. Holly asked me the same thing for the website. Thanks

  12. Yes I will send it. Holly asked me the same thing for the website. Thanks

  13. Hi Diane, Good to read your comments here again. I am sorry there are some who were disrespectful to you at that meeting especially for doing such a wonderful thing. The actions of those few does not depict or reflect the manner of people in town, when I grew up here, at all. We were always ready to help one another regardless of anyone's "standing" or what they planned to do for events.. I hope we can see more of that again. I know what it is like to be disrespected ,as you have been, trying to do something good for the town. And on the other hand, in direct opposition to those who have been attempting to smear her good name into the ground with bad comments & nasty anecdotal blogs, I can tell you I have Never been anything but helped & respected by Mrs. Farrell. She has never been condescending to me, she has always been free with a helping hand, ready to give you the information you need to make an informed choice or vote. I am not sure what the few who try to derail her have to gain by it. Although I do not know you & only know Mrs. Farrell from her years of hard work & dedication to this town, there will be those who say I am writing this blog because I am one of "her people". I am Not a member of any cliques or groups here & certainly not one of her people, so to speak. I am my own person & make my own choices!!. As you said Diane, of yourself, you make your own decisions after much thought & research. I, too, make my own decisions based on what I see much more than what I hear. Thanks for all your hard work to make Templeton better, as well. I hope this event you are planning will be a success. I also hope you & Julie get more of the respect you deserve. However, I believe you already get that from those who know you both & the goodness each of you have shared with Many!! Thank you for your efforts at making Templeton better & showing more the kindness I remember from many years ago. These are my opinions based on my life in town. Have a great weekend everyone.

    1. You're welcome. I am trying to stop all the negativity in my life and really read around that here so I can get the facts and be able to make the best decisions when I vote or campaign for others. As I see it in many circles you can do one wrong thing and it seems to erase all the good that you have done. In my opinion it's hard for me to post exactly how I feel about certain things because I am not on one side or another and I see that based on other posts it's construed that way. For instance I may think selling ET is a great idea and keeping 252 is the way to go....OMG I will be totally brought down for that. I am not saying that is what I am thinking because I made a post on another page that I am unsure because I don't think I know all the facts. I would absolutely push for the "nuclear option" again as Julie calls it if I felt that was needed. I would also push for an override again if that was needed. Again...OMG I might be brought down for that too. These are my beliefs they don't have to be yours and I respect that. I am going to make my own choice as I see and feel best about based on what I have read and what I have asked about. I am going to try to keep the negative stuff out and just concentrate on the positive. Pollyanna I know, but it's all I know how to be. I read all that is written here even when I don't speak and I will continue to do so. I wish the name calling and all that would stop so we could have productive and thoughtful conversation more often. But, again everyone is entitled to freedom of speech and their opinion. I hope everyone comes to town meeting as all the articles on the warrant are very important.

  14. isteach you are a self proclaimed "arm chair quarterback" to town politics (your own prior post) Start paying attention to ALL the details and procedures it may just open your eyes to the ...........................................TRUTH!!!!

    1. Yes, I may be more on the sidelines these days but anyway regardless of what you think of my status or what you think I don't know about town govt. please tell us all what you believe the truth to be. You keep saying this over & over again, even at times yelling out this message in your blogs about the truth. So, I keep watching for your answers in full but have not seen them. If you are an active participant in town politics & not armchair quarterbacking yourself please tell us all what the truth is & what that means to you. It would be nice to see the details of what you are referring to regarding the so-called truth instead of just being angry & name calling. If you are upset for legitimate reasons why don't you list them here so others can be more sympathetic & understanding to your blogs & cause. I am not saying you don't have your reasons for being angry but I have nothing to do with it & you really have no idea how much I know & how much I pay attention. Also, if you feel there needs to be changes in policies & procedures then possibly you could run for town office to help us all find the truth. Thank you in advance for listing what the Truth is. I am sure I am not the only one who would like to see it.

    2. Thank you isteach. I appreciate your comments. I hope you have a nice rest of your weekend also. I try to live by some of these words, be a servant to others as my reward is not here it's in heaven and I am here to bless others; do unto others as you would want them to do unto you; speak kindness and always remember that I do not know what is going on in another's life so I should not be critical or harsh as they may be having more than just a bad day. Thanks again!

    3. You're very welcome, Diane! I can tell you live by those time honored principles. It would be nice if everyone used that good old Golden Rule. If they did we would not have any or hardly any troubles. Good thoughts from you, as well. Take good care of yourself & thank you for all you have done in town to make things better.

  15. Another EMPTY rant. Truthless!!!!!!!

    1. I agree. There are STILL no substantive examples of anything that is professed to be the truth.
