Friday, October 4, 2013

Town Hall Meeting …Part 3

Town Hall Meeting …Part 3

OCTOBER 15, 2013---11 a.m. to 7 p.m.

How will YOU and all TOWNSPEOPLE be affected by the pending 30% Budget Cuts to Town Services?? The following Departments will be adversely affected:

POLICE: Reduction of Police coverage from 24 hours a day to 16 hours a day. There will be an EIGHT -HOUR PERIOD with NO police coverage-from 2 am until l0 am. FOUR full-time officers will be laid off November 1. Full-time Detective and School Resource Officer positions will be eliminated to cover patrol. Police EMERGENCY calls will be referred to the State Police when no Templeton officers are on duty. Response time WILL DEPEND GREATLY ON STATE POLICE AVAILABILITY.

FIRE/EMS: Reduction of full-time staffing for EMS and fire calls, resulting in mutual aid from other communities-when available-resulting in loss of revenue. Reduction in overall services such as inspections, smoke detector, C02 detectors, and emergency response to motor vehicle accidents and fire calls.

HIGHWAY: THREE full-time laborer/truck drivers will be laid off; Administrative Assistant reduced to 24 hours. These cuts will adversely affect plowing, sanding and salting, ice removal from roads and sidewalks, and road sweeping creating safety issues and delays for commuters and pedestrians as well as school opening delays. MACHINERY MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT will not be adequately funded. WHEN FUNDS RUN OUT, VEHICLES FROM HIGHWAY, FIRE/EMS, AND POLICE WILL BE TAKEN OUT OF SERVICE.

CEMETERY: THREE laborers positions and part-time administrative assistant will be laid off. Will not be able to adequately maintain cemeteries, parks, and ball fields. Will be unable to do snow removal for Town buildings. Office will be closed and calls sent to answering machine.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT/CERT TEAM: Programs will not be funded.

BOARD OF HEALTH: Office open only TWO days a week. Loss of grant revenue, bulky and hazardous waste collection, timely inspections and plan reviews, and delay in complaint response time.

ANIMAL CONTROL: (K-9): Funding greatly reduced or eliminated.

BUILDING: Office open only TWO days a week. Building Inspector available 14 hours a week; Administrative Assistant 17 V2 hours a week. Inspections for wood stoves, safety inspections and building codes, and complaint responses greatly delayed.

TAX COLLECTOR: ELIMINATION of Assistant Tax Collector. Office will be open only THREE days a week from Sam to 2 pm.

TOWN CLERK: ELIMINATION of Assistant Town Clerk. Office will open only THREE days a week from Sam to 2 pm.

BOYNTON PUBLIC LIBRARY: ELIMINATION of TWO Library Assistants. Hours cut to just 212 days a week. Eliminations of programs such as Story Hour, Class Visits, and Summer Reading. Library certification will be in jeopardy; if lost, current Templeton residents will NOT be allowed to access other 1ibrarys through the Inter-library loan system.


Informational flyer sponsored by: Templeton Police Union, Templeton Highway Union, and Templeton Firefighter's Association.

The information flyer was provided at the Town hall meeting held in the Kiva on October 2, 2013. The meeting was sparsely attended but was recorded and will be shown on Channel 8.

The override process was explained. The override is a permanent increase in taxes. There is no legal way to request a 1-year increase to fund town-operating expenses. It must be done through a permanent increase in taxes – an override. The override vote scheduled for October 15, 2013 is for the TOWN OF TEMPLETON. – to provide the funds so public safety
positions will be preserved in Templeton.
Templeton has lost many good, qualified employees over the years. It takes time and money to train employees. When these employees leave they take the training with them and Templeton starts the process over. In these times of budget uncertainty, no one can blame Templeton employees for leaving. It is estimated that the cost of fully training a police officer is $50,000. If the Override fails, Templeton loses 4 full time officers.

Police officers Rosengren and Fagundes both of who will be affected by the override, made the presentation on behalf of the Police department. Questions arose about the necessity of the School resource officer (SRO). The SRO position was originally funded with a grant. The SRO is in a position to alleviate cyber bullying and deal with the increase in student use/abuse of prescription drugs.

Highway Superintendent Bud Chase described the impact of a 30% reduction for the highway department. The ability to clear roads in the winter will be impacted. Clearing school parking lots will be a low priority. Sidewalk plowing will be the lowest priority. There is $125,000 budgeted for Snow & Ice Removal. Snow & Ice budget can be deficit spent, but any amount over $125,000 comes out of next year’s operating budget. If the override fails, expect a very different Snow & Ice policy in Templeton.

Cemetery Superintendent Alan Mayo, detailed the impact of the budget cuts to the cemetery department. In 2012 there were 6 laborers working for the Cemetery department, if the override fails there will be two employees left in the department to handle all of maintenance of the cemeteries and burials, playgrounds and parks. There will not be enough manpower to maintain all of the parks in addition to the cemeteries – burials will take priority. Grant writing to repair monuments and tombs will not be done.

Fire Chief Ray LaPorte spoke on behalf of Fire/EMS. The budget cuts to Fire/EMS will, in effect, be close to 45%. These cuts will result in longer response times. Longer response times equate to bad outcomes. If the override fails, they “will do the best they can”. All of our departments “will do the best they can”.  The failure of the override will break apart the community.

Past overrides were to fully fund the school budget (April 30th and June 25th). This override is for the TOWN of TEMPLETON.

Please support the override. Please VOTE YES!

My opinions…supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell


  1. This list is much longer and affects many more departments and facets of town operations than simply the police and highway depts. Many have stated they don't care if the police and highway are cut. It won't affect them. Well, this list seems to affect every aspect of town services as well as every citizen living here. Children and adults lose library services. Seniors lose their new facility and their services. Forget trying to do business in town if offices won't be open. I've also heard people say the BOS have to stop excessive spending and pet projects. The excessive spending stopped with the change of the Board over two years ago. No pet projects exist in my opinion. There are citizens who want to revive the 252 Baldwinville Rd. project. But they do not sit on the Board. And I doubt asking the town to BORROW 2 million dollars right now would even pass. Especially with a looming elementary school project coming in the spring. I'd rather spend money on that project than a "pet project" town hall that isn't an immediate need. The CERT team will be affected. That may have no initial concern to some, but these volunteers are there when disaster strikes, are there to handle crowd control during festivals, elections and other town events. It is a VITAL part of our community.

    A lot of people are demanding to bring new business into town. How do you market a town that has poor road conditions, parks and other common areas that are unkept, town departments that are only open a few hours a week, town owned property that is falling apart, a lack of public safety officials patrolling the area, and overall poor morale? If someone can market that, my hat is off to you! Others have asked why certain projects like the Mall at exit 19 and the Temple/Stewart property aren't being shopped around for business. Both properties are caught up in legal battles. With the exit 19 project--a resident didn't want the mall in their backyard. So, they are bringing up legal issues regarding environmental restrictions which are stalled in court. The Temple-Stewart property is a Superfund brownfield, not suitable for any development and is also stuck in legal battles as the owner is in jail. McLean's hospital tried to come here and open a business, but residents ran them out of town. If anyone has ideas on how to attract business to town, ones that residents will want in their backyard, please share them with the town. All ideas are very needed.

    In my opinion, anyone who wants business to come to town should vote YES on the override and invest in the town operations to continue to function. Anyone interested in maintaining the equity in their property should vote YES and invest in the town operations to continue to function. Who wants to buy a house in a town that doesn't have passable roads or emergency services at the ready when needed? Or a library? Or a senior center? Or functioning town offices? People cannot demand town officials plan and fix the financial situation and then turn around and vote no on the override. You have to do your part to help to fix the problem too. Costs of everything has gone up. My grocery bills has gone up $50 a week buying the exact same items. The town cannot operate at 1998 levels with 2013 costs. Be responsible and be a part of the solution by voting YES.

  2. Good Morning, I completely agree with all that has been stated in the article and in your comments Templetonian and let me add a couple of other points. I see and hear that many cannot afford an increase in their taxes due to inflation and the cost of everything going up and it's the same as you stated ~ the town has been affected through all the years too and we absolutely cannot continue to run a town with 1998 funding levels in this day and age. Look around at all we have lost and now if we lose all this too? It will be a shame to have a senior center AND a library that cannot be used. The personnel that have been dedicated through the years will be lost and their very financial lives are at stake. They have families and homes and bills to pay also and even though we may not want our tax base increased, they will lose so much more. You cannot cut your way out of a hole, you have to build it and this a good place to start and continue.

    One item I am concerned about is how the ballot is worded that about the regional schools and the municipal government and the citizens may believe that if they vote "no" then the school will not get their funding. That is completely inaccurate and has not really been explained enough. At the Joint Town Meeting the funding was voted in and if the override does not pass, the regional school district still will have their budget. The funds that go to the district come directly out of the town budget in the amount of $561,000 (I believe that is the correct figure). If the override passes the town then can continue to operate and the additional funding is to give the employees back their HOURS not raises. They do not want raises, they want their JOBS and they should be able to keep them. We need to be sure we tell our family, neighbors and friends about the ballot question and what exactly it means. We need to share what will happen at the Special Town Meeting also.

    If the override fails, we will go to the Special Town Meeting and WE the legislative body will decide what cuts will be made and where. Perhaps it will be 50% from the police department and 20% from the Highway. Perhaps it will be to cuts various town offices and keep the police and 30% from the Fire/EMS. That will truly be total chaos in my opinion, but that is how it works.

    It is true that every citizen is affected by a no vote. Those who have need for the senior center will not have it. We will close the Library and the students will not have access to an amazing resource. Yes we may have libraries in the schools, but it is totally not where our library is at and the students and the town need this resource. Another historical treasure lost. There is a lot at stake here and a no vote will crush what we have and what we need for essential services for our town.

    I urge you to vote yes for our town. Please look at the link that shows what your taxes will go up and make an informed decision for the greater good of Templeton. We all need to help one another as that is what CommUNITY is all about. We need to be more involved within the workings of the town and the needs of all, not just our own.

    Thank you Templetonian and others that speak out in favor and also not in favor as we have learned many lessons from all of you. It's time to work together to build a better future for all the citizens that are here and to bring new citizens to our town.

  3. There is still the fact that we have no guarantee that the school will not continue to increase their budget next year. And as i reviewed their budgets from fy13 and fy 14 the increase went to salary raises. Ok sure we can't go back but going forward with an override just sets the school up for more next year. Then what we raise taxes again? So how many forclosures are in town now? How many more will be due to the rise in taxes? How many unemployed do we have in town now? How many are behind in paying property taxes already? Will this override make more tax payers delinquent because they can not afford the extra? And oh yeah just a couple days ago ObamaCare went into affect, now that will have another impact of peoples pocket book, and guess what if you don't get the health care you get fined by the government. So with all this looming over our heads adding on extra property taxes now will hurt alot of pocketbooks in ways that are not gonna be good. Ok so the library will be affected, low priority to me, the school has a library and Gardner and surrounding towns do as well yes we can survive without one. This is the worse time for a tax raise with the national economy in the state that it is.

    Preserve your pocketbook VOTE NO ON ANY OVERRIDE

    1. The launch of Obamacare this week has very little effect on residents of Massachusetts as we have had this healthcare program in place for a little over 3 years now. In fact, the national program used MA program as a template. I buy my health insurance through it and have had little problems. I'm thankful for it as it was impossible to get insurance before if you didn't get it through your employer. I have issues with the cost still being too high, but some of those issues will be worked out as the national program is tweaked over the next couple of years. Obamacare has nothing to do with the budget issue in Templeton that we discuss.

      If the library has to cut its budget, it will lose its accreditation and will be dropped from the regional system. Right now, a Templeton resident can use the Gardner library, but that will end if the override does not pass. So, maybe you don't use the library, but a lot of people do. Maybe you should start. Not only do they have books, they also have DVDs, CDs and a network of online information...a wealth of knowledge and entertainment. Maybe citizens should check out some Accounting 101 books and help find a solution to the town's problems. Or maybe read about education mandates from the federal government and how they affect school budgets as well as town budgets. Find a way to lobby for changes to the laws so the school doesn't have to keep asking for more and more money. Also, a lot of community groups use the library to hold their meetings at. They will have to seek other places in the future. Its more than just a building that houses books. Its a community resource and very valuable.

      If you think voting no will protect your pocketbook, I think you will be sadly mistaken. It will cost you so much more in the long run. But, I guess some prefer to learn the hard way. Basically, it all boils down to "You get what you give". If people don't want to protect their town operations, then we'll end up with a lot of land that no one will want to move to or bring business to. I vote yes to support the town and community I love.

  4. I consider The over ride plead of reps failure in the facts , To vote over ride means to open the flood gates forever where by the property owners will be held to every increase to the whole town , most of the yes votes have affiliation with employment or other . The present town personal are not fully at fault and the school shouldn't be controlling the budget fact : is state increase as well as federal grants in employment position have over fulled the town and the last reps have empty the coffers of Templeton while they cause them selves raise and now enjoy retirements I would suggest that the town file bankruptcy !! under this there would be reconstruction control by the court a judge and debt as well as assets would be expose we all hear of the Light and water coffers having 6 million or more when this company was to act in the interest of the town people . This is not the case and the bills reflect or match nation grid , The people of Templeton should not be held hostage , they should understand the benefit of bankruptcy and the needs will be address as to essential performances , The cost of the unused building and screw ups like this The reps choice show they do not want to do the right thing " bankruptcy is the answer " / better the town they its people and that is what will happen if prop 2 1/2 is voted out we said NO 3 times so we say it again vote NO save the restriction we have to have in place as these people continue to inflate and raise the cost and you will pay and we demand bankruptcy vs this layoff let the court come to reconstruct the whole town , and then we will end much of the debt and keep 2 1/2 in place nothing can over ride it but you , If the people of Templeton fall to end the restriction every increse form now on will be issue to the property owner As things are now 60,000 need and the whole town debt is needed if they sold the building that would only work for this year increases will come over 50% of what you see now ,the state will continue to rise the school as well there will be no check or balance in place the people of Templeton will become slaves of those employed by the town Please vote NO and asked for bankruptcy protection that is the answer the federal government right now is close well so are we the federal reserved is buying back its own debt with debt cert , the feds have to raise the debt level to continue as that only pay the spent money they did not even have permission to spend / black-male , it is we the people who must create the sound town government . we must remove people who are not working for us or are out of idea's not willing to do the right thing

  5. bankruptcy nullifies the school vote ??? VOTE NO bankruptcy clears debt and en-keeping in place prop 2 1/2 work for the bankruptcy as well its law , bankruptcy exposes assents " all town assets " ; the coffers light and water ?
    l & W is it town own ?

  6. How does bankruptcy nullify a school budget or vote? Bankruptcy for the town should be an option? The people we have as elected officials are doing their jobs. Why would we ever want to put a town in that position? Oh my. *big sigh*

  7. Just to get this out there so people have a eye on the former town Selectmen!
    As the C4T got the donation of please vote yes signs i thought a good use would be to stop at all previous selectmen homes and see if they would support the override or not. I am going to go to all selectmen who live on main roads and talk and ask to put the signs on their front yards. This tells the voters who supports and who does not!
    Guess where i went first! Echo hill Better Half was willing with open arms to help and support what i had to offer for a sign.
    After i explained to Carol who i was she said the town needs to come together and solve the problems. I agree with her and then The enough half came out with the dog Gerry asked what the hell are you doing here. I told him and Carol agrees we could use a sign in front of the former selectmen house to support the override. I told him i just wanted the towns people to know who supports it and what former selectmen don't. G.S. Said he would vote no so that i would loose my job. So if Carol needs a EMT at 2am she can waite. I told him i was only there to put a light on the former selectmen and the way they were thinking and i will be doing it to them all. It's funny how emotions and feelings get in the way of how our town should be run. Carol and gerry were at odds and if i caused any problems with them I am Truly sorry! That was not my intention in going there. However in the end i left feeling no ill will and offered Gerry a netural ground to work on and he was less than receptive of the offer i was making. I let him know the whole purpose of the offering the sign was to help me point out in my next LTE about who supports and not!
    For Gerry to get back at me despite the town or the people in it is a true lack of leadership.He would be happy to see me get fired so he would vote no.
    Just for the record he blames me for most of the things he has had to deal with and his wife getting fired also.
    He stated the petition was to fire all the L+W people and that was another false statement of a previous BOS chairmen "Stewart". Not true either it was to abolish the commission. He seams to have a hard time with reality. Carol understands but i wonder if she can be allowed her opinion in public!
    After that nice chat with 1/2 nice and 1/2 ? I went to Bob Columbus on main sstreet otter river to see how he would greet my offer. Not home. Next stop was Baldwinville rd across from 252 property. You guessed it Dennis Obrien"s . Both Ida and Dennis were happy and proud to have the sign put out. They both are in favor of the override and also were glad i asked to put it there after explaining why i was there. At a former selectmen home to show the town the opinion of the people that live there.We talked about the 252 boondoggle and i think found some common ground. Not an easy thing in Templeton to do these days. I let him know the point is for my future letter to the editor and to put the former selectmen on the spot for the very important issue the town is now facing. My dad once told me a man either puts up or shuts up in life. I don't shut up on Templeton's issues. I put up the signs for the sole reason to show who supports and who doesn't. When it comes to the Former Selectmen on main roads we will all know when we drive by the please vote yes signs.
    Please vote yes, Templeton needs Safety

  8. Dont believe all you hear Dave, someone may agree with you face to face because they don't have a backbone to be honest. Lets just say, coniving, backstabbing, etc. is their true self

  9. in this case the people of templeton must remember oCt 29 1980 , when we voted in prop 2 1/2 The debaters argue that 2 1/2 was trick or treat , the opposition said all kinda doom and glum place adds as to losing all services , fact is The town personal has grown since 1980 no elimination , no limitation no restriction within the budget and now they want to humiliate property owner , not terminated wrong >> what do you expect when you place restriction and they engorge instead of limit the spending that is truth , personally its time to take the weight of Philips-ton off of us and have them get there own school , open the space for us That would save us $ next the debt and bankruptcy will allow pennies to pay off the loans outstanding debt . Its true the people elected before allow this its best we do it a bankruptcy now before these elected cause the consumption of there needs at the cost of our own budgets some of us may even fold they dont care you see your not safe in owning Templeton property without prop 2 /12 in place Its wrong too live to work for a hostage situation . that can be fix once and for all in bankruptcy we are first the property owners we should not copy the federal credit BS we can not afford we stated so by voteing NO NO and NO now vote NO and keep 2 /1/2

    1. WOW, & Ive been called crazy? This guy takes the cake.

  10. dave you really are the lowest of the low!! you just changed my vote from yes to no!! Now it all makes sense why you would associate with peter and Julie Farrell. bottom of the barrel looney tunes sticks together so they can feel normal.

  11. dave you are a sorry excuse for a human being you have changed my vote from yes to no with your antics... yourself Julie and peter should be completely ashamed of yourself...thank you for making it so people will truly see what type of person you really are..... Oh wait they already told you to go away once.. you barf and the Farrell's are a disgrace to templeton.. yes I have a lot of dirty laundry just waiting to share on your "buddies" was taking the high road.. Not anymore, otter river hotel meetings anyone want to hear about em??? I think they will when it's time to vote! TRANSPARENCY IS BEAUTIFUL CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR !!

  12. Dear The Truth, why would you change your vote that will help everyone because you don't like someone? I am confused, this is about our town not a few people. It is about all of us. Am I missing something? I would love to say no to many things, but then I have to take into account all the pros and cons. I am honestly just asking. The things that may have to be cut affect the town as a whole not just a select few. Please share why you would vote no other than seeking a payback of sorts? Not sure I I misunderstood your comments. Thank you for speaking here.

    1. Dianne yes you are missing something...Im not sure how well you know these people but I have for many many years. And firsthand seen the games the "click" play. for all the doubters, yes I grew up in back bay. Yes my family has lived their for more than 50 years. Yes I have witnessed the games peter and Julie play at the red onion. For the "click" .. these people are not to be trusted Dianne any one can put on a front on, you give em ur money im not.

    2. The truth, who said I believe or not believe anything anyone on this blog says? My family has lived here their whole lives, born and raised, and my Dad is over 70 and my Mummu was here long before that. I left when I got married and of course stayed in touch, but came back 13 years ago to a very different town. I have seen the shady and underhanded things that have gone on here and I am not naive. I have gone to town meeting and gotten involved since I came back and the more I see the more involved I try to become. I see what is written here and I speak to other long timers in town and I believe I know the truth. I know the "front" and I see the back stabbing and I don't like it. I make my own decisions and I don't let others tell me what to do or say. I am a positive person and I like to see the best in people. I think I am saying that many others are more involved now and have tried to have a say. I am not very popular with the community that didn't like how the school advocated for or got their money, but I would speak up and do it all over again because I believe strongly that it was needed and I put my voice and my values and my belief to action along with others. This town has needed change and higher taxes in order to sustain for some time now and yes, I know it keeps getting voted down, but it doesn't mean it's not needed. There are no guarantees in life about anything are there? I will be watching what happens at the school and with the budget and with planning things etc. I will be watching the town and the budget and what's happening and I will stay involved. So will many others. It doesn't matter who I like or who I don't like, I am not going to punish the town employees or any other citizens by voting no for services we all need. That I guess is what I was asking was why are you changing your vote because of what a person on here says that made you mad. There are 8,000 others of us that need to move forward, like you, and that need our services, like you and I will not let them down. I know higher taxes is a tough pill to swallow. I am self employed and I don't get paid unless I sell a do you think that has gone for me in a tanked real estate market? Not well I will share. It's been very hard on my family, but I will find a way to make it work. We voted for a senior center that they won't get to use. My children need the library as I cannot just afford to go buy the books they need all the time. Not only that but it teaches them so many things having a public library. I see the games, but we will hold them accountable won't we? You seem to be a smart and reasonable person and please reconsider your vote for the greater good of an entire town and let's together help build a better future for our wonderful town. Thank you for thinking about all these things and listening.

  13. Did you actually comment on someone's marriage in the above blog? I am still trying to figure out how that is a positive contribution and helpful to the matter at hand. It appears to be again Dave Smart, a post meant to continue to fuel the fire and divide the town. Individuals have the right to vote as they choose. It is an American way. You do not have to agree with them. They do not have to justify their individual vote to you or anyone in town. I do not believe there is any requirement in the USA that you must publically declare what or who you are voting for. Again that is an individual choice made for personal, professional or whatever reason. Unfortunately your rant about Gerry Skelton above and others on previous posts only serves to provoke and is not helpful or beneficial making your case for the override or any other town issue. It just serves to solidify and intensify the divide in town. Or is that your real intention?

    1. exactly! voice of reason thank you- this is the "true character" of the "click" finally people are starting to realize these people are a bunch of frauds!!!!!! keep telling your neighbors and we can take templeton back

    2. Please read dave smarts post above...We need professionalism in templeton!!! proof he is not fit for town politics!!!

  14. Dave give it a rest. You sound like a guy going to the electric chair and will do anything you can so they won't pull the switch, well guess what to late. The answer is NO VOTE NO I'll take Bev double posting any day !!

  15. Hey truth i think your all alone but for a very few or less. good luck with your personal rants.
    How anyone would take you seriously is with out your name is the question.
    Nice visit at echo hill again.

  16. hey dave if you put as much energy into creating animosity in town as to being a successful parent none of us would have to be in this position... cold hard truth

  17. Please VOTE YES on October 15th

    Please vote to preserve public safety in Templeton

  18. Obviously you don't want anyone to know about your family! People can judge me fine without your help. Why don't you leave the people you seek to hurt alone and let them decide without your empty opinions. Hide she does!
    People will draw their own conclusions fine on there own. What scares you is the facts this blog brings them for them to make up their own opinions. They read theses things not your babble! Name one thing you do for the town,If any?

  19. Please Vote Yes to Preserve Public Safety in Templeton.

  20. I never made any comments about any marriage.The truth reads into things differently. It all she has!
    Vote YES!!
    It's for you nobody else !

    1. Dave saying carol skelton is not allowed to make a comment in public, is certainly making assumptions about someone's marriage.. Stop being a Fraud, Start being honest with the people.. Either you are a complete fraud or just very very stupid! Either way no good for Templeton.

    2. Thanks truth. I thought it was pretty obvious that there was a definite comment about a marriage. Please remember to turn your filters on bloggers. Not everything you think should be posted on a blog. Can you post it? Absolutely. Whether you should or not is the question. Is it helpful? Is it hurtful? Does it make people think about an issue in a new light? Does it create more animosity or provoke? Does it bring us together?

  21. Important Information!!!!
    The three little pig have gone to market!
    All arrived safe and sound!
    Thank you Bob Mitchell

  22. Reread truth it says I'd wonder if she can. No(t')with that.I wonder if you weren't abused as a child too but that doesn't mean you were.
    Take care of yourself and start to contribute in any way you can.Try to help your neighbor and not do to them what you do here. Keep hiding your identity and they can keep laughing. I got allot of compliments today for my visits and people would like to know what the previous selectmen think. I'll go out again tonight and see if i can get more lawn sign donors.
    Get ready Stewy. Your next!

  23. Exactly dave- and that comment was made to help the situation? really must think the townspeople are as stupid as you are.. Keep it up and we shall see you on the LOSER end AGAIN! REMEMBER DAVE YOU LOST!!!! ONCE A LOSER ALWAYS A LOSER!!!!! tEMPLETON WILL KEEP TELLING YOU THE SAME...REMEMBER THE POSTION YOU RAN FOR? I DO YOU WENT HOME A LOSER!!!!!!!!!! TEMPLETON KNOWS!!!


  25. Ok batboy takes one to know one ? Isn't it almost time to change your stage name for the third or fourth time. People are getting tired of the impression you call the truth. Harder and harder to take anything from you seriously. That is the thing your best at lack of credibility. Authenticity is also a form of recognition you can't imagine or have. It's nice you have found the shift key or was it stuck like the others. I guess the intimidation factor is getting to your bunch that you post for and that's ok it for the good of Templeton and that the drive behind what is here in these blogs. Your bunch has had a free hand and those days are gone for good and never to return.Templeton has people looking now and don't like what has happened and are getting involved as never before. I'm glad to be a part of the awakening of Templeton. Did i say Glad? I meant to say PROUD as can be. Signed!!!!!!!!!
    Dave Smart
    Please Vote YES!
    Don't Let them trash our town

  26. Please VOTE YES on October 15th

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton

    Please attend the STM on October 23rd

  27. All these last comments look like we are 10 years old on the playground. Really you guys? This is what you want the citizens of Templeton reading and educating themselves on? Based on what I have just read if I was a newcomer here I would never come back. It's a just a bunch of whining and complaining and backstabbing and trying to get a one up. Let's try a little harder to remain a bit calmer and more professional shall we? This makes us look really childish from an outsiders perspective. You are losing your credibility. If you all have an issue with the past Selectmen and leadership and running it into the ground, why do you care what they vote or think or if they have a sign in their yard? I have ZERO issues with Mr. Stewart and personally I would have liked to see him back in office as I really thought he spoke on behalf of our town and didn't get involved in the petty arguments and I respect that. The rest, well let's move forward and make sure all that stuff never happens again. We should not be commenting on people's personal lives or even speculating what they can and cannot say as it's none of our business. I want the facts, not the other stuff. Remember while we are writing that so many read and don't talk and the things I hear in the street about this blog would make your hair curl sometimes. I see a lot of great comments, but there are threads like this one that make no sense at all and really just make you want to say NO to it all. My honest opinions.

  28. thank you diane- I feel the same way you do... You have a nicer way of saying it than me For dave smart to go to former selectmen's house is completely outrageous. I agree with you about Mr. Stewart he is a good person who was unfairly run out of town from the harassment and continual antics Mr. Smart and Julie and the rest of the "click" (see that templetonian) I speak out harshly because this has gone on for too long. Templeton needs to stand up and do away with the trouble makers so everyone else can move forward.. go away Julie peter dave barf and the rest gang. Then templeton will be able to move forward. The problem I see is it's not what is best for templeton with these people. It is a commitment to fuel their personal ego and own personal gain. Templeton will never move forward with this mentality. Dianne god bless you and thank you for trying to give templeton some stability. You are a true American patriot.

    1. You are welcome. I will pray that you are voting YES to help save our town and it is people like you and me and so many others that want change, and forward progress and the hatfields and mccoys to stop. Thank you for your insight.

    2. Hey Truthy,
      Hate to break up the awesome mutual admiration society going on here, BUT...
      I'm here to stay.

      I am a part of this commUNITY.

      Disingenuousness will be confronted on all accounts.

      Please define the term "agenda".. Please define the term "plan".

      I thought name calling was an anathema to you....
      "hatfield and McCoy " ....very interesting.

      Carry on!

    3. Unfortunately for you Mrs. Farrell it is not your decision who stays and who's the VOTERS!!

    4. Cranky again, Truthy?

      I'm here to stay in the commUNITY, whether in an elected position or not.

      My resume speaks for itself. What's on your resume, Truthy?

  29. Stewart took a sign last night after the L+W meeting.
    He supports the override unlike the others i offered them to.
    Trifilos also recieved a sign and are in support of the override.
    Most are wanting to know where the former selectmen stand Obrien has a sign!
    What would be better to know where they stand or not know?
    Nobody write Barf but the truth!
    That does not matter if someones serious!

  30. Diane you will also be trashed by "the truth" if it doesn't agree with what you print.Truths past cloud what you read here from the truth. It was a different stage name before the truth. After the truth has burned a bridge it changes the name and won't ever own up to the posts or offer and facts to support the issues at hand. Only waiting in the shadows for people to knock for the efforts for the good of the town. The past in Templeton has a great deal to do with the future in Templeton. It's why were broke ,it's why there is a lack of trust. The past needs to be put to rest only if we can insure the past won't play out again. The last election shows who was not liked at all and who had enough of enough Gerry!
    I lost and did better by far over a long time person like Moschetti. The point of trying to get elected is to offer a change for the voters to have. I feel by trying, people will the next time i run have a choice and with the rate increases we will soon have stuck to us may want to remove Dana from the Light Commission. I personally think he will get less support this time compared to what Greg Edwards did when we ran against him. Every thing i ran on was true and now people know it as time has passed. Facts are facts and hard for the past to let them be known. Documents prove things not just rumors.
    Most all of what Julie put on this blog are backed with the documents to prove it
    So read "the true barf " and remember it's due to the facts that make them post about Julie,Pete,Dave!
    Thanks to all who voted for me 642 and i will hope the number grows next run.
    I will fight to lower your bills not increase them like they are now!
    I have before and will again.
    Please Vote Yes!
    To Preserve Templeton Safety!

  31. I have been called out here on the blog and in person and via email since I started my campaign to fight for the school so I'm used to it. What I am not used to is disrespect and I don't tolerate it and to be honest I am not sure "the truth" has been disrespectful to me anyway and if he/she were I would be sure to call them out on it. I believe I have called out everyone here for the lack of value that is placed on other's words and what they believe in. I try to see everyone's point and then I reflect. I am just not into all the bashing I guess. I have to be honest, I am tired of the fight and how it's still us/them/you/they mentality and even if you think it's pollyanna and naive I like the way I see things and my own moral compass so if trashing and bashing is what folks choose to do then have at it. I will continue to pray that the override passes and our town really builds a better future going forward. I've said for several years that my generation needs to step up and play a more active role in what happens here and also to set an example for the incoming generation. I am a busy working Mom with kids still in school, a learning challenged child, a thriving real estate business and I am a volunteer and active in my community. I absolutely know how it's too hard to get to everything you want to when your kids are involved in sports, drama, band and more. I can appreciate the past and how we have all learned, but truth be told, I'm done with that. I want to see what the game plan is going forward. I want to see a more positive attitude here in our town. I want to see growth and sustainability in all areas of our town. God Bless Templeton and all my neighbors.

  32. thank you Dianne- for telling the FACTS! NO I have never bashed anything you have done or said...I in fact if people go back and read prior posts. have referred to you as an American patriot, and would nominate you for PRESIDENT...Again more nonsense from the trouble makers in town. Dave is concerned because he knows I speak the TRUTH! when I most recently spoke with Mr. Stewart I told him exactly how I feel and that Im sorry he had to deal with the nonsense from mrs. Farrell, Mr. Bennett and the other followers of this group. this is the cold hard truth if people accept it or not is their choice....Dave just to help your detective work along im not a female...So no im not Virginia like you think I am ......Sorry Dave but im one step ahead of you at all times...... : )

  33. LOL The Truth..president that would be a bit scary to be honest and I prefer my voice in my community where I think I have a larger and more personal reach, but thank you for your vote of confidence and I hope one day we can meet face to face as I would enjoy that. I'm thankful I can reach others and let folks know what is going on, but it's hard to reach everyone because we all have so much going on. To hide behind a fake name and post nasty things is not a great way to get a point across, but to tell the truth and be respectful and not want to share your name is a horse of a different color in my opinion. This can be a great place to share information in a different format. I think we need to have quarterly meetings with Department Heads, Selectmen, School Committee Members and our citizens that can attend to ask questions and share ideas and information. It is not for one person to monopolize the conversation, but there may need to be an agenda or not, just talking things out in a thoughtful and respectful manner. I think those meetings may be small to begin with, but would grow if people felt comfortable to come and be a part of it; speaking, sharing and listening. Mr. Dennis has been saying that for as long as I can remember and I wish we would coordinate it. I hope my children learn how to stand up for what they believe even if it's not popular, be respectful of their elders and listen to others and to BE INVOLVED in areas of interest and to VOLUNTEER their time to their community and their neighbors. If they can do any of these things then my efforts in my wonderful community and our school district have been all for the good as they have learned the values I wish to instill. I have tried to spend some time going back and reading these blogs, it's just overwhelming at times.

  34. Mrs. Farrell no one is asking you to move from templeton, this is America live where you please... What many people do want is you to be relived of an elected position. This is very much a possibility and would be a huge step in getting templeton back to respectable position. Your resume speaks for itself with continuous rants continuous name calling and continuous gestures which divides the town. Yes your resume speaks for itself, I do agree with you on that one... Im not even going to start on how much money you will have cost the town when all the lawsuits filed against the town in finished.. that will be a nice addition to your resume...along with the gang rapist comment that was good for the resume... Being recalled that looks good on a resume hmmm let's see should I go one..ok.. publicly bashing the school committee and school administration that helps bring the town together that looks good on a resume....Continually making less than authentic apologies that looks good on a resume. To get caught up in silly banter and digs from a selectperson that looks good on a resume....I could go on but I think the readers get the point. yeah let's talk about a resume or would you rather but your foot in your mouth again?

    1. I forgot the best part! getting old I guess.... cold hard truth!!! : ))))

  35. Truthy -
    The question was what's on YOUR resume?

    What have you done for the town?

    A sackful of tears Belinda

    Awesome turnout at the Mark and Marty benefit! Great way to put some UNITY in the commUNITY!

    Sleep tight! Maybe you'll be in a better mood tomorrow.

    Go SOX!

    Vote YES on October 15th.

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton!

    Please attend the STM on October 23rd!

    Remember the past for a better future.

  36. Mrs. Farrell, I was NOT name calling. I was using the hatfield and McCoy as an analogy for what goes on here on the blog and the town. Sheesh for real? I do NOT name call and I am NOT disrespectful. Thank you though for opening my eyes here.

  37. Dear Diane Haley Brooks,

    Glad to open your eyes. Your use of an analogy like "Hatfield and McCoys" is disrespectful, even if the analogy accurately describes the political situation in Templeton politics. In my opinion, it IS name calling.

    In my opinion, it is disingenuous to use the Hatfield and Mccoy analogy and then be appalled at my use of analogy - FGR which was also a very accurate, if distasteful, description of the school's actions in pursuing 603 CMR 41.05. to obtain the money for the schools by jeopardizing public safety in Templeton. In my opinion, the actions of GG, the school superintendent and the school committee were the antithesis of bringing "unity in the commUNITY". The actions of the school commUNITY, are similar to putting a gun to the town's head to force an override vote to preserve public safety. These actions of the school commUNITY have harmed the Town of Templeton and these actions have created great ill will between the community and the schools.

    That said, I do appreciate the support of GG in trying to get this override passed. The Town of Templeton truly needs this override to pass.

    Attending the Fall Selectman's meeting hosted by the Mass Municipal Association(MMA), I mentioned the issues surrounding school finance and our superintendent and school committee's use of 603 CMR 41.05 to overturn 4 No votes by Templeton citizens to a Yes vote at the Joint Town Meeting. Mr. John Robertson, Legislative Director of the MMA stated: " They used the nuclear option".

    I will be referring to the Superintendent, school committee and GG actions and use of 603 CMR 41.05 to overturn 4 NO votes by the voters of Templeton to get to a YES vote as the "Nuclear Option". Please be advised that when the "Nuclear Option" is used, there is fallout.

    1. Wow. Just Wow. Thanks for your eloquent use of speech and I will apologize for my Hatfield and McCoy if it bothered you. The climate here in Templeton is and has been divided. I hope the override passes, but in all honesty I won't be back here on this blog.

  38. You jules are completely out of your mind!!! To compare someone using an analogy to describe the culture of the town politics and calling community activists gang rapists are NOT's not even the same ball park, it isn't even the same sport....( see I know you like the sox, that was for you : )) This is a real stretch, and to be honest with you, you sound like a desperate politician who can see the "ball" unraveling...... Dianne I think all the puzzle pieces should be coming together now..... This is what Mr. Stewart had to deal with times 10..... We will had the "holding gun to someone's head comment" into the archive... Jules have you completely lost your mind or just all resemblance of realities??? Again once Mrs. Farrell is voted OUT Templeton will be able to heal and move forward and prosper...dat's the cold hard truth folks!!

  39. Cranky cranky cranky, Truthy!

    Be prepared for the fallout when you use the NUCLEAR OPTION.

    Although I was not planning on running for office in May, I am beginning to consider another run for a seat on school committee.

    Time will tell.

    Why Truthy do you have a hard time including the word FINANCIAL into the term " FGR " now known as the NUCLEAR OPTION? Does the truth hurt, Truthy? Is it painful to acknowledge that using the NUCLEAR OPTION hurt the town? Because THAT is the truth, Truthy.

    Have a great day!

    Please VOTE YES on October 15th.
    Please vote to preserve public safety in Templeton.

    Please attend the Special Town meeting on October 23rd!

    1. ITS OFFICIAL. YOU'VE LOST YOUR MIND!!! How can you possibly expect to get elected to school committee after what you just did to them?

    2. ALSO, if useing the "Nuclear Option" is such a bad thing, dont you DARE try to take credit for any of this when the override passes. If you had been doing your job in the first place, this never would have happened. YOU put this town in this position, & you should be praying that GG has garnered enough support to finish it.

      As a past SC member, & supposed leader of this town, You are held to a higher standard & have failed miserably. You have done nothing but try to drive the wedge deeper between the school & town, talk down to the very people who elected you, & basically stomped your feet like a child when you didnt get your way.

      Theres an old saying..... "You cant rape the willing"

    3. Oh puffy!
      You have been missed! Following along a ten day old blog. How brave of you to comment.

    4. Wouldn't want you to think I was missing anything...

  40. I hope you do that, cuz that will show the community just how crazy you really are!! The school community is just gonna welcome you with open arms??? Yes it is official!!!! You are completely MAD!!!!!!!!

    1. Diane, I am sorry to hear that you have considered not posting on the blog, people need to know the real truth from someone who is not spiteful. I may understand the reason, but many people read this and they need reality.

      I need to address some other comments, while most of the Board of Selectman and so many people in town kept advocating for a NO vote, Gansett Greatness was very clear that the school needed this override just as much as the town did. All reserves have been used, by both the school and the town, it was never a secret that the money had to come from somewhere and the town has been long overdue for an override. I am so sick of the separation of the school and the town, we are one, we are Templeton, stop feeding into the divide of the town.
      (“the school's actions in pursuing 603 CMR 41.05. to obtain the money for the schools by jeopardizing public safety in Templeton”
      “In my opinion, the actions of GG, the school superintendent and the school committee were the antithesis of bringing "unity in the commUNITY". The actions of the school commUNITY, are similar to putting a gun to the town's head to force an override vote to preserve public safety. These actions of the school commUNITY have harmed the Town of Templeton and these actions have created great ill will between the community and the schools.”)
      The ACTIONS of GG, SI and SC were to get the budget passed for the school because it was the right thing to do. GG cares about the WHOLE town, that is why they support this override. OH and please stop using commUNITY as if you mean it. The people who started using “commUNITY” really want UNITY in town. Stop belittling people, “The Truth” is not Truthy, is not cranky... People don’t post their names because of the trashing that some people are known for. It has to stop. People elected you to do a job, DO IT and do it respectfully. Maybe if everyone did their jobs before, we would not be going through this now. There are 8000 people in this town, the school should not be reduced to the 1200 it serves, because the school serves not only the students, but their parents and grandparents, neighbors and businesses, I think if you add that up, it is so far above the 1200 that people bitched about.

  41. Interesting math . The right thing to do? Interesting again.

    I assume you would not support my candidacy for school committee. Good to know.

  42. I forgot to add :))!!!!

    Isn't it tiresome to keep loggin in and logging out under your various aliases?

    Please VOTE YES on October 15th

    Please vote to preserve public safety.

    Please attend the Special Town Meeting on October 23rd.

    Blog on!

  43. mrs.farrell you have zero chance of ever being elected in templeton for anything ever again!!!! cold hard truth betcha! ; )

  44. Don't forget the "Financial "peope!
    It changes everything!!!!!
    You can understand!
    Vote YES Tomorrow!
