Saturday, October 5, 2013

Town Hall Meeting…the movie

Town Hall Meeting…the movie

Part 1 of the October 2, 2013 Town Hall meeting:

information on the impact of 30% budget cuts

Part 2 of the October 2, 2013 Town Hall meeting:

information on the impact of 30% budget cuts

Impact of 30% Budget Cuts

Please support public safety.



  1. These vision are reflection of actions that may be not will be , Its a fable the truth is that system has risen in cost and they want you to provide Templeton can not afford the budget it trying to maintain , A complete change must be within the means , the check and balance of prop 2 1/2 should never be voted out it provides the restriction needed all you here is this one will be cut hours lost frankly you have here is stubborn elected board Bankruptcy is answer you know many employment was granted in by the federal grant money and then the town had to pick up the cost , many jobs can be eliminated down size to one or two 40 hour position the main fault is the school only way to stop the vote of the school is to go bankrupt which will being a nullity to the school vote budget and restructure will end much of the debt and Reconstruction of the town by sound means keeping prop 2 1/2 ... VOTE NO

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. la blank check ??? trust the town to this vs your property holding. IF any property owner release the restriction of prop 2 1/2 you will be very sorry , as there will be no check or balance system left . your property will be debt to every allowance or need of the town . This conception being force down your backs to your pocket your going too be a slave to the town spending spree there after if this passes There no check and balance if you vote 2 1/2 out So DONT vote NO not all option are being expose The town taxation upon us include the never ending raise and cost real cuts involved elimination . are properties should not be wage as there bank TO EVERY INCREASING COST vote NO and eliminate then file bankruptcy take control for good other wise you will see the well dip in over and over on your properties taxes as there resolve Vote NO

  4. When we eliminate the 3 men from and 1/2 of the office administrator we have lost 3+ Highway people that can respond to help out someone in need. We are all trained in first aid and CPR. I can and have saved a life and without a thought would do it again for anyone.Sorry even Gerry Skelton who wants me fired. My point is at 2 am in a snowstorm and the scanner goes off the options will not be there like they are now without a override. That's a fact not a thought! There will be no police limited highway and also poor road conditions to get to someone in distress. I respect all voters rights, I wish to only educate them to what a no vote will take from them. I only state the facts. If you can not afford the tax increase i understand. But if you can't afford it in Templeton you can't afford it anywhere. There are programs in place to help people with low income and check with the assessors office for the help or the COA director can help also.
    The affect of a no vote has no discretion of who it will affect. It could be your child,mother,husband. You or i could be next to be in need and with a no vote you have put yourself in the position of a bad outcome. 90 minutes is the result of a favorable outcome in a clogged heart artery,If a stent is put in in 90 minutes your chance to survive is good and would be a life saver for the person. The time to get to you and the time to get you to the procedure is the key to saving a life. I meant to say, save your life.
    These are all facts and the amount of this override is also as important as it was lowered to help keep it low to insure that it had it's best chance to pass.
    Please vote Yes and pass the Override for the sake of Town Safety!

    1. dave we get it YOU think you are pretty awesome! you and Julie and the "click" you keep saying the same thing over and over again...scare this scare that, these people are bad people, we are great!! totally inappropriate just shows your need for acceptance and insecurity you and the "click" have....Julie, peter, barf and yourself are truly dividing this town and it won't stop until new people are put in charge.....cold hard truth! it is extremely comical how you have to pat yourself on the back each post you make... It would be a great strategy for someone running for class president but for educated adults make you seem less than capable.

    2. What's extremely comical is that you don't know the difference between the word "click" and "clique". If you're going to try to insult someone and act better than them, at least be sure to spell it correctly. That's what educated adults do.

      If you don't like certain people putting others down, then why do you do it as well? Aren't you adding to the division by returning the insults? If you are better than others, shouldn't you lead by example?

    3. dear templetonian im not using spell check on here it's a blog....dahhhh... again dave is completely unfit for town politics.. am I running for town politics? No! If you do you need to represent the town professionally. I know the manipulation games the Farrell's play so stop trying to sound innocent. Dave smart is a fraud and doesn't deserve a job from templeton tax payers. im sure your buddy will be glad you ran to his defensive that's what school kids do.

    4. Truth,
      I think the proper spelling for "Duh" is duh not dahhhh.

      Just sayin'

      Please VOTE YES on October 15th

      Preserve public safety in Templeton

  5. Oh dear,
    Wrong side of the bed..again?

    Please VOTE YES

    1. vote NO until templeton has some honest credible people who will make a plan to use the tax money wisely. GET THE TEMPLETON "CLICK" OUT OF TEMPLETON SO IT CAN PROSPER AGAIN

  6. this is to funny. you people slam the people in power now and don't have the balls to sign your own name in the heck can we take you seriously ?

  7. You should here what she said about the fire chief today.I think she is one of my fans.
    Round two at echo hill was a thrill. 3 on three Carol,virginia and Bob Columbus.Me Myself and I. Even teams i'd say.
    Needless to say no takers for the override signs. Bob thinks it's no ones business what his opinion is.Virginia thinks her husband wouldn't want it.She says the lawn is half hers/half his?
    I think Bob Still has anger issues like gerry does.The ladies and i had a nice chat until Bob came over,acting like gerry.
    Funny thing how facts and anger are a full circle for some to have to live with. Thanks uncle Pauly without this blog Templeton would never get things back to normal.It might take time to get there but sooner or later it will.Next It's on to the school committee members to see if the signs will fit on their lawns. I was making progress for the cause till gerry the other bully came and told me to get off his property 2 times. Carol didn't feel that way, She owns half?
    They were told why i asked to have the signs on their lawns so people would know their opinions of the override and i would let the people know the results. There you have it. Much More to Come.Just the truth and cold hard facts."Seriously"

  8. dave thank you for doing this! the readers will now be able to see your true character by these latest posts...anyone who has to go on these rants about people who have nothing to do with town politics. The people you mentioned are not board members! so keep holding on to the past, keep trying to run people's names through the mud. rather than trying to promote reasons to vote yes to people who may not have the information, you go to people create discontent. This is the whole reason I blog on here.. most people have a life that they want to invest in, they don't want this to be their life..unlike t yourself and the others. It is a disgrace what you and Julie and peter barf are doing to this town. Congratulations you and your cronies have completely divided this town. keep up the good work! For you to make comments about people's marriage just show's you don't have the capacity to control your emotions just like Julie and Bennett. makes sense why you all work together. try to get ur own slogan cold hard truth hurts dave...try to concentrate on being a parent first, that might help ur cause until then you are just another Farrell fraud supporter

  9. Pleas VOTE YES on October 15th

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton

  10. Your welcome. Not sure about your say about marriage? You read something i didn't?As thought there was no divide in Templeton ? No people i talk to other than the ones that don't want the signs are happy i am asking the formers. The opinions of the former town officials matter and with that your "still"alone and hiding! She'll never change!
    Blog on Thanks to "Uncle Pauly"!
    Please Vote Yes to Help Preserve Public Safety!

  11. IMHO if an override passes,what stops this from happening next year?The town's voters have been to the polls a few times already with the same results.What part of NO don't they understand?

  12. If the override passes, it will take active participation by EVERYONE to prevent this from happening again. There are no guarantees in life...about anything.

    $551,000 of this override is to pay a bill - an assessment -from the Narragansett Regional School District that was received by the Town of Templeton courtesy of the Joint Town meeting held on August 22nd. If the override fails there will be drastic cuts to public safety, loss of library certification, curtailed hours for many departments.

    People are beginning to realize that not only is a great school system needed to encourage people to move to town, but also public safety services are needed to encourage people to move to town. Apparently, people want it all. If they move to a new community they want great schools, police protection, their roads plowed and the fire department to show up if they have a crisis. Some of these people may want to use public libraries in other communities as well. All of these services cost money! Go figure!

    Please VOTE YES on October 15th!

    Please preserve public safety in Templeton.

  13. The part that voted yes to fund the school. That's the pert that will decide this vote and those like me who have changed from a no to a YES VOTE TO PRESERVE OUR PUBLIC SAFETY. No guarantees on the school fixed costs year to year. It could have a lower cost for all we know! Chances are the state will decide what the amount of help is we get?
    Please vote YES!

  14. I disagree with you David on that one. We lost at the polls twice so we have done our part, but we will not be the deciding factor. Naysayers never have to organize they just come and vote. You can say whatever you want to someone's face and still go and vote no that may really be whats in your heart. That is why many people don't put out signs or come to town meeting as they don't want to raise their hand in front of the neighbors. So, we will continue to fight for the cause, but we will not be the deciding factor. Many more voters MUST come out to the polls to say YES not just the school folks. We had a record number of voters due to the campaign we ran that included door knocking and get out and vote and bring a neighbor and emails and standouts and ... yes, we did all we could and have done so again, but it's going to take ALL of us to accomplish this goal.

  15. Diane ,Either of us could be correct as you state to your face can change when in the booth, I still tinnk it up to the people who show up and GG people and school people are a large turnout if they do. I think allot have switched and are for it this time and hope i'm correct a on that!
    I thank you and GG for all the efforts your involved with.
    When people go to the polls and vote we are bound to the decision that is made. They will need to know they will decide the state of the town after the vote. Will it be as is or will it be without!
    I for one don't want the without!
