Saturday, October 5, 2013

Unification for the good of the town of Templeton

Unification for the good of the town of Templeton

To the Editor:

Why is the town of Templeton just as divided as our federal government? If you ask anybody who lives in Templeton such as I do, they will most often tell you they do not live in Templeton. As with our federal government, these invisible, but yet immensely powerful dividing lines in the very fabric and fiber of our community do nothing but delay progress.

When you ask people from Templeton, “Where are you from,” one almost always received the reply of, “I am from East Templeton, Templeton, Baldwinville, or Otter River.” Just because we have three post offices covering four villages with a total of three zip codes does not mean we don’t live in the same community and shouldn't work together unified as one collective.

Now we have people who are willing to step up and offer “free labor” for the good of the community to finish the construction of a Town Hall for the first time in over 250 years of history in our community. The town of Templeton has a solid chance not to be at the will and pleasure of a landlord, and citizens are offering free labor.

Yet selectmen Chairman Jeffrey Bennett recently stated that if he had to, he would jump out a window to take the first offer that comes along if it was close to the asking price, selling the property at a significant loss of several hundred thousand dollars when including money the town already has invested in the structure and left to pay on the existing loan.

As the town is already financially destitute, selling a building at a loss just because that is what your side of the political dividing line desires, does make it right or acceptable. The people appropriated the money at a town meeting. If the people of Templeton can get it to come in for budget or under budget with voluntary labor, then please give “we the people a chance.”

Another point of interest is that the voters of Templeton needed to vote to buy the building, but Massachusetts Law says the selectmen can sell the same building without an additional vote from the registered voters. While this may be legal, it would not be good for the community, especially in its current state of affairs.

The political dividing line in my community is as strong or even stronger than that which exists at our nation’s capital.

We will simply never move forward as a community if we continue to plan on how to push what we perceive to be the opposition backwards. For the good of the people and taxpayers, can we please place agendas off to the side, and focus our energy on building community bridges and not burning them down. We have no right to complain about our national government, if we as a community show the same reflection in the mirror.

Keith Kent


  1. It is my belief that East Templeton Elementary School would make a better town hall than 252 Baldwinville road. The property at 252 is a good location for either an industry or some other business due to its prime location. The town would benefit from possible jobs this location could generate as well as the tax revenue. With Route 2 just up the street and the zoning in place this location should generate interest from the business community. It is hoped that a clean 21E will be obtained so that the town is not stuck with a big bill on a possible clean up of the property.

  2. MORE LIES from Keith Kent, I do not believe he really believes all he hears from the bar and the Lions members.

    FACT is Dana for one WILL NOT work for free for the town. Anything coming from that crew cannot be taken as truth, they have lied and lied and just can't be trusted anymore

  3. Here we go again. Are we moving forward?...or are we continuing to intensify the divide? Now we are calling fellow town citizens liars? "They" cannot be trusted. "They" are liars. "That crew" cannot be trusted. It becomes more apparent with every single post that it is not about what is best for the town, but only all about "us" and "them. I am truly embarrassed by the childish and disrespectful comments posted on this blog. You are certainly not contributing to a solution DO...only adding to the problem.....very disappointing!

  4. Sorry your disappointed but facts are facts

    1. I am not sure what your definition of a FACT is but what you have posted are not facts DO.. I think you are confused what you are saying is an opinion.

  5. If you're gonna call someone a liar at least sign your post. Gutless or coward are two that you might want to consider.

    Yancy Smith

  6. Where was everyone?

    I saw GG on the common this weekend holding signs, waveing, & supporting the override to try to save jobs. You know what I didnt see? ANYONE ELSE!

    Where was everyone? Where were the firefighters? Where were the EMTs? Where were the police? Where were the highway workers? Where were the cemetary workers? WHERE WERE THE TOWN EMPLOYEES WHOSE JOBS IT IS WE'RE TRYING TO SAVE?????

    Where were you Jeff Bennett? Where were you Julie Farrell? Where were you David? Where were you Bev? Where was C4T?

    What couldve been a GREAT comeing together, instead shows how little people can be.

    1. I was drilling for the National Guard and I hope you, huff n puff were out there.

    2. The only one with an acceptable response.(Well, Davids was pretty good too). Thank you. But my point was, where are all the people who are directly involved? The school, & GG are standing behind their word to be there for the town, yet the town cant be bothered to show up?

      These people had plans too, but put them on hold to show support for the town, yet nobody else could even take an hour out their overbooked schedule? Its amazeing that NOT ONE person other than GG even stopped.

  7. prancing on the common is not for everybody huffy

  8. Prancing? I hope I am not a "prancer" and I was definitely one of them standing out there in the cold rain yesterday. It's about standing up for what you believe, bringing about a community spirit and bringing awareness and where we stand voting on the issue at hand. It's about commitment to a cause that is needed.

  9. Sorry huff and diane, I was all booked up and didn't know till the last minute. when i went by there was no one around. I then went to see how the COA yard/school sale went, from there hung signs. Sunday had time to bring the pigs to the slaughter house for the benefit i am the coordinator for. Did i mention 2 trips to echo hill to talk with former selectmen to try to get there support for this override. the one with a please vote yes sign are in support the others are unknown and none of your business.
    Gerry would rather see me fired than help the town or his family.
    Carol on the other hand would be a supporter.
    I chose to spend the time i had to do these things and have done many other things to support this effort!
    Some feel they may hurt the effort if seen doing a certain thing,whatever it is. I can't fault them for their judgement.

  10. Sorry bad choice of words. But everybody does things differently, to me anymore than a few on the common is a waste. They should be spread out thru the town. Not everyone goes thru TC.
    And GG can be thanked for doing their part, does not mean what others have done is not good enough. Again everyone has their way of spreading the news.

  11. Thank you GG for standing out on the Common in the pouring rain. I too was booked this past weekend and next. I did drive by and I do appreciate your efforts. I'm way overbooked at this point.

  12. I was just informed by my children that a new vice principal was just hired at the middle school. A Mr. Erickson, guess they got plenty of money to throw around now.

    1. Because they funded a required position?? Why dont you stop trying to fan the flames & try to be part of the solution. That job was part of the budget.

    2. To do is stupid and all others, there will be time after the override and when the new budget season begins, to be ready for May town meeting. That will be the time to ask to see the rules, the mandates and the state laws that show and state what positions are required, as in needed and those that are wanted. Right now, we should first get through the override vote. If you are concerned at all about the current situation, please attend the special town meeting on 23 October at NRHS to have your say and your vote. Remember, it is possible for a group to stack the meeting to ensure things go a certain way. The only way to prevent that is to go to the meeting, please!!!!

    3. The Vice Principal position was hired because the budget was fulfilled and if the budget was not passed they would not have been able to hire that position.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I get your point huff,understanding Jeffs last post is the key to Templetons future. When you hear the word stacked,think ot it as a card game with a stacked deck of cards. Who wins? The people that stack the deck,for their wants. The only way for Templeton to get anywhere near to normal is to counter the stacking that goes on. We are gaining on it but it has been a tough time getting people to go to the meetings after the last 4 shit shows we were put through. The time has come to get the town on an even keel. This ship is about to capsize without the override. Everyone who can go to the 23rd meeting should and be a part of Templeton not just wonder what happended to Templeton.
    Please support the town and Vote Yes.

  14. When you come to the meeting and it's a stacked meeting,be careful trusting the dealer.He or she may just steal what they can. We can't afford to gamble away Templeton to a stacked deck again. Come be part of your Templeton or it's sure to wind up being their Templeton the way they want it. Use your voice and vote as we can stop the absurd stacking in it tracks.

  15. Who's way are you referring to.When you are stacking the deck for your cause its a different story. Seems like your side has brought this town into the turmoil that we have today. So lets VOTE NO and get rid of some of the trouble makers then we can see what we really need to run this town. Like I said , lets thin the herd and start over in the spring.VOTE NO VOTE NO

  16. Please VOTE YES on October 15th

    Pleas attend the STM on October 23rd

    Preserve public safety in Templeton.

  17. "Sorry bad choice of words. But everybody does things differently, to me anymore than a few on the common is a waste. They should be spread out thru the town. Not everyone goes thru TC."

    DO, are you volunteering to head up a group of supporters to stand out in East Templeton or Baldwinville common areas? It would be GREATLY appreciated if you did!!

    Julie, Jeff, Doug, Dave, Bev, C4T and everyone else...get out from behind the computers this Sunday (Oct. 13th) and join GG on the Common in Templeton Center at noon to publicly show your support for our town and this override. It's time all members of our commUNITY came together to show our love and support for Templeton.

    Because actions speak louder than words.

    ps...for those of you that constantly harp on others that don't sign with their real names, meet me on the Common this Sunday and I'll introduce myself ;)

  18. Gina, are you bringing the band with you. I will try but I have a commitment to a car wash to raise money for deceased vets families on Sunday October 13. It was made this past weekend at drill.

  19. So, who made it out to the common today with signs for VOTE YES?

  20. There are many that will vote YES and many that will vote NO that won’t hold a sign on the common. It’s a personal choice and that is why we should be happy to be able to vote our heart and how we feel is correct.
