Wednesday, December 18, 2013

BOS Meeting December 16, 2013

BOS Meeting December 16, 2013

This was one very long BOS Meeting! First the good news!

COA Van – COA Director Bethany Loveless approached the BOS about submitting a bid for a used van. The bid was submitted and we won! The bid was $3,612. Good news, but wait there’s more! Bethany contacted Rep. Denise Andrews and with her help the actual bid was lowered to $1,635. I’m sure there will be an update in the COA newsletter, probably pictures as well.

Vendor Warrant Checks – If departments need a check for a vendor held, departments may make the request to the town coordinator for approval to hold the check. It is a better business practice that there is a single of contact to issue vendor payments. This procedure is a change to past practices with a goal of better financial management.

MIIA Workers Compensation Insurance – The BOS voted to accept the 2-year proposal from MIIA with a goal of re-instating the IAC-Insurance Advisory Committee to review all insurances for the town.

The Board voted and approved a Class II license for Lang’s Old Car Parts and a Class III license for JL Auto Parts. A motion was made to disapprove the liquor license renewal for the Otter River Hotel due to taxes not being paid and no building inspection.

Mass CDBG Fund application was awarded to Community Opportunities group in the amount of $9,900. Only one person showed up for the public input hearing. There are three more public input sessions scheduled for January to solicit public input on the community needs for this grant. The sessions will be held on January 7th (2 sessions) and at the January 13, 2014 BOS meeting.

Six bids were awarded for work on the Senior Center for the Emergency exit ramps and the main entry way and the cricket roof and fascia.

Tax Rate Issue – generated the most discussion. Templeton has a deficit on the books of $505,000 higher than local receipts. There are two ways to close this gap – raise taxes or reduce expenditures.

The analogy was used that someone copied someone’s homework and the homework was no good. The model used to develop the FY 14 budget was flawed. Some possible options to deal with the shortfall:

1.   override
2.   cut the budget
3.   use available funds.. stabilization and money for other accounts to make up for the shortfall.

Or a combination of all three.

After discussion, the BOS voted to freeze all hiring and discretionary spending with review by the town coordinator.

The BOS also voted to instruct department heads to submit budgets for FY 15 with a 2 % reduction.

This budget crisis has developed over a long period of time. The lack of continuity in the treasurer’s office as well as the transition to new accounting software and procedures brought this problem to light.

In the past, the town has voted to use every penny of free cash and stabilization to balance its budget. In one year alone, the Town (at town meeting) was presented a budget that used over $600,000 in Free Cash and $200,000 in stabilization. Free cash is something that fluctuates from year to year. Relying on Free cash to balance the budget is bad policy.

Town finances are restricted by Prop 2 ½. The amount raised by increasing 2 ½ percent is very limited. The levy limit projections for the next 5 years without overrides debt exclusions or new growth show that next year (FY 15) the additional amount raised by taxation is $219,496. That $219,496 has to cover all increases in insurances, employee raises, and overhead expenses like heat, water and sewer…not to mention demands in increased assessments by the school department and Monty Tech…or the town can deal with another round of the nuclear option.

 There will be another BOS meeting this month on December 30th. By that time, more information should be available on closing FY 13 and the status of the books for FY 14. Another STM will need to be held.

In other business –

The Sick Bank has over 600 hours of leave in the bank. The employees of Templeton generously donated this time. Withdrawals are at the sole discretion of the BOS.

The warrant for the ballot election scheduled for January 14, 2014 was voted and signed by the BOS. More information will be forthcoming regarding the non-binding ballot question.

Town Coordinator issues – discussion about the policies and procedures of the BOS which was voted by a prior board. Changes were made to this policy. The red lined copy was discussed. The change from Town Coordinator to Town Administrator was also discussed.  A job description for Town Administrator will need to be developed by the BOS.

The BOS appointed Chris Stewart to the Templeton Elementary School Building Committee.

The COA by-laws were discussed and some changes were suggested by the BOS. A letter will be sent to the COA board explaining the reason for the changes to the by-laws.

There will be another informational meeting regarding sewer rates by the Sewer commissioners on January 6th at 4:30 pm at the Sewer Department during the regularly scheduled Sewer meeting.

Under selectman comments –

Chairman Bennett took exception to the inaccuracies in the TMLWP general manager’s letter to the editor regarding the 23 % water rate increase. Tighe & Bond the consultants who were contracted for the water rate study are also the firm who post the water rates across Massachusetts. Templeton’s water rate is listed at $801.00 annual cost by Tighe & Bond.

My opinions… supported by FACTS ! ! !

 Julie Farrell

 The movie is coming ...4 parts


  1. The people on the Select Board have done their best to keep the town solvent. The Advisory Board has done more work than any board in the history of this town, in my opinion. Something like this was bound to happen sooner or later so the cat is out of the bag, so to say. Pauly was right when he spoke of our past Conservation Commissioner being paid more than he was budgeted for. You might ask yourself where did the money come from for that and the other things we do not even know about. I have to give Bethany, our COA Director credit for doing a good job getting the town a new van. Credit also has to go to Rep. Denise Andrews for helping Bethany get the job done. As for our friend J.D., how could he write a letter to the people in our town and not be honest?? I think it is because most people do believe what they read in the paper. If you look at the report from Tighe and Bond you will see that there are only four other cities or towns that have water rates higher than ours. Bev.

  2. I think there is more to this error than the BOS wants the people of Templeton to know. The BOS owes the Town a few answers. Like, who was entering the data for the FY14 budget? Why did it take 6 months into the FY14 to find the error? When was the forensic accountant brought in and why? If the BOS wants to get the town to fork over another override there better be some answers and corrections made to the system to prove to the Towns people that this error won't happen again.

    Julie made the comment before that "Jeff was right in wanting to ask for a million dollar override" hmmm did Jeff know this had occurred and did not tell. Did Jeff knowingly keep this from the town knowing that the town would not support a 1 million dollar override? Did Jeff think that the town would be more receptive to a second override?

    I think there are some big questions about the way this town is run. And stop with the excuses. It seems that BOS wants to blame the recall election, why does the town stop working during a recall? Oh and lets not forget the School, yes that nasty school committee, well get over it, and move on. Since the BOS can't seem to work friendly with any department within the town offices, maybe its the BOS that needs a big attitude adjustment.

    Stop wasting time with the Light and Water and figure out how to actually make a viable budget.

  3. Vote Mitchell for Selectman

    Remember the past to ensure a better future

    The nuclear option should never be used.

    1. Really Julie? You're going to continue to go down the same path? Yourself & previous boards got us into this mess & you have proven that you cant get us out. You didnt even seem to care as to why this latest screwup happened. Thankfully we have 1 concerned selectman that continues to grill the Adv board.

      The same old, same old wont work.

    2. Julie we remember the past - like in the recall. Why make another mistake and reelect Mitchell when we can have a real Selectman in Diane?


  4. I agree H & P..... Time for Templeton to move in a new direction...stop pointing the finger at everyone else and making silly excuses for the present state of Templeton Jules! If you honestly wanted what was best for Templeton you would have stopped this nonsense a long time ago. all truth

  5. Let's hope the Inspector General will do a thorough investigation and resolve these matters.

  6. yes I remember the recall, fire a law firm in mid stream and cost taxpayers an extra 5 grand, fire Jeff Ritter along with a settlement for 15 grand and bring back a dear friend (Virginia Wilder's words) and cost the taxpayers another 5 grand (approximate) with CS taking 1.9846 hrs in her last day (which time clock put that figure out) it took the last penny out of the coordinator salary account! That is what the recall got you. Along with throw that whole section out over there. Ask Ms. Haley Brooks how she feels after fighting for the school then finding out tonight the school district has in the E&D fund $188,820.00 after stating that FY 2013 budget was so tight and there was no room for reductions just as they said for 2014 because they would not compromise one penny. I was at tonight's school committee meeting and it did not appear Ms. Brooks was happy about that information. Now which selectmen continues to grill the advisory board because I have not seen that grilling at a BOS meeting.

    1. The one that had to cross examine the forensic auditor for 30 mins just to get him to own up to it. The same one that went to their mtg last night looking for answers.

    2. Finally people are starting to realize julie Farrell is the problem in Templeton! Took a long time but as bev says "it all comes out in the wash" hahah all truth

    3. Jeff what happened to the site being for specifically facts?? "It did not appear ms. Brooks was not happy about the info".. Not facts Jeff .. It's called being a hypocrite! I know you will come back with a lame excuse blah blah blah this is what you do.. Problem is what you do does not help templeton! Cold hard truth

  7. Let's hope the Inspector General will do a thorough investigation and resolve these matters.

    Vote Mitchell for Selectman

    Remember the past to ensure a better future

    The nuclear option should never be used.

    1. Remember the past head for the future VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for Selectman

    2. Why would you vote back in one that was recalled?

      VOTE DIANE HALEY-BROOKS for Selectman
