Sunday, December 29, 2013

I remember....

Part 1 April 12, 2012 BOS Meeting 

Part 2 April 12, 2012 BOS Meeting

 From Pauly....

In my own opinion, I was amazed at the turn out of our Peaceful Protest Tues AM at 690 Patriots

Rd against the hiring of Interim Coordinator. In my opinion again, the appointment was made by 3 people and 3 people only, and all us taxpayer had no say about it, see the video it was not even on the agenda to hire an interim coordinator, see the agenda for April 12, 2012, if this not against the bylaw of Templeton, and the constitution, what is? I filed a complaint with the Templeton Police about those 3 selectmen inciting a riot. I went to the courthouse with the written complaint, lets see what happens. Chief Whitaker stopped to talk to us at the protest, he in person informed me and the other at the protest that the police could not do anything about the inciting of a riot, I asked why not?
He said because no damage was done, like stuff being wrecked or other malicious damage, I said Chief, did you see the DVD? He said yes I did take your complaint to the courthouse, “end of story”. So as a layman I understand exactly what the Chief said in my own opinion, all 100 plus people at that dishonest, embarrassing, illegal, degrading selectmen meeting on April 12, 2012. When the item on the agenda came up they should have stopped the meeting with force, not the calm, honest, law abiding taxpayers, but after the majority of the of the selectmen illegally voted to re-appoint C.S. as interim coordinator should have in my opinion wrecked the whole cafeteria in protest of this illegal violent act by those three selectmen, who started the incite a riot. Again I say the agenda read to discuss a temp appointment for the town coordinator position, now if our appointed, bullied, harassed, threatened, run out of town previous coordinator was at that meeting, I don’t believe this illegal act would have happened. When Columbus first mentioned the name of the intended interim coordinator, the whole room full of us taxpayers, obstructed not just a hand full, but Columbus ignored our right to have representation on this issue. I am so @$&*#!& mad in layman terms my pen is writing this with mental telepathy of me of me, my hand is not even on the pen, pretty good huh, so lets get back to my opinion’s. The police with the cooperation of all us loyal taxpayers slow so the riot, but did not sto it, it is still going on this minute, but the law cant do anything about it, pretty good huh, now here this, is the law telling all us law abiding citizens that the only way to get the truth across is to be violent and join that riot started by 3 selectmen and wreck everything in sight including everything we own in sight, is that what the law is saying? And if you liberals are going to comment please think 1st, especially if you haven’t watched the DVD of that meeting, I honestly would like to see a comment from Jay on the DVD and if you people that does “not” know the definition of a dictator, “look it up” and I have had comments not to compare Syria or Lebanon or Iraq, or Iran to the United States, Why not? You are witness firsthand how those dictators got started, call me senile, call me stupid call me anything you want but do not call me “an ex-marine”, anti-American those would be fighting word’s and I will answer back with some interesting language. I hear what the low life’s are saying about Pauly’s Templeton Watch, one of the recall group’s family members stop at my house to personally thank me for what I’m doing, pretty good huh? Want a name, you will have your chance to meet her during my investigation on the wrong doings here in Templeton. Well your “not mine” new interim coordinator that was illegally voted into employment by 3 people out of thousands that said no, started her day at 8:22am and sneaked out the back “handicap” way at 3:02pm, wonder what her hours of temp employment are? Where is Kirk and his timeclock when its needed, but fear not people, Grimley was peeking out the window watching us when he was supposed to be working, who is in control of that office? I need an answer now, the selectmen were voted into office to protect our best interest, what happened? I’ll tell you what happened, all the silent people want to speak up but are afraid to because of the @$%* that has already happened, Tammy Coller, Sue Adams, Jeff Ritter, and many many more, I will as I said expose all the wrong doers in town. It is only 10am and I have had about 12 people come to my home that couldn’t make the protest because they had to work, asking what they can do to help, I realize a lot of people did not show, but I also know why, and shame on you people that could have joined us but didn’t, I guess the futer of the town and their taxes are not that important, in my opinion of course. I was asked why I didn’t go into the shade, my reply was I am not afraid to face anything, not even the sun, and Hoo-Boy what a sunburn I got for not taking her advice, but that’s me, right O’Brien? Stupid oops wrong word. I must go to the court house for an important session, will continue blogging later, in my opinion of course if anything else comes about I will inform the taxpayers. Did everyone see the Gardner News today 4-18-2012 page 4 Carol is so original with her photo, and again the budget is just about done and town meeting is ready and a lot of other stuff, so what is she talking about. Is she going to donate her time for services nothing was done to plan for an interim coordinator. Like selectman Bennett says about her hours, how is she going to get paid, was the job posted in house or advertised, what-what-what—“quote Carol” he could be sued unquote she told me and others about being sued that so many times, my brother is Jacksonville, Florida got scared, How’s that for getting people in another state scared of being sued. In Fact Carol preached getting sued so many times that she did it again to us Templeton Taxpayer’s, a few months ago to prove to us she knew what she is talking about and now Columbus, Wilder, Mullins voted illegally to hire her with no questions asked, no sanctions against Carol so she can’t Sue us again or anything of that nature, How come? That makes me want to talk to Jeff Ritter, those 3 selectmen are in trouble and they think it is a big joke. I am still looking for answers, from anyone in the world, not just in the embarrassing town of Templeton, please respond E

Example #1

How can a board of Selectmen post an agenda 48 hours before the meeting and put on the agenda discuss an open meeting violation compliant filed by Selectman Jeff Bennett on March 30, 2012 see the DVD of April 12, 2012 get it, discuss which they did discuss it.

Example #2

Act on quotes for generator installation for the MEMA office, big bucks who cares which they did act on it.

Example #3

Discuss and act on Temporary replacement for Fire Chief, which they did act on it, and voted to appoint a Temp Fire Chief after a brief argument, it was final with not much fuss—so far so good.

Example #4

Discuss letter to USDA regarding contract for town of Templeton remember Columbus and Wilder and Chris Steward and Jeff Bennett discussing that letter in my opinion wasted out time because of Bob Columbus spitting and sputtering trying to answer questions, remember that people we all remember that discussion very well, Because of the stumbling and bungling of Columbus and Wilder, do you all remember?

Example #5

Now this is a very important issue to all us taxpayers aqnd the law as in procedure, ethical issues, honesty issues and Police issues, Bob Columbus said we are not going to discuss get it NOT GOING to discuss this issue any more, otherwords no more discussion on the issue of Temp appointment for Town Coordinator the crowd got whispering about the Boards behavior on that issue when Columbus tapped the gavel and said now I want a motion to appoint Carol Skelton to the position of Temp Interim Coordinator. The agenda said discuss the issue. Not vote on the coordinator issue, did Columbus pull a sneak attack on us taxpayers it was illegal and we can’t do anything about it, or can we? Respond please. This action from Columbus started the and “quote” enciting of the riot, but with respect for the three policemen attending the meeting they quieted them down. The three police were there for a reason. They were given a heads up about the s*$@ , yes s*$@, that was going to happen when that issue was brought up these cops are not dummies and neither are us taxpayers dummies. They were following orders form their chief and they did a good honorable job. For the town of Templeton and quelled any violence that might erupt. But when Jeff Bennett spoke against the Appt for Skelton, and then Chris Stewart denounced the motion Columbus didn’t care or even pause and said we are going to take a vote and they did take a vote Mullins – yes, Wilder-yes, Bennett(loudly) no, Chris Steward with hand in front of his face and said sadly no. Then Columbus without respect for our taxpayers or the rest of the town and answered “and I vote yes” that is when those 3 people ensited that riot, now Chief Witacker said that it was not a riot because nothing was broken or wrecked as in riot, the crowd booed him out of sound. He and Virginia Wilder ordered the police to remove everyone, those, those, and them and her “Penny” and a 90 yr old woman and her husband that did not do anything, also a Vietnam Veteran was thrown out for just wanting a question answered, the 3 selectmen were escorted to there cars. By the police, do you people wonder why? I am doing this letter for the benefit of the people that don’t have the $5.00 for a DVD or can’t watch it on Chanel 8 and to the people that doesn’t ”dig” the computer and call someone that does, you can get a lot of info at the Council on Aging at Scout Hall in East Templeton or call me and I will mail you a copy, help is always out there, you just have to ask and you don’t have to sell the ranch to get the help you want, vote Julie Farrell, and be sure to use a written in for Town Moderator David Bergeon, we got to him to late to get on the ballot but he is more than qualified for the job, he has done it before, and then retired, but came out of retirement to help us tax payers in this vote May 7th . We will get stickers for the ballot for the write in for Dave Bergeron.

Thank you for reading my opinion


  1. Pauly- I remember all that perfectly. However, there are many that have selective memory or weren't paying close attention to local politics. Seems many started paying attention once the school jumped into the ring. So, for those of you so concerned about education, here's another history lesson for you:

    Many have inquired about why these bad financial decisions weren't detected by the town's financial officials (i.e. Advisory Board, Accountant, Treasurer) when they were occurring. It because there wasn't even an Advisory Board for a long while. Either they couldn't get a quorum to meet or it was run by people with no financial experience. I remember watching BOS meetings where Mr. Perkins kept coming to the meetings begging the BOS to help form a decent Advisory Board. They ignored his requests numerous times. Watch old BOS meetings from 2006 to 2011 and see for yourself if you think my opinion is tainted. Then, the Advisory Board was chaired by an 18 yr old who had zero financial or leadership experience. That's when the then BOS could go to them and asked for money from the reserves whenever they wanted and it was hardly questioned. They were about to do just that in 2012 when they wanted money to pay "interim" Coordinator Skelton to the end of the fiscal year. I believe that is when several citizens who had had enough stepped up and joined the Advisory Board. Thank goodness they did because it was just before the botched 2013 budget went before town meeting. Anyone remember that nightmare? So, couple the lack of a valid Advisory Board for several years with an accountant who kept all financial information to himself in a format no one understood anyway and a treasurer who was harassed by members of the BOS (go look up those harassment papers, too if you don't believe me) and you get the financial situation we find ourselves in now. To some, this situation came as a shocker. To others, they saw it happening and tried to expose the problems. Maybe spending 5k on an unnecessary election seems a bit foolish in hindsight, huh? Maybe if the people who pushed for this upcoming election paid closer attention to the people who were trying to alert the rest of the town to the impending financial emergency that was about to happen and less attention to bending over to the school, we'd be only out 500k instead of 505k. So, I give a lot of thanks and credit to the citizens who stepped up to be on the Advisory Board over the last two years. Without them stepping up and helping with the hemorrhaging of town finances, we'd be far worse off than only 500k short. And a special thank you to Mr. Spring. Many love to use him as a scapegoat because he delivered bad news a number of times and pointed out mistakes like some employees being overpaid and other misuse of funds. But to those who know all of the story and know how much he has done to save our asses and alert the town to the problems while also seeking solutions, we are eternally thankful.

  2. I'd also like to know if there's going to be a Candidates Night. And if so, the first question I'd like to hear an answer to is "if you're elected, where do you plan on cutting 5k in order to cover your election?"

    I'm not too worried about who is going to win. I'm not sure I'll even vote. I may just go vote on the non-binding question and leave the BOS vote blank. I am very opposed to the election in the first place, but not the candidates running. Therefore, I won't waste my time bashing one candidate over another. Mr. Mitchell has previous experience in town politics and did a good job at it. He was the one who helped alert the citizens about the bogus dump proposal back in 2004. Remember 900+ people showed up to that town meeting to vote it down. Not even the school budget got that many people into the doors. He's also the guy who got an ethics liason appointed to Templeton. In my opinion, he has a good track record. It wasn't his fault some dummies wasted even more money on a recall election because they were pissed their "dear friend" was fired (how did that work out Ginny?). It would be good to let him have a few months on the BOS that he was robbed of. Ms. Brooks brings good intentions to the table. Anyone that runs for BOS has guts. Its a tough (payless) job and people will jump down your throat if you make a wrong move. So, even if she has a bias for the school, she will go above and beyond to make sure that bias is kept in check. She will quickly find out that sitting at the table is much tougher than sitting in the audience. Maybe if the people who support her hear her say the same things that they hear from the other BOS members (and think are wrong), then everyone will be on the same page. Then maybe everything "Poison-Puffy-Batman-Falling-Halfway" has spewed in hatespeak will be proven to be wrong once and for all. Maybe we can stop with the name calling and we can get to the business of saving our town and our investments.

  3. Templetonian you got the label correct "DUMMIES" I would add to that the "ZOMBIES IN POLITICS"
