Monday, December 30, 2013

Selectmen sign contract with new town administrator

Selectmen sign contract with new town administrator

Start date for Jeff Ritter is Jan. 21

STERLING — Selectmen have approved a three-year contract for new Town Administrator Jeff Ritter with an annual salary of $85,757.

The vote followed an executive session on Dec. 18 during which contract details were finalized.

Selectman chairman Ron Furmaniuk and clerk Robert Cutler voted in favor of the new contract. Vice chairman Brian Patacchiola was absent.

Selectmen have been negotiating with Ritter since his appointment on Dec. 4.

Ritter, who is required to give 30-day notification of his resignation to the Town of Templeton from his position as administrator there, will officially begin in Sterling on Jan. 21. The contract extends until 2017, with a performance review after the first six months.

Annual benefits include 15 days each for paid vacation and sick leave and three personal days.

“My immediate plan will be to get to know the town, its structure and finances, meet and greet the department heads, and become grounded in the current set of town issues,’’ Ritter said recently response to questions from The Landmark. He said his own personal agenda is to provide “the best professional leadership that I am capable of” and that the goals and objectives of the town will become clear as soon as he takes up his post.

Ritter remarked that while the future direction of the town will be decided by the residents through town meetings and ballot votes, as well as their “active participation in town governance,” he will bring “the necessary skills to facilitate those activities.”

“Sterling is a town with a proud heritage, a strong tradition of citizen involvement, and a lot of lively, intelligent debate. Those are all strong points,” he said. “I said in my interview that I bring a strong work ethic, a good level of intelligence, and a deep sense of compassion to my administrative work. I mean that.”

Current Town Administrator Terri Ackerman gave her public farewell speech during the Dec. 18 meeting. This was the last selectmen’s meeting she would be attending, since she is officially leaving her post at the end of December and the board will not meet again until Jan. 8.

Ackerman, who has served as Town Administrator for the past 6 ½ years, said the “key in moving forward” will involve determining the town’s potential in regard to its resources, which include “open space, farms, talented passionate citizens, and financial stability.”

Ritter, who has plans to meet with Ackerman, expressed his sentiments to selectmen. “It’s a wonderful opportunity, and I am quite excited to get the bit in my teeth and get going.”


  1. Mr. Ritter we barely got to know you. Pauly's readers may wish to check out the very interesting article on the Flu Pandemic of 1918-1919 over at Templeton Times. You will never look at aspirin the same way.

    1. Loosing Mr. Ritter should go down in history as one of the worse thing that has happened to our town of Templeton. He has done a lot to bring things up to snuff in Templeton's town departments, and he will be very hard to replace. As things stand, we could not have paid him the wages Sterling is, and though I will miss him, I wish him the very best. Bev.

    2. We could have kept him but the cheap asses in town don't want to spend any monies. You can find money for stupid legal issues and the school money, but not for someone who you want to keep

  2. Just look at what the light and water dept.spend on a lawyer to read them the mulitpal laws they are in violation of at 375.00 per hour! We could hire a crew of profesionals for the money they throw away time and time again.But they have our wallets to rob at will. The last bill for explanation of a law needed to be figured out by 3 people for thousands charged to you.Why would the lawyer they have for 375.00 per hour need 2 others to do his job? Would a new commissioner ask why? You betcha!
    Elections are just around the corner DANA! Remember how this commission treats your wallet and your town. Time is soon for a change. Vote to send them a message!
    VOTE: Mitchell for Selectmen

  3. Jeff, way to go dude!! I know several people who live in Sterling. It'll feel like a a breath of fresh air. Best of luck.
