Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Public Input sought on CDBG Grant funding

Public Input sought on CDBG Grant funding

There will be a meeting to discuss the next application of CDBG grant funding in Templeton. The meeting will be held at 1:00 pm at 690 Patriots Road. This is the first forum to be held. These forums are important. This is YOUR opportunity to provide input on future projects in town.

Discussion of the FY13 Templeton Community Development Strategy

Evaluation of Current Priorities and Progress Towards Achieving Goals

Target Areas discussion

Discussion on prioritization of current CDS goals

Discussion of the FY14 CDS update
New Target Area discussion

Changes to Priorities/Projects List

Open forum on Community Development Related topics 

Discuss dates for future daytime and evening meetings for CDS update 

General discussion of FY14 CDBG application process and timeline


  1. Obviously not interested in the opinions of working people. The non-working get to have input, the working people work and pay the bill.

    1. I am willing to bet the time of the next meeting will make it easier for the tax payer to attend. I am also willing to bet not enough people attend these meetings, and that is too bad. Not much is going to get done with out a grant any longer, because the money is not available, so it is up to the people in town to speak up if they know of a project that can be done by these grants. I would like to see the intersection in East Templeton fixed before we have another death. I think I read a little girl was hit crossing the road in that area on her way to school a few years ago. I saw plans drawn up in the Town Coordinator office for a rotary, what a great help that would be. As it is now, no one knows who goes first, and they tear down Rt. 2 A like it was Rt. 495. I really think some changes need to be made soon. Think about this and if you can not attend a meeting, write a note, or e-mail Mr. Ritter, and I am sure he will pass your recommendations along. Bev.

    2. Bev - Remember that these grants are paid for with borrowed money. As a country, we are creating too much debt. I am opposed to CDBG, because it is simply the government playing Santa Claus and putting the bill on future generations. These programs are only to get re-elected. They also benefit the company that "writes" the grant application.

      There is no such thing as Santa Claus. No free money. I know that you know that. I just can't accept the idea of "if we don't take it, some other town will". Waste in government is already bad enough without funding some of the things these grants fund.

  2. There will be other opportunities/forums to submit your ideas for future projects.

    In my opinion the next area of focus should be East Templeton. I understand what you are saying Mark regarding the federal debt. The federal debt enslaves everyone. The town's debt is an issue as well.

    I don't have any solutions, but if the town is to try to get some projects done grants are a better solution than increasing town debt.

  3. Vote Mitchell for selectman!

    Remember the past to ensure a better future.

    The nuclear option should NEVER be used.
