Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Yet another freedom to licensed anglers in jeopardy

Yet another freedom to licensed anglers in jeopardy

Steve LaPrise

To The Editor:

I am 65 years old and a life long, North Central Mass. resident and recreational sports angler. For the past 40-plus years, my son and I have been legally trapping all our live native bait, from private and public ponds, in our area for fresh water fishing and ice fishing in Mass.  Such as Golden, Emerald and Spot Tail Shiners, Crayfish, Minnows, etc.

On Dec. 17, 2013 The Mass. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife is having a public hearing at 1 PM in West Boylston, to pass a law to make all trapping of live native bait illegal in Mass. For commercial and personal use. If you, like a lot of Mass licensed fisherman trap shiners and bait fish for personal fishing use, this could very well be your last year. If this new law passes as of Jan. 1, 2014 it will be illegal. to do so and you will be forced to purchased imported bait fish and show sales receipt to game wardens when ask to do so.

Please let your voice be heard if you disagree with this new law. If this law passes you will never be able to show your children or grandchildren how to trap live native bait for your fishing pleasure again.

Here is the link to this information on their official web site:
Steve LaPrise

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