Thursday, February 20, 2014

Employees receive incorrect tax forms

Employees receive incorrect tax forms

Town says software issues to blame
Eryn Dion
News Staff Writer

TEMPLETON — Municipal employees have extra paperwork to contend with this tax season, as the town reportedly sent out multiple incorrect W-2 forms.

According to Town Treasurer Dan Keeney, the town will soon be sending out its third round of W-2’s, as both the original and second ‘corrected’ forms contained mistakes. Although Mr. Keeney said the inaccuracies will likely have little impact on employee’s taxes, the ordeal has certainly caused its fair share of frustration.

“It’s not ideal,” the Treasurer lamented. “It’s embarrassing to have to keep sending out these forms.”

The discrepancies were linked to several causes, including a recent change in software. The town is currently in the process of converting their records into VADAR, a municipal finance and accounting program and compatibility issues have caused problems for several months, such as the delay in closing the Fiscal Year 2013 books.

The town’s W-2’s are processed through Harpers Payroll Service and Mr. Keeney indicated that some unauthorized interference could have also led to incorrect data.

Although the exact number of affected employees was not available, Templeton Light and Water Plant General Manager John Driscoll reported that his department’s 15 employees were waiting to receive new forms.

“Of the six employees who work in the light and water office, three of them have already mailed in their taxes to be filed with the first incorrect W-2 tax forms and are obviously not happy about it,” said Mr. Driscoll.

No official action has been taken concerning employees who have to re-file due to the mistakes, but Mr. Keeney was hopeful that the problem would be resolved within the next week.

The deadline to file individual tax returns is April 15, although six month extensions are available.

According to officials, the treasurer’s department already has a significant workload. At the Board of Selectmen’s meeting on February 10, Mr. Keeney brought it to the board’s attention that his department did not have the time or money to pursue delinquent tax titles and the possibility of bringing in a third party to purchase the titles was considered. The sale would bring considerable up front money to the town, which would be available next Fiscal Year and alleviate some of the administrative burden on the treasurer.


Part 1 of the February 25, 2013 BOS Meeting

Six minutes into this video, the Treasurer Dan Keeney makes a request to purchase the software for payroll. The request was made to the BOS and the request was granted.


  1. Wow. Wow.

    The guy requests the software and then blames what? the truth fairy for screwing up the W2s? Wow.

    Any word on that water main break on the newly repaved Baldwinville Rd.?
    Did the turbine have some problems too?

    Wow. Wow.

  2. And the town of Templeton continues to be the joke of Massachusetts

    1. I seriously doubt most of the state gives a dam about us, but even I have had it with "our treasurer" !! It hit me a couple of weeks ago, when things were not moving forward with the work that needed to be done, that there just may be more to what you and I, the readers of this blog are seeing. I could not help but think that we may have inherited someone that has more interest in not getting his job done, and does not seem to have the best interest of the town, or it's workers in mind. I know if that was me in that position, I would work day or night to get the job done !! Wouldn't you ?? There is something so very wrong with this picture...I know he has had help, plenty of help so I am sick of his excuses. I have seen him throw the BOS under the truck at two town meetings. My question is if there is or was a problem, why didn't he go to the Chairman of the BOS for help before he trashed them in public?? It seems deflecting blame on everyone else is a lot easier than owning what you are responsible for. It would seem that resigning would be a good move right about now, but we will see how it comes out in the wash. This is my opinion, and I care about the people who work for us in our Town of Templeton. Bev.

  3. WOW, The only comment I can make is it's NOT the software !!!

  4. What has the BOS done about the problem of the Treasurer? It's a mystery as to why this incompetence is tolerated.

    1. When you have watched all things political in our town of templeton, for as long as I have, you may learn that things are not always as easy to do as one might think. The reason a person that cannot do the job they were hired to do is not gone is as much a mystery to me as it is to you. Public opinion such as, he or she is a good guy has come out from people I have talked with. Looking like a victim, is a due to get a reaction from people who have no clue. Maybe some people thought given time a person could learn the job !! Remember the book Tammy wrote about how to do every step in the Treasures Office ?? It could be people were waiting to see if anyone would actually look at it, or even pick the dam thing up !! It will come out in the wash, as everything does. Have a good weekend Bev.

    2. Bev - I don't accept that as valid, no matter who the individual is. The inability to do the job has resulted in a number of dire consequences for the town and now for employees. The selectmen have a duty to the town, I think they are all good people with good intentions. That is why I don't understand how this can be tolerated. The town has suffered a debt downgrade, we have the mistake about $500k+, word is, the books are not up to date, and now we have employees receiving multiple inaccurate W2 forms. To borrow a phrase, "Enough is Enough".

    3. Mark, I did not say I didn't agree with you, because I do. I was surprised to see things had not changed months ago, but there had to be a reason, that we do not know about. When you are a public official you have to be careful not to set the town up for a law suit. If there is a vote, you need to have enough votes to get what you want accomplished. That is all I know and it is a lot easier to be sitting in the cheep seats than it is to be on the board. You have to remember who put our Treasurer in his position. In my way of thinking, this is just another way to screw with the town, and it worked. Bev.

    4. Bev - I can't imagine a scenario that would justify allowing such incompetence in any position, let alone one so critical. Taxpayers have a right to know what is going on. Dark secrets, if they exist, should be shown the light of day.
