Friday, February 21, 2014

Fluoride Information

Fluoride Information

Worcester telegram article:

First lady highlights drink-more-water show in NYC 

Artist Trey Speegle, left, photographs first lady Michelle Obama as she prepares to autograph his color-by-numbers mural promoting the drinking of water for good health. (THE ASSOCIATED PRESS)


NEW YORK — First lady Michelle Obama helped a museum spread some health advice Thursday: Drink up — water, that is.

Kicking off a series of appearances to celebrate the fourth anniversary of her anti-childhood-obesity initiative, the first lady and fitness advocate visited Manhattan's New Museum to see a street-art-inspired exhibit that aims to make its pro-hydration message eye-catching.

Mrs. Obama signed a massive paint-by-numbers artwork created for the show and gave her thoughts, and hugs, to eighth-graders who helped paint it and created a poster of their own.

''You guys are going to make a huge, huge impact on the health of our nation,'' she said, noting that plans call for taking the show to museums and galleries in Washington and other cities around the country.

Mrs. Obama has made children's wellness a focus of her work as first lady, launching her ''Let's Move'' effort in February 2010 with the goal of helping children reach adulthood at a healthy weight. She plans to highlight progress and announce new health and wellness initiatives in the coming week, with events planned in Miami; in Bowie, Md.; and at the White House.

She also was set to appear Thursday during comedian Jimmy Fallon's inaugural week as the new ''Tonight Show'' host, and she scheduled interviews with ''Extra,'' ''The Rachael Ray Show,'' NBC's ''Today,'' and ''Despierta America,'' a weekday morning program on Univision, the Spanish-language television network.

Meanwhile, the first lady has released a brief video asking people to post photos and video on social media platforms to ''show me how you move.''

She strolled through the New Museum exhibit with Rose Cameron, a mother who started an offbeat bottled-water brand called WAT-AAH! to appeal to children. The company is collaborating on the exhibit, which features work by 14 artists.

Trey Speegle looked on as Mrs. Obama penned her name on his 6-by-16-foot canvas, printed with part of a vintage paint-by-number seascape and emblazoned with the words ''drink up.''

Speegle created a painting in honor of President Barack Obama's 2008 campaign and said he felt ''like it's come full circle'' after meeting Mrs. Obama



  1. So what does the worthless First lady have to do with fluoride ?? please spare us from another article about this showboat and her useless causes.

    drink more water,....real brainchild idea there, she spends our money like it's water and all she can come up with is this crap ?!?

    I will be so glad when this poor excuse of a first lady has retired to Hawaii with her brain-dead husband.

    1. Hey CB, are you always so pleasant when you get up ?? This" drink more water" reminds me of my mother. When we were kids, up here on the end of South Road, we didn't have a lot of money. If we came in and asked for something to drink my mother would always tell us to get a drink of water. I never remember soda being in the house, so it was a glass of milk, {we had a cow} or a drink of water. We were lucky to have a stone lined well that never went dry, even when others around us did. Bev.

    2. Bev, I didn't think soda was invented yet when you were a kid :)

  2. Bam! Bad Klack, We have the good fortune to pick almost any drink you can think of now and in many ways to drink water free from medication! I dug up the old dump behind the camp in Maine and found bottles older than Bev. Soda bottles were among the treasure. Moxie,Moosehead, Kineo, were the old brands and most locals had it. I would care to say was better for you than the stuff now!
    Home brew was the stuff! Just a little larger scale.
    Klack needs a wack!

    1. Right David, Just like the COCAINE in Coca-cola ? Really good for ya.!!! Dave needs a whack!

    2. KKK-
      Many years ago cocaine was an ingredient in Coke. Cocaine was removed many,many years ago, but you know that.

      The real dietary and health danger in coke is high fructose corn syrup, which is highly addictive like cocaine. If you do not want to ingest cocaine or high fructose corn syrup, you can choose something else. There is no way to avoid the fluoride in the water supply.

  3. Last year I was told by town counsel that Special Legislation was needed for town meeting to decide on fluoridation. If you would like to sign this citizen's petition to allow town meeting to be the deciding party on fluoridation give me a call and I will bring the petition to you to sign. I also have a citizen's petition to have a warning concerning fluoridated water and infant formula. Fluoride is not the only problem we have concerning things in our food and water that make us sick and cause early check out times from this Earth but it is something that I have decided I will try to do something about. If you have lost a loved one from Cancer, Alzheimer's, MS, Crohn's, ALS or the many other diseases that fluoride has been associated with give me a call to sign the petition. It is something we can do in the right direction so that future generations can be a little bit healthier than us. 978=939=2501

    1. Baldwin Templeton, If people would just stop to think, there are so many chemicals we ingest because we do not have any say about the things that go into the food we eat, that is bad enough. Pick up a newborn baby whose brain is being developed, and tell me you would want that child to be ingesting fluoride in his formula ?? If you do that is your choice, but remember he has no choice, and that is not fair. Bev.

  4. Many good points Bev. I have a facebook page Templeton Mass Afa that has much in the way of good information on water fluoridation, I encourage anyone interested to come be a friend and listen and read the information gathered so that an informed opinion can be made regarding water fluoridation. At present The Greatest Fraud Fluoridation by Philip R.N. Sutton has been running. Currently Templeton Mass Afa is up to Ch III on this excellent book that shows how the original trial used to sell fluoridation to the World were based on fraudulent science. Most people do not like to read so there is much in the way of short videos as well.

  5. ANOTHER petition on fluoride, This is NO different than Ruth Miller not taking no votes for an answer.

    1. Threre is somthing inherently wrong with someone who keeps pushing the same question until they get the answer they want. Sorta like a 6 year old kid, if you ask mom enough times.......
      ...................I heard that a certain blogger from South Raod said we need Gerry back /..........

  6. KKK-
    In my opinion, I think there is something inherently wrong with being medicated against my will through the use of water fluoridation.

    Anyone can bring forth a citizen petition. Recently citizens were very concerned about holding an election to fill the vacancy on the BOS. So a special election was held at a cost of approximately $5,000.

    The citizen petition on fluoride will not cost the town anything because it will be discussed at the regular town meeting.
    If you chose to believe the propaganda put forth by public health, vote against the article at the annual town meeting.

    I know water fluoridation has many harmful effects on the human body. In my opinion, when you know something is harmful, you need to raise awareness about the issue. To turn the other way and do nothing, when you know something is wrong , is reprehensible.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Mrs Farrell, you and Mr. Farrell are certainly entitled to your own opinions. There are convincing arguments on both sides of the issue. The voters will decide.............AGAIN. You should have remained on the light/water commission where you could have had some influence regarding your opinion. What you propose is not very much different than when Mrs Miller keeps coming back until she gets the answer she wants. So I suppose what's good for the goose is good for the goosed. Just my .02

  7. KKK I am not sure the Nuclear Option is analogous to the fluoride situation you kind of pulled that one out of your butt. This year the citizen's petition on fluoride is different, as a yes vote will not take the fluoride out of the water. As proposed Special Legislation, this petition would allow annual town meeting to be the legislative body responsible for decisions on fluoridation. Currently due to Ch111 sec 8c a town wide vote is needed to remove fluoride from the town water supply. After two years the Board of Health can put the fluoride right back in again. The Board of Health can put the fluoride in the water supply but after a careful reading of Ch 111 sec 8C there appears to be no provisions for the Board of Health to take it our of the water supply. Here's what happens as it did down in Fall River. Everybody gets behind getting fluoride out of the water supply and then two years later the Board of Health just puts it right back in. It is easy for people to get very discouraged with this setup and give up on trying to get the rat poison out of the water. Hopefully we can all agree that as we are the ones drinking the poison we should be the ones to decide on keeping it in or removing it. There is much information at Templeton Mass Afa a facebook site dedicated to informing anyone interested in the health hazards associated with water fluoridation.

  8. Down hear on the lower forty where we use floride for fumigating the varmits we're glad the young ones aren't giving up on taking this material out of the watering hole. When Bob Young said this stuff was gonna cause a lot of problems he sure was right. Mr. Farrell don't stop fighting for what you believe in.

  9. The facts are this. More city and town systems are stopping the use of the poison. Check the WWW for the many listings about the wave of changes to our government pushed ways. Why would other towns stop if they thought it was any help to its users. Stop the bashing of the people who try to educate and look up info on your own. SEE the light and follow the facts for our childrens sake. Its bad enough they will be stuck with our illness as life gos by.
    Thanks BT don't give up as the facts finally are here. People just have to look in the mirror and say they checked it out and wern't just told about it as the past has been full of lies and issues not for the peoples benefit.
    You all know its about the kids right? You all owe it to them to check it out,or just listen to people like BT who have nothing to gain from this.

  10. Thanks Dave, there is much good information in the links that accompany this blog, especially the ten facts on fluoride by Michael Connett. Templeton Mass Afa on facebook is dedicated to informing people about the hazards of fluoridation. The men who put this poison in our water supply worked for big corporate interests as a policy to get rid of a hazardous waste and make fluoride more benign to the American public. Let's face it, we the American public will believe anything if it is packaged properly and sold to us with a good jingle. Edward L. Bernays did the marketing for fluoride. Eddie as he was called by his friends also sold us WWI and WWII. Do you think Eddie cared about your teeth?
