Sunday, April 27, 2014

April 22, 2014 BOS meeting … and the movie

April 22, 2014 BOS meeting
… and the movie

Part 1 of the April 22, 2014 BOS Meeting

Part 2 of the April 22, 2014 BOS Meeting

The BOS meeting began with a presentation from the Town Accountant Matt Angell. Matt Angell is in the process of rebuilding the town’s financial records. This process will take time until the “four corners” – cash reconciliations; fund balance agreement, interfund transfers are in balance; interfund receivables and payables equal each other.

On the positive side, while the general ledger is incorrect, there is no sign of fraud. Just many, many errors. As a forensic accountant, Matt Angell is looking to find signs of fraud. As of April 22, 2014 there was no evidence of fraud.

Once the accounts and general ledger is straightened out, the town will need to hire an experienced accountant in order to avoid this situation from arising again.

The wording of the ballot questions was discussed. There are three ballot questions.

Question1 – Shall the Town of Templeton be allowed to assess an additional Five Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($505,000) in real estate and personal property taxes for the purpose of funding the municipal government in accordance with the appropriations voted by the Town at the May 14, 2013 Annual Town Meeting for the fiscal year beginning July1, 2013?

Question 2. Shall the Town of Templeton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so called, the amounts required to pay for the bond issued in order to pay for the costs of the feasibility Study/Schematic design work ahead for the Templeton Center Elementary School, located at 17 South Road, in Templeton, MA, including all costs incidental or related thereto.

Question 3: Shall the treasurer, who is appointed by the Board of selectmen, be authorized to act as collector?

It would be a lot less confusing if the wording for Question 1 stated : THIS IS AN OVERRIDE!!! This question will raise your taxes permanently to fix the structural deficit in the Town of Templeton’s finances…but that’s not legal.

It would be a lot less confusing if Question 2 had a dollar amount as well as an explanation that it is not a permanent increase in the tax rate, but that’s not legal.

As Selectman Morrison stated at the meeting, people have to read the questions carefully.

On Question 1 it allowed to assess an additional Five Hundred and Five Thousand Dollars ($505,000)

allowed to assess = override

Question 2 -Shall the Town of Templeton be allowed to exempt from the provisions of proposition two and one-half, so called,

be allowed to exempt = debt exclusion

The contract amendment for the elementary school building project was signed.

The vacation roll over request was approved.

The CDBG Lien subordination agreement was voted after Acting Chairman Kenn Robinson left the room.

ATM Warrant – the BOS voted to approve the warrant. The warrant has been reviewed by town counsel. There are 42 articles on the warrant; 12 citizen petitions. MANY WARRANT ARTICLES HAVE NO DOLLAR FIGURES. The dollar amounts will be in the motions. The motions will be made available beforehand.

Senate Bill 623 was briefly discussed. The BOS agreed to sign a letter on behalf of this bill.

There is a packed agenda for the April 28, 2014 BOS meeting.

Please Vote
May 5, 2014

Please support your Town

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