Sunday, April 27, 2014

Candidate Night April 24, 2014 At Kamaloht East Templeton

Candidate Night April 24, 2014 At Kamaloht 


Part 1 of Candidate Night 

Part 2 of Candidate Night  

Part 3 of Candidate Night 


Special thanks to Tom and Luanne Royer  for generously hosting candidates night at Kamaloht


Please Vote
May 5, 2014

Please support your Town



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. No worries about deleting my comments...I take screen shots just in case. Tom J was right about this place and it's censorship.

    Here goes again...
    Mrs. Farrell, why did you choose to not take questions at this Candidate Night? Also, as a frequent reader of this blog, your entire campaign for school committee, thus far, has been about preventing the "nuclear option" from happening again. So why is it that we didn't hear you speak about this at the 4/24 Candidate Night?

    You have wonderful ideas about upgrading our library and bringing it into the 21st century. Where will the money for this come from though? The reason NRMS/NRHS does not have a certified librarian is because the position had to be cut due to budgetary constraints. A qualified person for this job will not come cheap. If anyone should know that, it's you.

    I would have asked you these questions myself on 4/24 but someone was already speaking to you during the fellowship times. And from what I overheard on my way out the door, the woman who was talking to you was asking all the right questions.

    Just sayin.

  3. You have all the rights of free speech on this web forum,when you sign your real names.
    If you want to be nasty and foul you don't,if you don't.
    There are those who ruin it for others and when they get to a point they are causing viewers to stay away we need to become moderators if you will.
    If you want to be or act that way the viewers should have the right to know who you are.
    To delete is only one way to control and then there is a moderator type also.
    To not protect the viewers would be tragic for them.
    There are alot of very good people who view and do not post comments here and should be protected.
    My Uncle Pauly has put the control of this private forum in good hands and they will insure the safe operation for the many years to come.
    This is and will continue to be a Templeton information Web Site.

    1. Takin ItBack

      If you wish to ask me some questions my number is 978-340-2503. My email is
      I will not respond to postings by people who will not identify themselves.

      Have a great day!

      Just sayin'

  4. Just for the record...below is a sample of why this site was started. It wasn't meant to be a place for accurate information gathering. It was meant to be a place for someone to air their opinions. Period.

    Thursday, December 27, 2012

    "Reflecting on 2012
    Happy New Year - let's look back at 2012 - We have had some good things happen. Jeff Ritter came back - woo hoo! Carol Skelton is gone. Bubba Columbus got voted out - Wil Spring got on the Advisory Board and woo boy did he shake things up (cheap cheap) Hee-hee-hee. Julie got voted back in - thank you very much!
    Scrappy left??? his employment in Winchendon. Tammy our wonderful Treasurer went on to better things - Dan has big shoes to fill but he can do it.
    We have a new accountant who is working his b--- off on the Tax recap I've heard.
    We are moving ahead.

    Now here are some of my thoughts for New Years resolutions for My Town of Templeton.....
    Let's start with the selectmen hee-hee-hee
    Chairman Stewart will get a backbone and vote what is best for the TOWN
    Pat Mullins will find another breakfast partner.
    Ginny W will get advise from somewhere other than Echo Hill

    Woo Boy - I need all you bloggers help on these.

    John Driscoll will get the gist of "open meeting" and "public information"
    All past due taxpayers will pay their accounts in full.
    The Water Dept will start working with the Sewer Dept...

    Ok folk now its time for all your thoughts and comments - come on
    Remember - these are my opinions hee-hee-hee
    Thanks for reading -Pauly"

    I think its time for the mods/admins of this site to get off their high horses and admit this is really just about peoples opinions...even when it includes name calling from the original blog author and frequent posters.

    Just sayin.

    1. Woo Boy!

      Pauly signed his posts and did not hide behind an alias. HEE HEE HEE!

      Thanks for reading

      Julie Farrell

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. So, the question is why is there no certified librarian in the school library at NRHS. Standard answer is budgetary concerns, as in no money. My answer is simple, no will by the school committee. First, there is law that says two or more elementary schools can share a principal. The FY2013 school budget shows elementary principals salaries at baldwinville and phillipston to total $173,500.00 and Templeton center principal at $8,210.00. Now if you have the will, you can have one principal for 3 elementary schools, pay a salary of $108,000.00 and have $73,710.00 for a librarian for the school library which is for the kids, right? There is the technology dept. budget listed at $245,145.00 (and we can not have high speed internet at the elementary schools) Director of tech. $98,000.00, tech. assistant $70,394.00 computer technician $44,051.00. ed. tech. supply @ $20,000.00 dir. of tech. travel @ $500.00 tech. travel @ $1200.00 tech. conference/dues @ $500.00 and computer software sims @ $12,450.00. Now if you have the will, you could eliminate the tech. assistant and have $70,394.00 for a school librarian so the kids could have a school librarian. These are just two options available. Again, do not take my word for it, check it out, there are copies of the school budget on this blog, April of last year I think. So if you want a school librarian and you care about the kids more than the administration, it can be done within the existing budget, because it is all about the kids.

  6. As for not taking questions, that is a personal choice, I always prefer to speak with people one on one, that way they get your attention and they get to ask their specific question and get an answer to it along with follow up explanation if needed. It is a personal choice. I agree that removing some blogs causes a loss of credibility which is why I think the blog needs a stated policy which reflects the requirements of say a letter to the editor, it must include your name and address. In this case I think a real name would be fine. When writing opinions, I believe if you throw in "in my opinion" every once in a while, that covers you and the blog for slander and other concerns.

  7. Nyzze Trie /nice try! Stand on your own soap box and yell out your free speech.
    Just wear a mask you can hide behind there too!
    Don't like the site stay off it!
    Those who pick up different stage names weekly are the cause of the moderation options.
    Some in the past have used other peoples names to post comments!
    If someone use your real name and posted a comment with it you would be outraged too!

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
