Friday, May 16, 2014

Emergency Meeting




6:30 PM

$505,000 FY 14 Budget Cuts

$565,557 FY 14 Budget Cuts

The reason for the additional cuts is the DOR will not allow the town to use $60,000 in the assessor's overlay account. An additional $60,000 must be cut from the FY 14 budget and voted at the STM within the ATM in order to set the tax rate.


  1. If you remember the financial review of Templeton performed by the DOR and recall how the then board of selectmen (majority) not only voted to not accept it, they chastised the people from the DOR who came to the meeting. Then these same majority of the BOS started the dirty deed; State Rep Ann Gobi wrote a letter to the DOR criticizing not only the report but the DOR in general ( I believe a copy of that letter was posted on this blog) Some State Senator's and others followed suit. Some real heavy political hammers fell on the DOR and according to those in the know, including Templeton interim town accountant, know the DOR is not going to do Templeton any favors, can't say I blame the DOR but that is the dirty side of politics. That is one reason I will never vote for Anne Gobi for anything. I once emailed Anne Gobi about concerns with the election process in Templeton and asked for her help, she responded by telling me it was a local issue and she could not get involved. But she could write a letter at the request of some members of the select board chastising the DOR. So as usual, Templeton should not expect any help from the state.

  2. Clarification-

    The total amount to be cut from FY 14's budget is $505,557...NOT $565,557.
    The $60,000 shortfall had to be made up by other cuts to reach the $505,557 figure. The DOR would not allow use of $60,000 from overlay to help close the $505,557 shortfall.

    At tonight's emergency BOS meeting, cuts were voted by the BOS to come up with a total FY 14 budget reduction of $505,557.

    As our COA director stated at this meeting,"It's been hell."
