Saturday, May 17, 2014

“Zeroed” Out

“Zeroed” Out

Please Attend Town Meeting

FY 14 Budget cut update-

Last night at the Emergency BOS meeting, more budget cuts were necessary to reach the figure of $505,557 for FY 14. These budget cuts eliminate inspectional services. For 6 weeks the Town of Templeton will be without the services of the building inspector, planning board, or board of health agent.

Streetlights have been (will be) turned off or the bill will just not be paid. Templeton can’t afford the cost of turning off the streetlights or paying the bill. Recreation has been zeroed out. The Cemetery department has decimated to the point where we can’t bury our dead.

The Council on Aging is barely open as is the Boynton Public Library.

There is no police night shift in Templeton. The highway department is down to the highway superintendent, the foreman, the mechanic and the administrative assistant. The highway department is trying to help out the cemetery department.

Please Attend Town Meeting

Free babysitting will be available.


  1. Wow the place was packed 150! So much for "have it on saturday" so people will take part in the process.
    Continued till Monday night 7pm.

  2. Up next will be the Article 15 sewer department budget.

    1. Was the meeting originally scheduled in the evening?! I could have sworn I saw flyers that said 7pm Saturday.

    2. Well seeing it did not rain, I guess the majority of the people in this town would rather go to a yard sale than make decisions about where their tax money is going to go, and how much they will pay. Ken did a very good job holding the line about what is needed to get us out of the hole we have been in for way too long. I knew the having the Town Meeting on a Saturday would be a bust...Nothing is new, seeing people finding better things to do on a sunny day, historically was why the meetings were moved to night meetings. I guess we can't win, but at least we tried. Bev.
