Friday, May 2, 2014

Information from Joint Advisory Board and BOS Meeting held April 30, 2014

Information from Joint Advisory Board and BOS Meeting held April 30, 2014

After the meeting last night, there is information that can be used to begin a discussion about cuts to the budget (No Override).

Bottom line $12,845,166

FY 15 Revenue & Expense  NO OVERRIDE

Bottom line $13,298,621

FY 15 Revenue & Expense - OVERRIDE

The entire assessment from the NRSD is $5,130,328 and includes an increase of $145,000 from last year.

Templeton does have the option of using IGR – Minimum Requirements waiver as set forth by the DOR.

Part1 of the Joint Meeting April 30, 2014

Part2 of the Joint Meeting April 30, 2014

Part3 of the Joint Meeting April 30, 2014

My opinions...supported by FACTS ! ! !

Julie Farrell

Please Vote
May 5, 2014

Please support your Town


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. All of these options are tough but I do not see any easy way out. Way back in 2000 the residents of Templeton were warned "about the way the town was using uncertain sources of income (State Lottery Receipts for example) to fund routinely reoccurring expenses (i.e. operating budgets"). Mr. Dan Keeney was the Advisory Board Chairman at the time. He also spoke about" the reduction in state funding resulting from the downturn in the economy" Needless to say, if anyone read his words of warning, they did not act on them, so that leaves us where we are today. Do not be fooled into thinking that the problems we have today are due to the current Board of Selectmen. These people are the clean up crew, cleaning up after decades of poor management, and yes, I did say decades. People will say, don't look back...I say bull shit, we need to learn from the mistakes of some people who did the best they could, and from some that had other ideas, so we do not go back down this trail again. A bitter pill to swallow but if we do not, things will not improve. My heart breaks that good people will be hurt by all of this, because it is not fair. Bev.
