Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spending cap part of Worcester school plan

Spending cap part of Worcester school plan


Melinda Boone (T&G File Photo/BETTY JENEWIN)
WORCESTER — The School Committee Thursday night debated a proposal to put a 1.5 percent cap on administrative spending.

The proposal was part of a fiscal plan presented by Superintendent Melinda J. Boone that she described as the merging of strong fiscal discipline, collaborative budget planning and an alignment of resources to create a student-centered financial plan.

"We exist to make a difference in the lives of students," Ms. Boone said. "Without the students, we would not be here tonight."

Regarding administrative spending, Ms. Boone said that the state's education funding formula allows for 4 percent of a district's operating budget to be allocated for administrative spending. The proposed 1.5 percent cap would mean the district would spend 63 percent less on administration than what the state allows.

Citing a 15 percent decrease in office positions since 2010, Ms. Boone touted gains already in place in curbing administrative spending.

Committee member Brian O'Connell questioned whether WPS has done a good job of streamlining administrative expenses. He pointed to confusion regarding which accounts administrators are paid out of, and a concern that it would not be an accurate portrayal which account, essentially, would be frozen.

"Looking at our budget for next year, we know full well the extent of potential carnage that can take place within the school system to people who work directly with students," he said. "We need to make significant, good-faith reductions in nonteaching positions."

"I am certainly not going to engage in a debate this evening with Mr. O'Connell," Ms. Boone said, citing a 4 percent increase in teachers, an 18 percent increase in instructional positions and a 20 percent increase in school nurses since 2010 as evidence that gains have been made.

Committee member Tracy O'Connell Novick pointed to the importance of a strong central administration in a district the size of Worcester.

"I know we all like to be under the illusion that we're living in Laura Ingalls Wilder and we have one-room schoolhouses," she said. "It's not true. This is a city of 180,000 people. We actually do need administrators. I know it's not a popular thing to say, but it's true."

She asked if there was any concern from the administration about the cap.

"Am I comfortable with the 1.5 percent cap?" Ms. Boone asked. "No. But this is today's seven-point plan," she said. "It's not set in stone."

Another item in the plan specifies that new revenue be earmarked, with a few exceptions, for classroom use.

The rest of the plan builds upon practices already in place, including long-term budget planning, zero-based budgeting, a transparent budget process and quarterly financial planning, and a commitment to plan accordingly when grants are factored into the budget, as they eventually expire.

Ms. O'Connell Novick praised the School Department's efforts toward budget transparency, stating that much of what WPS is doing "is not common practice across the commonwealth."

Committee member Jack Foley praised the plan, and asked that an item be added that the Finance and Operations subcommittee, of which he is chairman, continue its practice of meeting with the City Council's education committee.

With Mr. Foley's amendment, the committee approved the plan on a voice vote.

The School Committee is set to receive Ms. Boone's budget on May 9.

In other business, the School Department recognized James Bedard for his nine years of service as facilities director. Mr. Bedard has accepted a position at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.

"Jim was the right person at the right time for WPS and the Facilities Department," said Brian Allen, the district's chief financial and operations officer, who cited improved custodial and maintenance services that occurred under Mr. Bedard's tenure.

Mr. Allen said Mr. Bedard's departure caps 50 years of Bedard family service, as James Bedard's father retired 15 years ago on this date from WPS.

Ms. O'Connell Novick called attention to the reach of Mr. Bedard's job, saying, "There are 50 buildings (in the WPS) that cover nearly 4 million square feet of space and 300 acres. That has been Mr. Bedard's purview." She cited his commitment to ensuring that no facility issue would ever be an impediment to learning.

Contact Sara Schweiger at Follow her on Twitter @SschweigerTG


  1. Don't forget to vote for Julie Farrell for School Committee and Robert Mitchel for Selectman on Monday. Both have the experience needed to guide this fine community toward fiscal health. Thanks, Pete Farrell.

  2. Vote Dave Smart for Light and Water Commissioner. Dave will look out for our town and the rate payers. Don't vote Stupid, vote Smart, for Light and Water.

  3. The NRSD assessment to Templeton's is $5,130, increase of $145,000 for FY '15. This is more than 2 1/2 per cent. The State will kick in $9,731,269 Chapter 70 money.

    If there are 1,185 students who attend NRSD, then there are approximately 950 students from Templeton - 80 %.

    NRSD made over $825,200 (165 students) in School Choice by attracting students from other districts. NRSD lost about $704,070 (141 students) due to students choicing out of the district. School choice is a $5,000 per pupil shell game played by school districts throughout the state.

    The real cost of educating a kid at Narragansett has been stated as $11,000. So the 165 students who opt into NRSD at $5,000 per student generate a loss of $6,000 per student which must be offset by higher local assessments and Chapter 70 money.

    Let's go back to the 950 students from Templeton who attend NRSD. Let's multiply 950 students by $5,000 per pupil to arrive a figure of $4,750,000. The NRSD FY 15 assessment is $5,130,328. It is insanity that it would be cheaper for the Town of Templeton to outsource all of its students than to pay the $5,130,328 assessment. I'm not advocating that Templeton outsource all of its students. There are 4 towns who tuition out all students at all grade levels. I have stated the "System is broken". It really is broken.

    The 603 CMR 41.05 aka the "nuclear option" won't fix a system that is so badly out of kilter that it is cheaper to outsource a town's total student population than to pay that school district's local assessment.

    Templeton and the NRSD are not the only town and school district impacted by these funding mechanisms. If any town's assessment from its school increases by more than 2 1/2 %, then the impacts on the town finances are unsustainable.

    If elected to the Narragansett Regional School Committee, I will work for true reform of the foundation budget and the school budget process. The Foundation Budget revisions must happen on the state level. Unfunded mandates must be challenged.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. It is easy Puffy, just use your name ! If what you have to say has any conviction at all, then sign your dam name.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
