Sunday, September 7, 2014

Complaint update

Templeton taxpayers will be glad to hear that their insurance is paying for an attorney to respond to the latest amended complaint filed by Carol Skelton against the town and three selectmen (former & current) and the town. Within the updated evidence she provided in her amended complaint, there are copies of newspaper articles and copies of posts from this blog. Hopefully she also provided copies of the posts from her friends in which they posted among other things, copies of my court record from long ago in an apparent attempt to make me look bad or what ever the motive was. Carol used the terms retaliation, bullying and harassment. It also states that the trio has used their friends. I hope Carol also provided the letter (s) and paid ad in the Gardner news from her son. I hope she included all of the postings from the let the people speak website and the facebook postings. She did include copies of pictures from the Gardner news showing myself standing with Paul H. Cosentino sr. at 690 Patriots Road in support of Jeff Ritter. I was not aware that when one runs for office and is elected that you then give up your constitutional rights such as free speech and freedom of assembly. From what I have received so far in the form of an amended complaint, I only see a very one sided story.  I guess I will have to provide the other side of the story since this complaint has my name on it.

On another front, town finances:

       Seems a resident of Templeton left a sum of money to the town, directed to the Library and the police department. From what I have been told, the Templeton chief of police plans on replacing a few cruisers along with obtaining a "chief's car". I would hope that the current selectmen look into whether the town can do another rebuild on the cruisers, where the cars are basically rebuilt to new standards. Last time this was done, it saved the taxpayers a lot of money. I would also hope with the town still not out of the woods from a financial point, the selectmen would address the taking home of municipal vehicles. I do not the people can be asked for more money to run things when the roads are not being repaired, in part to road repair money being used to buy equipment, and some town employees having a car service at the expense of the taxpayers. Taking a town vehicle home is, to me, the same as having a car service in the private sector as someone else is footing the bill. Why is the animal control vehicle parked at a private residence in Templeton rather than at the police station. For the most part, Town employees are dedicated individuals but I believe they should pay their own way to work just like the taxpayers do, and most of the town employees do pay their way, the question is, why do all town employees not follow this practice?

Now, in the Gardner news, I read about Templeton getting some good news on revenue generation going in a positive direction until you get to the part on expenses. Seems like the same thing happens to the town as happens in most homes, the price of goods and services go up, so according to the article, this increase in revenue will be eating up by everyday expenses. I wonder now if the selectmen will take another look at regionalization of services? Would it be a good time to look at dispatch again? Why is regionalization such a great deal for Phillipston but not Templeton? Has the cost of retirement and health insurance gone down? One of the reasons for a combined treasurer/collector is a savings on benefits so why would that not work on dispatch? I saw selectmen Brooks had a save dispatch sign on her facebook page during election time, apparently putting election ahead of town finance.

With the construction season quickly going by the wayside, I wonder if any roads in Templeton will be rebuilt or repaired this year? I would guess we will have to wait until the next round of CDBG grants to see any progress on this front.

On the wood chip heat system for NRHS, I wonder if the district has any information on the cost of propane if that is what will heat the school complex for part of the year? Also, a conversation with personnel at both MWCC and Athol high school, I found no evidence that either system has to use "special wood chips" so if NRHS is able to buy wood chips so much cheaper than these two institutions, perhaps they should share this information with these other education entities and help save all taxpayers some money.

Jeff Bennett


  1. Jeff you and the rest of the town will soon see the roads repair work being furthered. Work at the new town hall drainage and parking lot are for the most part behind us. Otter river road will be a focus on preparation and has tree work needed already done. Many other road prep. projects have been done also and some roads await contractors to start the work needed to mill and resurface tar. Drop and plate man holes and other steel have been lowered for milling and full depth reclaiming machines to avoid damage to equipment. On the topic of dispatch have we billed out for the services provided the Enterprise departments? Light 1 Water 2 Sewer 3. There's 3 sources of income for the towns budget. I do remember the water lawyer telling us no taxes are used for the running of the water dept. If so how do they dispatch from the police without a cost to the town. It's time for the BOS to follow through with what was started and bill out the amounts needed to dispatch for them. The free ride for the departments with the money stream to pay their share and their bills ASAP. Many costs to the town are not recovered and should be to keep them from draining us of our limited resourses in the future.

    On another note do we have a coach that has made inappropriate comments to a student that need to be in the publics eye. Is there a call for a need to apologize to this student or should this be "swept under the rug". Who is responsible for the staff when these things happen. Does the union feel there's a reason to keep this quiet? I think the facts should be put out for the public to know what happened from the people in charge and let the facts be shared by all to all.

    1. If anyone made inappropriate comments to any student, it is up to the parents not to let this action be swept under the rug. They may find out their son or daughter is not the only one being approached in a unacceptable manner, and keeping this quiet only puts other kids in danger. If the person who used bad judgment in making comments to a student that is one thing, but to often we find people we trust with our kids are guilty of much more as sex offenders or pedifiles do not wear a sign. The proof of this can be found every day, just by reading the paper or watching the news. This may sound extreme, but I don't think there can be such a thing as too careful.

      I sit back and watch our elected officials falling into the pattern of doing business that got us into the fiscal mess that we are in now, all over again. What have these people learned from all the town has gone through ?? Not much is my guess. Has anyone looked to see how we got to the point where we have not got two nickles to rub together ?? Oh yes I forgot, we can not look back, just go forward so we can go through the same pain and upset all over again, in another ten or so years. Not my idea of a good time, and if I can try like hell to make sure it does not happen again. Is jeff right about the dispatchers ?? Think about this for a minute. Where does the money come from to pay their retirements ? For how many years ?? People retire earlier and live longer but we keep paying them. There has to be a new reality in our Town of Templeton. That reality means we can not keep sucking from free cash, year after year. No selectman wants to be the bad guy and tell any department they can not get what they want. But it is going to be a strong BOS that helps get this town out of the hole, and keeps us out and any other way of doing business will just drag us backward. Bev.

    2. well the police chief miss ops he should have stated , he would charge for all calls at the TFS as it state property and state police jurisdiction ah .. Then maybe he should have charge the people there for not following the law standard as to sex offenders crimes and registration , while they place those subject in the most majestic spot in Templeton they seem to stub there noses up well the correct thinking is to charge them as this is state property not Templeton responsibility that is plainly seen by there own action in commencing housing for such prisoners of the state ?

  2. Huff, I have always cared about what goes on inside the school. No where in my post did I write about any student actions. Lastly, if any inappropriate action happened, the police should be involved and it certainly make it outside of the system so it is not covered up.

  3. I think the school issue which takes 6 million + should be issue for certain the way i see it is close the school stop the heating system which is out dated and send every student to other schools closing the school is not wrong but correct we would save millions and have an expense limited to paying for each education of our own students , they would be able to attend where they will and no one would be out of pocket high jack by unions or teaches who continue pay raises bankrupt us all I say there is no constitutional right to education and simply put we have no obligation to continue an expense we can not afford , demo the school to dust and send the children to other school as many are doing and leave that other town to there own problem this alone would save millions in expense and adhesion contacts please dump the school . now

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. How can you say massvocals is anonymous , I am massvocals , I do however have habit of not including
      punctuation and cause long run on sentences , but if you read me I just forget to hit that tab .

  5. Massvocals is cleared to post as his identity is known but blog administrators.
    Unlike people like huff n puff who made the blog change the way we allow comments to be posted.
    Thats h/p
    massvocals did it why are you not able? "Afraid" to come out of the hole you have dug yourself into?
    To post here you need only do one thing provide a ID email.
    It's simple for us normal folks to do.
    A bit hard for the faceless cowards like huf n puff are.

    1. Dave - I don't think that satisfying the curiosity of one or two individuals is a compelling argument. That you know who he/she is means nothing. Post Massvocals real name if he is going to be allowed to post here. Credibility is not ex cathedra. If you want to hold the high ground, you must defend the high ground.

  6. More progress on the road work front. Otter river road construction has begun and the stumps and roadside work is well under way.Orchard lane contractor is now in town and work will begin soon there also. Both rt.101 section and Orchard lane should be tarred. While the rear of the NEW town hall parking lot has also been prepped for tar we may see that begin to look like a new part of our grand road repair plan. Yes we do have a plan and the facts will soon be shared as they get under way.
    There will be many roads done before snow and with the delay for us to start it will push it close to the snow. You could say thats a twofor. The snow can melt on the hot tar and we will use less sand and salt.
    Please avoid the use of Otter river road for the next few weeks as crews will be held back by passing motorists and delay the project. When you see your Highway workers in the roads Please give them a brake and slow down or stop in construction areas.

  7. The back parking lot at ET looks fantastic . Great job by a great crew!

  8. As in previous post Seve Drury has used his name and also has no problem speaking his mind in public.Agree or not with him i commend him for the courage to speak up in public. Not some who like huff n puff choise to hide and be a critic of alll and any who do.
    Those who are cleared to post have a moral obligation of what they post and can be identified so the abuse can be answered and is a fair way to continue. My uncle agreeded with this change and was happy to see us do it.
