Saturday, September 6, 2014

Department of Defense: Remedy The Hunger Issue Facing Our Defenders of Freedom

Department of Defense: Remedy The Hunger Issue Facing Our Defenders of Freedom

United Soldiers and Sailors of America - USASOA

Some of the nation’s active military members and veterans don’t have enough to put food on the table, and they rely on food banks for help.

We respectfully request that the Department of Defense appointment of a special working group comprised of civilians and military servicemembers, to investigate and make recommendations concerning the lack of essential resources being experienced by some of our military servicemembers and veterans, including our wounded, ill and injured heroes.

The immense wealth of resources that exist in our great nation demands that we unequivocally ensure that our defenders of freedom, current, past and present - including our wounded, ill and injured heroes will never go hungry. While this NBC news segment may not offer a complete analysis as to the cause or even the effect of this shameful situation, it does beg the question as to why it has to exist in the first place.

As an all-volunteer, non-profit, non-partisan organization, United Soldiers and Sailors of America - USASOA including the attached signatures of our supporter believe strongly that the sacrifices willing made by our military servicemembers and their families must never include the additional stress and burden of hunger. Our great nation was founded on the blood and sacrifice of our military - those Americans brave enough to stand up and fight for the very freedoms which today allows each of us to go peacefully about our daily lives. This situation has a solution and a specially instituted working group would have the ability to make recommendations that will clearly define and match the resources to the need.

Thank you.

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