Monday, September 15, 2014

Statement from Rep. Denise Andrews

Statement from Rep. Denise Andrews

September 14, 2014
For Immediate Release: Representative Denise Andrews Address Inaccurate Mass Fiscal
Contact: Greg Hager at 978. 503.2561  or Denise Andrews at 513.780.0538

Rep. Andrews Corrects on her Record, Again

Another week, another misleading attack mailing is sent on behalf of the Republican party. It appears that after the accuracy of claims presented in their first mailing was quickly discredited, is now back at it, with seemingly unlimited financial resources to spend on their partisan political agenda.
I believe the voters of this district deserve better, more constructive politics and campaigns. That is what voters want, not a gutter campaign that allows well-heeled special interests to tear down one candidate in favor of another. Smearing a candidate with misrepresentations serves no one.

I would ask my opponent in this race to reach out and let her party leadership know that this type of campaigning is not acceptable to do in this district. I, in my previous two campaigns, was repeatedly asked to consider allowing the publication of attack mailings and letters to the editor. I have always and will continue to be clear that I am adamantly opposed to this type of campaigning and I require that I and my team and supporters share information on me and my record directly and respectfully with the voters. We will stay focused on giving voters information on my results, guiding principles, and plans for future improvements.  We as individuals do set the tone and engagement standards for our district, party and democracy. I hope that my opponent in this and other races will lead in a way to make this our new campaign reality.

MassFiscal.orgis a well-funded partisan political group which is pretending to be a non-profit social welfare organization while it is blanketing our region with misleading ads. I have had many people ask about these mailers and I feel the need to respond directly to these intentional distortions of my legislative record. Moreover, it’s important for constituents to know Mass Fiscal has sent these mailings to voters across the Commonwealth in more than twenty other districts targeting Democrats in races this year. Of the legislators targeted by their “non-partisan” mailings, all were Democrats.

So, here are the facts about my record:

I did not vote against local aid. I voted to increase local aid by $25 million this year! (Roll Call #327, H3999). In fact, every sitting Republican voted against that budget, meaning they voted against sending additional local aid back to towns and schools.

The truth is I voted against indexing the gas tax to inflation (Roll Call #57, Amendment #35 to H. 3382); I also voted against the entire transportation bill (Roll Call #69, H3415). And yes, I signed a petition to let this decision be made by the voters on the November ballot. is not telling the truth about my record on the gas tax! Roll Call #113 was a vote to approve the FY14 budget! It was not a vote for or against raising the gas tax increase or indexing the tax to inflation. Here is another example of getting the facts wrong.

You bet I voted to implement the Affordable Care Act in Massachusetts. I didn’t vote this way because I thought the reforms enacted eight years ago were bad, reforms that helped us to achieve near universal health coverage. I voted to implement the ACA in Massachusetts, because doing so means thousands more working adults, college students, and children previously excluded under the prior law would finally have access to affordable health insurance. Implementing the ACA or Obamacare means more people don’t need to struggle to obtain care for their family. Implementing the ACA means more help for seniors with high out-of-pocket costs for medications. I am proud to support advancing quality, affordable, accessible health care for all in one of the richest countries in this world.

I did not vote in favor of giving preference to illegal immigrants over veterans in public housing. The idea alone is preposterous. In Roll Call #421 I voted that an amendment filed by the Tea Party was a political stunt and beyond the scope of the veterans’ bill under consideration. Veterans are given preference in public housing in most communities across the Commonwealth. That is the way it should be, and that is how it will remain. Massachusetts leads the nation in the benefits and services provided to our veterans. I’m opposed to the Tea Party faction in the State House trying to politicize services for veterans, and I hope you will join me in asking to stop disrespecting veterans and our democracy by using veterans as a political football.

In closing, my campaign remains a grassroots effort, funded by small donations and the hard work of individuals. We don’t have unlimited resources or the wealthy donors necessary to blanket the region with glossy mailers every time a shady partisan group like tries to distort my record. I look forward to the day when we repeal the Citizens United decision and meaningful campaign finance reform returns to our elections. We can have respectful elections. We can demand respectful engagement from candidates for office, from the media, and on social media. It is by our actions alone that we set an example for coming generations.

As I have said repeatedly, if you need information on me and my actions as your State Representative, call me at (617) 722-2460 and let your voice be heard. I’m always willing speak to constituents about my votes and actions and to listen and learn from different perspectives. If you want to spend a day as the State House to see how things happen there, reach out and my office will make it happen.

Denise Andrews of Orange is the State Representative for the Second Franklin District.



  1. Thank you Denise for providing an explanation for your voting record.

    I know firsthand the harm that can happen when people go door to door spreading lies about you.

    I wonder if any of these flyers from MassFiscal were sent to the residents of nursing homes or the TDC.

    Thank you for your help in trying to get a resolution to the "investigation" here in Templeton. Thank you for your help in trying to bring economic development to Templeton.

  2. Thank you Denise for taking the time to explain and clarify things, which by the way, are pretty easy to check with a little time. As for, rather than telling me who voted for what, how about looking into why it is so hard to get the things that were promised to us when we volunteered. Something could do is come up with an explanation of why the system of bribery is so accepted on Beacon Hill and in Washington? Now that would be a service to the taxpayers.

  3. Denise has been the only person to stand by the people of Templeton and did all she could to help with the" investigation". It is apparent that the person running against her has to turn to a nasty flyer filled with lies, to get support. Thank you for the help that you gave the elderly when you found the way to come up with a new van, for very little money. This was a great help that Bethany could not have done it with out you.You have done a lot of good in your first term, and I know we can depend on your support in the future, and you can depend on us in return. Bev.
