Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Stony Bridge

Stony Bridge
Clean Up Your Mess!


  1. This is absolutely uncalled for. Stony Bridge is a beautiful place and it should stay that way, but it looks like some people have no respect for anything. I hope our police can swing by there once and awhile, even if it is out of the way, and catch the little brats that leave the mess. Even better, some of the neighbors could call when they hear a party going on. We all have to keep an eye on our part of town, because our overworked and undermanned police force has it's hands full already. Bev.

  2. I think this is more of a target practices with guns then a party , so those aiming such pick up there mess after firing there weapons as there holes in everything there , but i will take a ride and pick up the mess put in blue barrow we should have few barrows around to throw trash in
