Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Thank you, Mr. Ritter.

 Very sad news...

Sterling town administrator dies, reportedly of dental surgery complications


A selectman said Tuesday morning Town Administrator Jeffrey W. Ritter died sometime overnight, reportedly due to complications related to recent dental surgery.

Selectman John F. Kilcoyne said he was notified early Tuesday morning that the recently appointed administrator, who lives in Harvard, had died. Representatives at Sterling Town Hall could not be reached for comment immediately and a call went straight to voicemail.

"I'm going down to talk to people at Town Hall right now," Mr. Kilcoyne said. "People there are devastated. … I'm going to tell them not to overreact and just to know there will be plenty of help available. We don't want people to panic over it."

Mr. Kilcoyne added Mr. Ritter's death is "a loss" to the town. Mr. Ritter started in his new post at the start of the year. He previously served as town coordinator in Templeton. Mr. Kilcoyne said the administrator hit the ground running in Sterling and has been a devoted servant to the community since starting in January.

"It's very fresh. It's a real tragedy. He's a terrific guy," Mr. Kilcoyne said. "This is a terrible loss to the town, but a loss to his family, first and foremost. I don't have any details, only that there was some complication from dental surgery, and I'm not even sure how it happened. … He was really a very valuable resource to our town."

Mr. Kilcoyne said a process will soon start to appoint an interim town administrator for the time being. He said selectmen will hold a special meeting in the coming days to discuss the appointment. He noted he hoped a replacement could be found in the next two months.

Members of Mr. Ritter's family could also not be reached immediately for comment.

Mr. Ritter left Templeton after two years as town coordinator and worked in Harvard and Hatfield, as well. He is a native of Michigan.

This is a developing story. Check back for details.

Contact Samantha Allen at samantha.allen@telegram.com. Follow her on Twitter @SAllen_89.


  1. I know that our friend Jeff was happy at the job he took in Sterling. No one could have asked for a nicer man to spend the time he did in Templeton, and I know he will not be forgotten. I know that I am not the only one that is suffering this large sense of loss at loosing this great man and good friend. I guess life can be so unfair, but Jeff knew that he was loved by us and it was our loss at having him leave to go to Sterling. Jeff put up with a lot of abuse, that he did not deserve when he came here. It is up to each of us, to make sure none of our town workers are treated badly, ever again. Bev.

  2. Condolences to all of Mr. Ritters family and friends on this tragic loss. Jeff Ritter stepped into a real pile of manure when he came to Templeton and handled it with courage and class, the Town of Templeton owes this man our respect and admiration. Thank you, Mr. Ritter. .
