Thursday, October 30, 2014

BOS Meeting October 27, 2014 …the movie

BOS Meeting October 27, 2014 …the movie

This was a very long meeting.

Part 1 of the BOS/TriBoard Meeting 10/27/14

Part 2 of the BOS/TriBoard Meeting 10/27/14

Regular BOS meeting continued.

Part 1 of the BOS Meeting 10/27/14

Part 2 of the BOS Meeting 10/27/14

Part 3 of the BOS Meeting 10/27/14
This type of behavior will NOT be tolerated


  1. This is really sad. I wish someone had intervened before things went to far. No one wins in a transaction like this. Ken should have told him to leave and not carried on a discussion with Randy. It takes two people to argue, and no one can argue alone. I know hindsight is 20-20 but everyone can and should learn from this, I hope. Bev.

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  2. There will be no winners or good coming from this. I really think the selectmen should rethink this no trespassing / banned from town buildings and the school?? I believe this was tried in Winchendon and the town was sued and lost. I am researching this now. It was a few years back but no matter, I am puzzled with all the cell phones that no one called the police as that is the procedure according to the law, ask person to be quiet then ask them to leave and if they refuse, a police officer or constable can escort them from the meeting. No matter how you feel, what happened to free speech? This just seems to be more of this zero tolerance stuff that goes against a lot of history (good and bad) and tradition where you get to say your piece, even if it is offensive to someone. Remember John Adams defending slaves who took over a ship because of treatment and other things. It also appears a little to dramatic on the feeling threatened and safety of other board members and town employees. This is not the first time Randy has been boisterous and disruptive at a meeting and it will probably not be the last. I think it is a very bad thing to ban someone from a meeting and town areas because they called someone a name and were rude and disruptive. I wonder what happened to that strong feeling of democracy the chair had back in January. I hope this is not the way this town is trending.

  3. maybe if puff had some balls he she would sign a real name. might be news to huff but who do you suppose put the whole tax lien auction stuff on the agenda to get this thing started as in a discussion about it. might be news to puff, the ball less wonder who spouts off but does not have the balls to put their name to what he she writes and apparently is to stupid to know a chairman of the selectboard cannot make anyone pay taxes. Take a look back on this blog and you will see I wrote on this blog why I was in Afghanistan that all delinquent taxpayers should have their name published in the newspaper and on town website and then look to see what some residents said against doing that.

  4. Hi Jeff,

    The " No Trespass" order was signed by our Town Administrator, Bob Markel. The BOS did not take a vote to serve a No Trespass order on Randy Lawrence.

    Our form of government has changed since the incident with Pauly. Pauly was not stalking the halls of town government and "allegedly" intimidating and bullying town employees.

    We hired Bob Markel because he has over 30 years experience in municipal government . He is "outsider" to Templeton internal conflicts. If in his assessment, the behavior exhibited by an individual warrants being served a "No Trespass" order, I will support that decision.

    The days of "That's just "so and so" being "so and so" " has to come to an end if that person's behavior and actions so warrant it.

    As for reaching for a cell phone and calling the police, I didn't do it even though my cell phone was right in front of me. There was no discrete way to accomplish making a cell phone which would probably have escalated the situation even further. You know how easy it is to 'armchair quarterback" these situations after the fact.

    Bottomline - Civil discourse should prevail in pubic discussions. Things are changing and need to change in Templeton.

  5. This is not arm chair quarterbacking and as you probably know, the procedure for disruption at a public meeting is the final step of removal by police and or constable constable. Looking over the policies and procedures for BOS and the job description of town administrator, policy and budget still fall to the selectmen. I would not want to see a barring of a citizen from town hall to result in a law suit with the town. I hope the changing times do not include the intimidation of people against speaking out because you will be banned. If there are other underlying circumstances that have not made the paper, I hope there have been police reports made as that is how a history is put on the record if anything serious enough has happened to warrant such action. My opinion is this action will most likely escalate things rather than cool them off. Now I will go sit in the corner like the good little Julie Farrell puppet that I am, right Julie!


  6. I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it.

