Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A Promise Kept

A Promise Kept

Today a meeting was held to accept a check in the amount of $300,000 for the Senior Center project.

COA Board, Sr. Center Building members, COA Directors Bethany Loveless and Dianna Morrison

A promise was made that $300,000 would be coming from the State for the Senior Center project. It was difficult to ensure this money would come to Templeton with the state budget shortfall. 

Thank you Senator Brewer! Promise kept!

Brian Eno ( Rep Andrews Legislative Aide) + Senator Brewer
Thank you Carl for the use of the Planning Office!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Steve if anyone could seal the deal i knew it was you.
    Templeton is greatful for all the things you have done for our town.
    I thank you for the honest and straight answers when we asked for your opinion.
