Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Silver lining in Templeton??

Could this be good news in the long view??

On a blog post, on Friday, December 19, 2014, concerning Templeton Tax rate being set at $16.64, apparently about .40 cents above what was expected. The reason stated was an anticipated reimbursement from MSBA did not make it to the town in time.

I think this is a good thing, as it will allow this money to sit and perhaps be used for something good, such as a capital stabilization account. This would be a good question for the Capital Planning Committee, Advisory Board and BOS. There will be a follow up blog entry on this subject, budget, later this week. Election time is right around the corner and budget season is in motion ( hopefully) and I have high hopes this year is the beginning of good ideas, good planning and of high numbers of taxpayer participation. Please watch this blog for further financial information and explanation of terms and DOR processes.

As an FYI, I was told by people in the know at town hall on Monday that that check has arrived at town hall so lets hope it is used wisely. Remember, it is your money so do not be afraid to call and ask about it or attend a selectmen meeting and ask there.

Jeff Bennett


  1. sorry Jeff i don't feel the same way you do !! i would rather have that money in my pocket than go to the town !!


  3. Mike, not many people feel or think the way I do, and that might be a good thing but the fact remains the town needs some savings, some good financial footing. The town needs to get a credit rating. Again, it depends what is done with those funds.

  4. Which is why you don't allow the district to borrow money on behalf of the town, even if you think it is only one town.

    1. I think Jeff is right. The town has not had much in the way of savings for a good number of years. Why do other town's have a decent credit rating, and money in the bank ? It is because they live within their means, pay off big loans before they take on more debt. The credit card mentality is no better for the town as it is for many people who are in debt. You have to pay the piper sooner or later, and when the later comes you have to borrow from Peter to pay Paul, but when Peter and Paul are broke too you hit the wall.

    2. I do not think people are going to be pleased with the .40 cent increase on their tax bill. It is to bad the MSBA and the school administration did not come up with the money on time. Afterall, they did promise that they would deliver and I know for a fact the Assessors waited as long as they could, for the money to show up, but they could not wait any longer. I must tip my hat to our Deputy Assessor LuAnn Royer for the super job she has done in the Assessors Office. She has a very demanding job, with no help, in a office that really needs two people. Bev.

  5. The only good thing about the delay in receiving the MSBA money is that it will become Free Cash next year.

    The town is making steady progress in its financial and budgeting areas. We do need to start rebuilding our stabilization accounts and plan for capital expenditures. The audit for FY 13 will begin in the beginning of January. The first step in restoring the town's bond rating.

    The reimbursement process for the elementary school project needs to change. It is TOWN project and should be processed through the TOWN's financial offices.

  6. The cost is far less to send all students to other schools districts , Then too continue too keep this school in play what should happen is demo the school and bus all to better schools
