Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Gas pipeline company shows alternative route in NH

Gas pipeline company shows alternative route in NH


Kinder Morgan is expected to make an announcement next week on the route of its proposed natural gas pipeline, which could have a significant impact on property owners in northern Central Massachusetts.

What the announcement will be is still unclear, but the company has already put out a map showing an alternative route in New Hampshire. The alternative would move the pipeline north, just west of Warwick and well before it reaches Orange and other Central Massachusetts towns. It would cross into New Hampshire through Winchester, N.H. The company has indicated the route would mostly follow existing utility lines across southern New Hampshire, returning to Massachusetts just before Dracut.

Under the alternative route, the pipeline would still go through Western Massachusetts communities but would not pass through areas of Orange, Athol, Royalston, Winchendon, Ashburnham, Ashby or Townsend. The original proposed route showed the pipeline going through those towns, though it didn't show specifically where it would be in those towns.

Company officials would not comment on the specifics of the announcement because it coincides with a filing it is expected to make Dec. 8 to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.

The Dec. 8 announcement is expected to be made by Allen Fore, vice president for public affairs for Kinder Morgan.

Pat Larson of Orange, one of the early opponents of the pipeline, said if the New Hampshire route is announced she does not expect it to blunt local opposition to the pipeline.

"People have talked about this, but it's not needed," she said. "Most people's position is no pipeline is needed."

The company could announce it is sticking to the route through northern Central Massachusetts, but Ms. Larson said opponents also have to be concerned even if it is decided the pipeline will go through New Hampshire.

"They could change it," she said. "You don't know. If you let down your guard or relax, they could come back."

Ms. Larson said the company could change its route up until its final filing.

The original proposed route through Central Massachusetts met with strong opposition, with many of the communities voting against the project or refusing to have their land surveyed. In July, opponents marched across the state to draw attention to their concerns about the pipeline.

On Nov. 15, opponents of the pipeline held a summit meeting at Montachusett Regional Vocational Technical School in Fitchburg to highlight their opposition.

Contact George Barnes at george.barnes@telegram.com. Follow him on Twitter @georgebarnesTG


  1. Looks like an attempt to divide and conquer.
    Look at the map of the existing Tennessee Gas pipeline.

    If the goal is to provide more gas for export through Dracut then expand the existing pipeline.

    Easements and ROW already exist for the Tennessee Gas pipeline.

    Good to know that Kinder Morgan can change the route of the proposed pipeline up to the final filing.

    1. It looks like a game of "we will keep you guessing" as to where this gas line will go. That is if it goes. I can't imagine what the cost would be to dig through the rock that exists in the areas they have looked at. It does seem it would be a better idea to expand what they have, like Julie said, but time will tell. Bev.
