Thursday, January 15, 2015

Fee Paid for 3 hours work

On Tuesday, January 13, 2015, a fee of $94.02 (guess 2 cents could not be waived) was paid in regards to a public records request. The estimate given was for three hours work. So far, no notice of it being completed, perhaps it has taken more than the estimated time. As soon as the numbers are available, they will be posted here so that the taxpayers can see how much of their $550,000.00 has been spent and what it has been spent on. I have a document dated March 4, 2014, which states the town reports a cash balance of $322,037.59 as of September 10, 2013.

Jeff Bennett


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  2. Puffy,

    This is a TOWN project; not a project of the Narragansett Regional School district. The TOWN is required to have this information available for ANYONE who would like to review, analyze or examine it.

    BTW, where is the MSBA reimbursement? Has the TOWN received this money from the school district? You know, the money that would have reduced or tax rate 20-30 cents. Where is THAT money?

    I ,for one, am tired of the shell games.

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