Thursday, January 15, 2015

Former Brimfield treasurer pleads guilty in theft

Former Brimfield treasurer pleads guilty in theft

SPRINGFIELD — Brimfield's former Town Treasurer, Kirsten Weldon, 44, of East Hill Road, who was accused of stealing more than $80,000 while a municipal employee, pleaded guilty Monday at Hampden County Superior Court to one count of embezzlement by a public official .

Ms. Weldon, whose salary was $38,000 - prior to her abrupt resignation nearly two years ago - allegedly stole $80,868 of town money starting in 2006, according to an investigation conducted by state and local police, and the Hampden district attorney.

An audit of the town books prompted Brimfield Police Chief Charles Kuss to notify the Hampden DA back in 2013.

Judge C. Jeffery Kinder scheduled Ms. Weldon's sentencing for Feb. 27.

Cases involving other local officials are also pending in Central Massachusetts.

Barre's ex-tax collector, Marcia Langelier is facing criminal prosecution in Worcester Superior Court.

In October 2013 Ms. Langelier was indicted for allegedly stealing $300,000 in town money, according to Worcester District Attorney Joseph D. Early Jr.

There has been an ongoing investigation in the town of Brookfield involving a former secretary, Beth Conant, who officials believe stole upwards of $50,000.

While that investigation continues, Ms. Conant is currently awaiting trial on charges of breaking and entering into town hall with the intent to commit a felony and breaking into a safe or depository in July.

There are problems in Hubbardston involving former Tax Collector Cynthia Washburn-Doane who quit last year after serving 25 years.

The Worcester DA has confirmed they are investigating in the Hubbardston matter.

And Town Administrator Anita M. Scheipers told the Telegram & Gazette in September that the probe is related to irregularities in the former tax collector's records that were discovered by independent auditors.

Ms. Scheipers said Ms. Washburn-Doane's resignation followed auditing from Scanlon & Associates showing below normal tax collections.

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