Monday, April 13, 2015

Dr. Oz Slams Glyphosate, Monsanto, and Regulators Allowing its Release

Dr. Oz Slams Glyphosate, Monsanto, and Regulators Allowing its Release
Monsanto declined to participate

Natural Society

To honor April 7th as World Health Day, Dr. Oz covered the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recent classification of the herbicide glyphosate as a possible carcinogen. As his record shows in the past, Dr. Oz is known to flip-flop and ride the fence of hot button health tops. Often times he ends up on the wrong side of right, yet for this episode, Dr. Oz gave the public a fair and accurate portrayal of Monsanto’s flagship carcinogenic product, glyphosate.

Appearing live with Dr. Oz was pediatrician Dr. Alan Greene, Scott Faber of the Environmental Working Group (EWG), and food advocate Robyn O’Brien. Early in the episode, Dr. Oz stated for the record:

“My goal is to always have an open and honest conversation, you all know that, but I couldn’t get anyone to appear on the show that supports glyphosate. I reached out to the Grocery Manufacturers of America, Crop Life America, and Monsanto and they all declined to be on the show.”

During the course of the conversation, all three guests, along with Dr. Oz, sided with the WHO’s carcinogenic classification of glyphosate, discouraged its use, and warned of its numerous health effects. Refuting Monsanto’s official talking point that “Glyphosate does not pose a risk to humans, wildlife, or the environment,” Dr. Green stated “That’s just not true.” He then backed up his statement with verifiable studies that directly and completely contradicted Monsanto’s talking point.

In light of the new WHO classification, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been forced to “reassess glyphosate.” Giving an environmental perspective, EWG’s vice president Scott Faber stated:

“The EPA should take another look at it (glyphosate), but let’s not forget, the EPA got this wrong. For 20 years we’ve been told that this herbicide is a better alternative…and it turns out the world’s leading experts (WHO) now have found this is probably a human carcinogen.”

Representing mothers, families, and communities, food industry analyst turned food activist Robyn O’Brien said:

“If you step back and think about this big chemical company (Monsanto), this is one of their most profitable products, so of course they’re going to try to dismiss any concern around it and refute the science.”Finally, Dr. Oz sounded off on the side of his guests, and arguable most of the educated world, by saying for the record:“This is a big debate everyone. Folks who make these products say ‘we need more data before you can make that statement (glyphosate is a possible carcinogen).’ I think it’s the opposite. Not enough research doesn’t mean it’s safe, it means we actually don’t know! And it’s upon us; it’s our obligation to figure it out before we start releasing it and exposing kids and others.”Regardless of where the conversation ends up, having Dr. Oz cover this topic was a sign that the mainstream is being forced to report on what matters in their struggle to remain relevant. Having Dr. Oz publicly side with families and communities around the world in rejecting glyphosate was the cherry on top.



  1. I wonder how long it will take to "debunk" the World Health Organization report?

    Vote for Julie FARRELL on May 4th!

  2. This guy is a total quack.

  3. You may believe Dr. Oz is a total quack. I don't really follow Dr. Oz. I do find it interesting that any doctor or scientist that speaks out against BIG PHARMA or Big AGRICULTURE is immediately vilified by the mainstream media aka - the Washington Post. Where is the Washington post article on the WHO report the GLYPHOSATE causes cancer? Fair and balanced? I don't think so.

    What I do care about is the WHO report -the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION report. GLYPHOSATE is a carcinogenic substance that is being sprayed on our food crops.

    I hope you took the time to read the WHO report.

  4. Julie - your blog entry was headlined that Dr. Oz cautions against glyphosate, not the WHO report. Did you notice that Dr. Oz rants about arsenic in apple juice, then more responsible scientists set the record straight that the test he used is invalid because he did not go further and test for organic versus inorganic arsenic. Organic arsenic is quite harmless, a fact he did not disclose to his TV audience. He is not unique, many charlatans attempt to gain attention by alarming the public. He happens to promote his quack miracle diets for his personal gain. His fellow scientists have called him out on it. Now he has "poisoned" the minds of his many low-info (or bad info) TV fans that our apple juice supply is unsafe! That is not good for society in general or the juice producers. The only one who benefits is Dr. Oz, because his alarming show gains him followers who then buy whatever he's selling.

  5. As I stated Mark, I do care about the WHO report on the carcinogenic substance GLYPHOSATE...not about Dr. OZ.

    If Dr. Oz can spread the word about the WHO report and carcinogenic GLYPHOSATE because he has a following so be it! In my opinion, that's not a bad thing.

    For more information about the connections of BIG Pharma, please watch the video BOUGHT. I have DVD if you want to watch the entire video. If even half of this video is true, it's very disturbing to say the least.

    The tatics used to keep public water supplies fluoridated are the same tactics being used right now by BIG PHARMA and Big Agri like Monsanto to pollute the food supply.

    As for arsenic in apple juice, at this point I'm more concerned about the water used to make the apple juice. Was the water used in processing the apple juice made in a community with water fluoridation? You're better off eating an apple. The fructose in apple juice will kill you faster than the arsenic or the fluoride.

  6. Julie - Did you know that the WHO heartily endorses fluoridation of public water supplies?

    Our society relies on chemicals, including those produced by pharmaceutical companies. I don't agree with agitation against vaccines, I am thankful we have eradicated polio for one example. Tooth decay is a disease, you can die from tooth decay. The poorest people are affected the most by water fluoridation, as they had been the least likely to receive dental care. Today, we have folks advocating that children skip their vaccinations. This is unfortunate, and I fear if this trend gains momentum that we will see a return of diseases that had been cured.

    I notice you or someone posted a story about budget cuts hurting the battle against Lyme disease and other tick-spread diseases. Like mosquito control, I am in favor or killing ticks. Monsanto happens to make some very effective tick control products.
