Monday, April 13, 2015

Meetings the Week of April 13, 2015

Meetings the Week of April 13, 2015

Tuesday 4/14/15
COA                                   Scout Hall            1:30 pm
Planning                             E. Temp                6:30 pm

Wednesday 4/15/15
Assessors                          E. Temp                  2:00 pm
Adv. Board                       E. Temp                  6:00 pm
NRSD                              Kiva                        6:30 pm
Historical                         Boynton PL            7:00 pm
MJTC                              Fitchburg                 7:00 pm

Thursday 4/16/15
Sr. Center                        Bridge St                  6:30 pm


  1. Replies
    1. I was wondering who Echo Hill would scrape up to run for Selectman this year. It is important to note this candidate from East Templeton has a cosy relationship with the good old boys at the Light Company. Cosy enough to stay at their meetings after the rest of us had left. I do believe this is a candidate that will not look out for the rest of the departments in town, but that is just my opinion. When Mr. Robinson was running for Selectman, I think it had become a necessity to have a person in office, who knew the difference between right and wrong, as far as the voters were concerned. For the most part, Mr. Robinson has done a good job. Julie Farrell has dedicated her time, and her knowledge to making the Town of Templeton a better place to live. I have seen the work and the hours she had given to making the old East Templeton School a town Hall we all can be proud of. Julie will stand up for the things she believes in, and does watch out for the people of this town. You can't ask for any more than this. Bev.

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  2. The Candidate from East Templeton is also the one that was sitting in the group from the light dept. a couple Town Meetings ago and Heckling the speakers she did not agree with. She got so bad that Tom J. stood up and told her to Hush. Then there was just a lot of giggles from her the rest of the meeting. Definitely not one I want to lead our town in these times.

    1. Puffy, get a grip, either give Dave your name, or stay off the blog !!

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  3. Thats if you forgot it!
