Monday, July 27, 2015

STM Update

STM Update

The citizen petition article to accept the pump station and force main off of Hubbardston Road passed after discussion.

As far as concerns regarding deed restrictions and whether  every single homeowner was required to sign off was answered. According to a member of the Homeowners Association there is a master deed regarding the deed restrictions. A public meeting of the trustees of the Homeowners Association will take place and that vote will cover all homeowners deed restrictions. 

The Homeowners association will not be dissolved until the transfer and the costs of the transfer transpires. The closign costs and registering deed costs will be borne by the Homeowners Association. 


1 comment:

  1. Blatant open meeting law violation by the selectmen. There was a posted meeting of BOS for 6:30 PM at the auditorium so I arrived at 6:15 but no meeting was called to order, rather 4 selectmen, Brooks, Morrison, Columbus and Richards along with Town administrator, secretary Young and highway superintendent were having a discussion before and after Town meeting and as of 8:15 they were still talking and there was a chapter 90 money on the agenda so it looks like it is time to file another OML complaint against this board and yet I recall reading a comment from John Columbus when he was running for selectmen that the Town must be run by the book. Maybe the book was The Cat in the Hat.
