Monday, July 27, 2015

Water Breaks...It is July!

Water Breaks...It is July!

The "Crater" by Wilson Bus...please drive carefully in this area!

 Sunday "double time" on Elm St! 

I feel a water rate increase coming on!


  1. Tonight is the Special Town Meeting, and the only Article on the warrant is for the Town of Templeton to accept the sewer line that includes Cook Pond Estates. Listen to the Sewer Commissioners for the information you need to make a informed decision about this article. I am not against anyone having the services they deserve, but I do think we should have all of the facts, before we vote. It is only fair to the rest of the people in our town that have sewer, that we try our best to avoid putting the town in a position, where we go blindly into a deal that could add more cost to every ones sewer bills. Bev.

  2. Cook pond stack the meeting it passes so no big deal

  3. A 2/3 vote is required to shift this system over to Sewer dept control.
    We can only hope the pipes from the pump station to rte 2a hold out for a long time.
    Do we want to expand our sewer use and pay to allow others in the area get this to hook up to.
    I think more questions will be asked and not answered tonight so come hear it your self .
    The cost to the town is around 3,000.00 for this special town meeting. Could this have been done in the spring or do the people have knowledge of issues that could arise in the near future? This is the way they want it,so they get it!
    Like when they purchased the houses with their own pump station hookups. They purchased it the way it was set up to save the contractor from 26 + septic systems. This vote may set future systems put in by developers in the towns lap. Thats a future we won't be able to control.
