Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Update from the DOR

Update from the DOR 

Maybe it's time to focus on getting the town's financial records in order so that the audits for FY 13, FY 14 and FY 15 can be performed.

The STM vote to hire outside help is a step in the right direction. Time will tell if that step is enough to get the books in shape for the audits.

Prepare two budgets for FY 17 one with Free cash and one without Free cash. 

Will the tax rate be set on time? 

Doesn't look like the restoration of the town's bond rating will happen anytime soon.  

 DOR Letter

1 comment:

  1. No one better sign any paperwork approving the building of a new school, if the vote is yes, until we know we have our financial ducks in line. We do not need to be fined for not making deadlines, by the builder. The Selectmen had better make dam sure our ass is covered, until we are straightened out.
