Saturday, February 6, 2016

Call Governor Andrew Cuomo now (877-235-6537).

Why should people in Massachusetts and New Hampshire care about these two dotted lines across northern PA and central New York State? 

Here’s why: If the red line—which represents the proposed “Constitution” pipeline—becomes a reality, it will enable the building of the yellow line—Kinder Morgan’s proposed Northeast Energy Direct (NED). Neither of these ‪#‎frackedgas‬ pipelines has the necessary permits to be built. YET. 

HERE’S THE REALLY IMPORTANT PART: The Constitution Pipeline is much farther along than NED in its permitting process. IF Constitution gets a 401 Water Quality Certificate from the NYSDEC, it will be built. If built, it will establish a new fossil-fuel “right of way” where currently there are farms, forests, trout streams, homes and businesses. This right of way will make it MUCH EASIER for Kinder Morgan to get approval for its NED pipeline, which would continue through eastern NY, northern Mass and southern NH.

To stop NED, we must stop the ‪#‎ConstitutionPipeline‬ first.

This is why we must ALL (not just New Yorkers!)

- CALL Governor Andrew Cuomo (877-235-6537) 

- EMAIL both the governor ( and
DEC Commissioner Seggos (

- TWEET them both (@NYGovCuomo @BasilSeggos) 

Stop the Constitution Pipeline by denying the 401 Water Quality Certificate!

‪#‎NYSDEC‬ ‪#‎StopthePipeline‬ ‪#‎KeepItInTheGround‬ ‪#‎StopNED‬

People, Not Pipelines
Another reason to stop ‪#‎ConstitutionPipeline‬? The company behind the project is unjustly using ‪#‎eminentdomain‬ to seize property from New Yorkers.

This is Anne and Bob Stack on their land in the northern Catskills. In 2012, after years of saving to build a home, they were informed—just weeks before breaking ground—that the Constitution Pipeline Company intended to run a 30-inch-diameter gas line directly through their building site. This high-pressure transmission line would move ‪#‎frackedgas‬ from Pennsylvania to Canada for export. When the Stacks and other landowners refused to sell easements for the project, the company used eminent domain to seize the land for a meager one-time sum. Making matters worse, a second massive export line (the NED) was proposed in 2014 along the same route, just fifty feet from the first.

These pipelines will render the Stacks’ land dangerous, unbuildable and nearly worthless.
"The nightmarish possibility of large gas pipelines coursing directly through our beautiful homesite has devastated our plans of the past 12 years,” says Anne. “We continue to battle the gas corporations with great stress and anxiety, trying to prevent them from destroying our land and shattering our dreams."


Call Governor Andrew Cuomo now (877-235-6537).

You can also email him at

Tell him to "STOP the Constitution pipeline by denying the 401 Water Quality Certificate."

(First we stop this pipeline—which could move forward any day now—then we stop NED.) THANK YOU FOR HELPING!

‪#‎StopthePipeline‬ ‪#‎StopNED‬ ‪#‎NoFracking‬ ‪#‎Catskills‬ ‪#‎NYSDEC‬

1 comment:

  1. This could happen to any of us, so don't blow this story off. If the school people want to take a house in Templeton Center to make a play ground, they can just do it. Like the people in this story, the first offer is the best. If you don't take it, you will get less in the end. You "are dammed if you do, and dammed if you don't".
