Friday, February 5, 2016

From...Massachusetts Fluoridation News

 From...Massachusetts Fluoridation News

North Carolina discovery that fluoride in water
increases risk of lead poisoning is ignored
A 2007 research report that found that the fluorosilicic acid used in water fluoridation, in combination with commonly used chlorine chemicals, dramatically increased the lead leached from leaded-brass plumbing parts has been largely ignored by other research labs and government agencies. 

A review of the main scientific database of published research reports, the Web of Science, published by Thomson Reuters, indicates that no research laboratory or government agency has published a critique or refutation of the research results, and that the findings, rendered even more serious in light of the growing national concern over lead poisoning from drinking water, have essentially been ignored by the public health bureaucracy. 

When it comes to water fluoridation
we all live in Flint, Michigan
Public officials, trying to save money, mismanage the water supply, poisoning people. They then mismanage the crisis, and lie about it, needlessly exposing thousands to toxins. 

What happened in Flint, Michigan has been happening across the country for decades. It was first publicly reported 20 years ago that fluoride in drinking water is a neurotoxin. Thanks to Chris Brysons reporting in his book The Fluoride Deception, we know that officials of the public health bureaucracy knowingly did nothing to protect children from fluoride. 

It was reported nine years ago that fluoridated water increases the risk of lead poisoning from plumbing. Again the public health bureaucracy has done nothing to end this needless exposure. The environmental activist Erin Brokovich reports advising Flint officials to suspend fluoridation there to reduce the risk of lead poisoning. They kept the fluoride flowing, apparently even to this day.


  1. "It was reported nine years ago that fluoridated water increases the risk of lead poisoning from plumbing. Again the public health bureaucracy has done nothing to end this needless exposure."

    The public health bureaucracy doesn't give a sh*t about you. They don't give a sh*t about the people in Flint Michigan and they don't give a sh*t about the people in Templeton.

    You can go back to sleep now. Fluoride makes for a docile population. That's why the Nazis used to add it to the water supply in concentration camps.

  2. Fluoride is a poison and is a very useful mineral as a flux agent in metal processing. Big corporations use lots of fluoride in their industrial processes and decided that it was most cost effective to get rid of the poison fluoride in water supplies all over the world. For the sake of the next generation please spend some time learning about the poison fluoride.
