Friday, February 12, 2016

Hearing Planned

Hearing Planned
Hearing planned

After the Board of Selectmen meeting, there was an executive session regarding Templeton laborer/truck driver and on-call, volunteer Royalston firefighter Michael Caisse’s employment status.

Caisse was working a day shift plowing and sanding the roads after a January snowstorm when a two-alarm fire broke out around 11:30 a.m. on Jan. 13 in Royalston. The building was home to Phillipston Police Officer Bill Chapman and his family. The house was destroyed, and Chapman’s 9-year-old son Colton’s dog, Dozer, died.

Caisse was placed on paid administrative leave, and his return date is unknown.

According to Board of Selectmen Chairman John Columbus, the next step is a hearing, which will be conducted by interim Town Administrator Bob Markel.

“A date hasn’t been set yet,” Columbus said.

After the executive session, Chase said he had no comment.

“I’ve been asked not to say anything because it’s a personnel matter,” Chase said.

Caisse wasn’t present for the executive session.


  1. So long are the geniuses on the BOS going to drag this out ?? For one thing I do not think this man did anything wrong, and even if he did, why drag it out. We are paying this guy to sit home while Bud needs help. I turned on the scanner the other day and listened while the dispatcher had to call the firemen to go to a fire, twice. Finally one man showed up, and another said he would meet at the scene. This is our town, in the middle of the week. How many would show up in Royalston ?? Do you want anyone to show up if your house is on fire ?? Do you think they will, if they will be punished or fired ?? This is a New England tradition !! The men in Town come to help when the alarm is sounded...Like my dad would say, "It is time the Selectmen should smarten up."

  2. World War III update.

    End NATO Now. “An Insanity that’s Driving the World Inexorably Toward World War III”
    By Eric Zuesse
    Global Research, February 13, 2016

    The continuation of NATO, after its counterpart the Warsaw Pact ended in

    1991, is an insanity that’s driving the world inexorably toward World War III.
    The trigger for that war is now being set by NATO member Turkey, which wants to invade neighboring Syria, and which has the support of the Gulf Cooperation Council (including the world’s biggest buyer of US weapons, Saudi Arabia) who are massing troops and weapons on Syria’s northern border, in preparation for an invasion southward into Syria.
    Once they invade Syria from Turkish territory, it won’t be enough for the Syrian army and its Russian ally to wage war against them inside Syria, because the invaders will then need to be counter-attacked in order to be defeated, and so there will be an invasion of NATO-member Turkey – a counter-invasion, in defense against Syria’s invaders – a counter-invasion which, however morally necessary it will be, will trigger nuclear war, for this reason:

    NATO): «Collective defense means that an attack against one Ally is considered as an attack against all Allies». In other words, when Syria and Russia respond to Turkey’s aggression by counter-invading Turkey, the entire NATO alliance are automatically Treaty-obligated to ‘defend’ Turkey from that justified invasion of Turkey by Syria and by Syria’s Russian ally.
    Either Russia would instead abandon its ally there, which would mean for Russia to capitulate to NATO’s invasion of its ally, or else Russia would do its moral duty to its ally, and there would then be World War III, between Russia and all NATO nations, which would be an all-out nuclear war, which will end civilization and make all continued life on this planet intolerable.

  3. World War III update continued:

    III, between Russia and all NATO nations, which would be an all-out nuclear war, which will end civilization and make all continued life on this planet intolerable.
    terminated (when and as the Warsaw Pact did in 1991).
    America’s President at that time in 1990, George Herbert Walker Bush, said privately to other NATO members, contradicting the message and assurances that he and his agents had verbally given to Mikhail Gorbachev saying that the Cold War was now at an end, «To hell with that! We prevailed, they didn’t». Bush was secretly committed to a military ‘victory’ over Russia, even though communism, which This is the – after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact in 1991 – entirely unnecessary danger, and the blatant evil (to be quite frank about it), of NATO’s having been continued beyond the time when it should have was the alleged cause of the Cold War, had ended. Bush wanted conquest; all subsequent US Presidents have followed along with that evil intent.
    Every moment of NATO’s existence after that moment has been a continuation of Bush’s lie. It has become a fatal lie now, because every subsequent US President has not only continued NATO, but increased its membership, has expanded NATO all the way to Russia’s borders, and President Obama wants the next US President to culminate this, when he made clear (via his ‘Defense’ Secretary Ash Carter) recently, that the US will quadruple American weaponry and troops on Russia’s border in a process that’s to be completed by 2017.
    Turkey can’t wait. The insanity and evil that have reigned in the West since 1991 are now set on a Turkish hair-trigger. That gun – NATO – is pointed actually against everyone on this planet, even if a Turkish madman doesn’t pull its trigger immediately.
    End NATO Now. Before it’s too late.
    Investigative historian Eric Zuesse is the author, most recently, of They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 , and of CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.
    The original source of this article is Strategic Culture Foundation
    Copyright © Eric Zuesse, Strategic Culture Foundation, 2016

  4. It is time for the people sitting on those seats, the seats reserved for the members of the Board of Selectmen, to actually do their job, instead of relying on our Town Administrator to make decisions for them. When a Selectman does not make decisions or contribute to the running of the Town he has been elected to represent, it is time for this person to be replaced. When selectmen do not contribute they are not working for the taxpayer. These people could be replaced by a rock because they do nothing but take up space. These "space savers" do not contribute, but they also make sure policy changes do not have a chance because it has been made clear to them, what they are to vote for or against. Someone pushed these space savers to run for office. Otherwise, why would this person go to the bother. Why go through the effort, to sit for a year, without contributing anything at all. Think about this. How many "space savers" do we have on our BOS ??

  5. Like the purple dinosaur in Toy Story most people do not like confrontation. They have been taught by the public school system and this society that someone else will solve this or that problem and all they have to do is go along for the ride, much like the Dalmatian on the Budweiser wagon. This non confrontational system is by design and has been honed to perfection its most recent origin in Prussia according to the book The Underground History of American Education. You can read the whole book at Templeton Times blog 01436 but you won't because you don't like to read much, that too is by design. "Don't worry be happy."
