Friday, February 12, 2016

Rumor Has it...

Rumor Has it...

Rumor has it the water department requested and was granted permission by the Templeton Board of Selectmen to hold yet ANOTHER Special Town Meeting. Why you ask? Good Question!


  1. Prior to this meeting everyone needs to take a close look at the water improvement plan listed on the left under the DOR report. Go to the section that covers the tank storage and see what they told us just a short time ago. We paid big bucks for this report and why this issue calls for a special town meeting is *******.
    So when i asked if a new tank would be a better value i got laughed out of the meeting.
    Seems after time goes by the idea isn't so bad after all.
    Take a look and find the clues they have had all along but until told by some agency they had no idea. Are the rates going up again "YOU BETCHA"
    With a larger payroll and a cost structure out of control why wouldn't it?
    You BETCHA!!!
    To bad the report was just stuck in a box and put in the corner now it will cost us more every bill we get!
    At our records request the report is posted here and available at no cost to all.
    I'm sure more problems are pointed out in the report and as time goes by we can look in it and see how the water department has known for some time.The rates are a sham and only get raised as soon as they can and get away with it. Vote no!!
    500k is more than we can pay when we don't know what other costs are coming sooner for sure.
    Don't say we didn't tell you!!!

  2. Why is it that the Water Deartment could not plan ahead for issues like replacement of water lines, or something as big as a tank replacement? I would think this would have been been one of the first thing on their adjenda. Looks like poor management, once again. It is too bad people have so much faith in the people who do not give a tinker dam about them.

    1. we need to separate water from electric like it used to be. we need to get it away from dana and his happy band of butt kissers and driscoll. they were separate before and should be again. Gerry got his raise by the combination , we can go back!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Could this Special town meeting be for the commissioner raises?
    Hell no they don't ask you the voters for a raise.
    They vote for it for you.
    Do we have all the contracts over 5,000.00 in the hand of the Auditing authority?
    Hell no it's none of your business why should it be? It's just the way they do it over there. In violation of the state laws without having the contract copies in the Auditing authority possession. There for anyone to view without going to the questionable department is why the laws so important. The intimidation is what stops people from being perspicuous when the facts are only part of the situation. Many ties to big Government keeps the hands tied and the public unaware of what the real story is.
    Looking at the town Budget just the street light cost is a Question Why did the cost the town needs to pay go from 12k to 20k after all the money we spent[the commissioners spent for us] on new low energy LED street lamp assemblies purchased through MMWEEC for gods knows how much [no contracts for supply] Just spend what they want no contract needed? 250.-400. each.
    Not sure how many we paid for they put up on the state fercol property.
    Has your rate dropped any? Should it have. Depends on how they use your money.
    If the rates stay the same and don't get reduced it's up to you to decide why. Remember who runs the TMLWP and who just got a raise from your rates.
    Just like the cost of the special town meeting just spend what they want. Wasteful when they could wait till the annual without any cost to you and i. Is this another do it this way there's a better chance it passes. People who don't want to vote in the winter months say they will do what they want anyway.

  5. In my opinion Ch 93 Acts of 2000 created a larger Municipal. Municipals are bureaucratic organizations that are self perpetuating. Due to the resources our Light and Water Department have at their disposal and self interest it is going to be very difficult to separate these two departments. Education is key but most people are either too busy, ignorant or just don't care.

  6. Templeton water dept. has been before the selectmen, on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 to ask for a special town meeting. Reason for this meeting is so the Templeton water dept. can apply for a loan from USDA to replace one of Templeton's water tanks. The water dept. stated they would pay the costs associated with this meeting. Seems like the water dept. needs town meeting after all. According the a letter from the MA DOR, with regards to MA general law, chapter 164, the Templeton light & water dept. is not a separate legal entity and needs town meeting approval to take on more debt.
    I wonder why the lawyer that told us they were doesn't go tell the DOR they are wrong.
    Maybe because they don't care how they spend our money after all.
