Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Shedding Some Light

Shedding Some Light...November 17, 2015


  1. The Board, Manager and Superintendent had all taken great offense to several indirect
    accusations made by the light union group here thru Local 104 that safety was not being taken seriously here at the TMlP when it related to the wind turbine

  2. The Board, Manager and Superintendent had all taken great offense to several indirect
    accusations made by the light union group here thru Local 104 that safety was not being taken
    seriously here at the TMlP when it related to the wind turbine. Both the Manager and the
    Superintendent had worked to promote a safe work environment both inside and outside of the
    wind turbine going back to September 2010, its commercial operation date. Neither of them had
    any recollection of ever saying NO to any additional equipment, tools or safety training necessary
    for wind turbine work, yet there were allegations being made throughout tonight's conversation
    with Local 104 that such an unsafe work environment had been pushed onto 5 of the 8 in this
    light union group here.
    The greater shock experienced tonight, at least by the Manager and by the Superintendent,
    was the deafening silence of Nick Houston
    the Shop Steward here throughout much if not all of
    Brian's monologue on wind turbine safety. At no point in the Open Session was Brian corrected
    by Nick on any of these indirect accusations against John and against Tom. It shall forthwith be
    our opinion that the ENTIRE group feels this way and not just Nick, his being the representative
    of the light union group in Local 104.
    It shall further be a matter of public record that allegations of safety violations were made
    against the TMLP by Local 104 in an open public meeting which has necessitated an internal
    investigation by John and by Tom. Both of us will be going through work orders and tailboard
    discussion worksheets and having discussions about past morning meetings going back to
    September 2010 in Tom's office with the Working Foreman and the two Lead Linemen in an
    effort to come upon instances documented where the TMLP has said NO to workplace safety.]

  3. And about those rate reductions for you owners/ratepayers.New Business:

    The Manager had prepared copies of a proposed light budget for 2016 as well as some
    suggestions for light rate decreases in generation charges for 2016. There was no substantial
    conversation about either topic.
    It's just your money they are collecting!

  4. If the workers of the Templeton Light do not feel safe working on the turbine, they should refuse to go up there. It does seem J.D. treats the people who work for him no better than he treats the public. Where did we find this sweet heart ??

  5. At no point in the Open Session was Brian corrected
    by Steward Nick Houston on any of these indirect accusations against John and against Tom.

  6. It shall "forthwith" be our opinion TMLP that the ENTIRE group feels this way and not just Steward Nick Houston, his being the representative of the light union group in Local 104.
    So how safe are the light dept people?
    Do we need the state to get involved and see what the department has for problems we would not know of till someone gets hurt again?
    I think the union should get every agency involved they can if the problems are what they say they are.
    I have been at meetings and recorded the General manager as saying things to the board that new safety equipment requirement are over the top for what the guys here do for work on high power lines and near transformers. Is the new suits for shock protection on charged lines a problem for the general manager to provide his crew. Does he know better than the people who require the safety equipment. I wonder what the charts would show if he made them up for the safety part of TMLP. How many injuries?
    How many early retirements?
    Almost all the time a judgement call by management can make it safer or more dangerous.
    When it comes to the cost of a safety item they begin to have poor judgement.
    Our General manager thinks we will only work on uncharged and turned off lines and transformers. What if they get turned on by mistake.
    I worked at a paper mill in town that learned the hard way how to do things safer.
    I only hope our town light department knows the safest way possible to keep the workers alive and safe.
    There is no learning curve allowed and i would think Driscoll would seek the advise of the MMWEC top brass to see if what the windmill standards are for shock protection suits. But that's just the way i think. Forthwith!!!
