Saturday, March 26, 2016

Don't Look Behind THAT Curtain -School Budget Calculations

Don't Look Behind THAT Curtain -School Budget Calculations

Below is information provided by Bernard Heaney regarding the calculations involved for the Narragansett Regional School Budget and Templeton's Minimum Contribution and Target Share. This information was accurate as of June 29, 2015. Since June 29, 2015 the voters of the Town of Templeton have approved a $50 million dollar elementary school.

June 29, 2015 


To:Taxpayers of The Town of Templeton 

From:Bernard Heaney, Baldwinville, MA 


On April 2nd The Gardner News published quotes from the Superintendent of Schools, saying that Templeton’s support was nearly $800,000 below Target in FY14.  Since the truth is we were actually $618,712 over the Target, I contacted The Gardner News (TGN) writers and owner a total of five (5) times, trying to get them to print a letter to the editor correcting this or to print a retraction.  A copy of this letter to the editor (not printed in TGN) has been on this “blog previously (see Pauly’s Blog posting May 1, 2015 titled “Bernard J. Heaney 716 Baldwinville Rd Baldwinville”). 

Since TGN refused to address this false information, using data from the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education (DESE) website, I prepared a handout for Annual Town Meeting titled, “Has Templeton Supported the Narragansett Regional District ?”. (see Pauly’s Blog posting June 24, 2015 titled “School Funding Document Compiled by Bernard Heaney”)  

Last month, at Annual Town Meeting and during discussion of Article 5,FY 2016 Operating Budget & Salaries of Town Officials”, the school committee chairwoman and one selectman made statements that were not true, contradicting this “handout”. 

Statement No. 1 
by Selectman John Columbus: 
Regarding the town’s support, relative to meeting the Target amount, Mr. Columbus stated that the Target, “… is way up here”, holding his hand over his head, and we are way down here.”, holding his hand below his waist.  This “Open Letter” will prove that the selectman was not correct. 

Statement No. 2 
by School Committee Chairwoman Raeann Trifilo: 
During discussion on the floor regarding the town’s financial support of the school budget, a citizen asked if the “Minimum Required Contribution” on the DESE calculation sheet included required payments for “Monty Tech” or was it just for Narragansett.  Ms. Trifilo was given the floor and stated that the Minimum Contribution figure did not include Monty Tech.  This “Open Letter will prove that the Chairwoman was not correct. 

                                                                                                                       page 1 of 4 
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June 29, 2015      Open Letterpage 2 of 4 
Inaccurate Information at ATM 

Statement No. 1 
by Selectman John Columbus: 
Regarding the town’s support, relative to meeting the Target, Robert Columbus stated that the Target, “… is way up here”, holding his hand over his head, “ and we are way down here.”, holding his hand below his waist. 

Response To No. 1: 
Target is much higher than the Minimum Required. 
DESE’s FY14 Calculation Sheet for Templeton has a recommended “Target Local Contribution of, 
$ 4,963,418 

From the minutes of Annual & Special Town Meetings 
the combined NRSD, Monty Tech, and Override Contributions to Templeton Education Budget equaled  
$ 5,582,130 

                                                                                                             Templeton Contributed $ 618,712 
                                                                                                             more than DESE’s Target Amount 
                                                                                                                     That’s 12.5 % over Target. 
                                                                                                                (618,712 / 4,963,418 = 0.1247) 

For those that would like to fact check this data: 

For DESE’s FY14 Calculation Sheet for Templeton, follow directions below: 

Click the excel icon at “Complete formula spreadsheet 
Click file name, at lower left of screenchapter_14 (#).xls 
ClickEnable Editing block, at screen top-center, on yellow banner 
ClickEnable Contentblock on yellow banner 
Using pull-down menu, at upper left of screen “999 TOTAL”, scroll to294 TEMPLETON& Click 
Click the Municipal Contribution tab at bottom of screen or click-on Municipal Contribution Requirement line, colored blue. 

                                                      (No one said this was going to be easy ! ) 

Line 10 on calculation sheet is “Target local contribution” equaling $ 4,963,418. 

ATM May 14, 2013 - Article 27 & sub-motion for NRSD $ 4,430,615:         4,430,615 
ATM May 14, 2013 - Article 20 for Monty Tech $ 601,056:                             601,056 
STM Oct 23, 2013 - Article 1 - override vote for $ 550,459:                            550,459 

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June 29, 2015      Open Letterpage 3 of 4 
Inaccurate Information at ATM 

Statement No. 2 
by School Committee Chairwoman Raeann Trifilo: 
During discussion on the floor regarding the town’s financial support of the school budget, a citizen asked if the “Minimum Required Contribution” on the DESE calculation sheet included required payments for “Monty Tech” or was it just for Narragansett.  Ms. Trifilo was given the floor and stated that the Minimum Contribution figure did not include Monty Tech. 

Response To No. 2: 

DESE’s FY14 Calculation Sheet for Templeton has a “Required Local Contribution” of, 

$ 4,170,850 

DESE’s FY14 Regional District Summary for Narragansett shows Templeton’s Required Local Contribution as, 



DESE’s FY14 Regional District Summary for Montachusett (MontyTech) has Templeton’s Required Local Contribution as, 



Combined Narragansett & Montachusett (MontyTech) 
Required Local Contributions equal, 

A + B 

$ 4,170,850 

The above facts show that there is no question that DESE’s calculation sheet definitely includes Templeton’s required local contribution for Monty Tech. 

If anyone still does not believe that Monty Tech numbers are included, you may call the Department of Elementary & Secondary Education employees Melissa King 781-338-6532 or Roger Hatch 781-338-6527 and confirm these facts and numbers. 

For those that would like to fact check this data: 

For DESE’s FY14 Calculation Sheet for Templeton, follow directions below: 

Click the excel icon at Complete formula spreadsheet” 
Click file name, at lower left of screenchapter_14 (#).xls 
ClickEnable Editingblock, at screen top-center, on yellow banner 
ClickEnable Contentblock on yellow banner 
Using pull-down menu, at upper left of screen “999 TOTAL”, scroll to294 TEMPLETON& Click 
Click the Municipal Contributiontab at bottom of screen or click-on Municipal Contribution Requirement line, colored blue. 

Line 24 on calculation sheet is “required local contribution” equal to 4,170,850. 
June 29, 2015      Open Letterpage 4 of 4 
Inaccurate Information at ATM 

fact checking:     (continued) 

Click the excel icon atSummary chart for regional school districts” 

Scroll to 720 NARRAGANSETT 
            Note that Templeton’s “minimum contribution” is $ 3,622,955 

Scroll to832 MONTACHUSETT 
            Note that Templeton’s “minimum contribution” is $ 547,895 

I really do not understand why professionals like the selectman and chairwoman of the school committee (knowledgeable in matters of school budgeting) would make statements that they did at Annual Town meeting.  Either they’re not telling the truth or they’re really bad at what they do. 

However, I believe I do know why the school superintendent misrepresented the town’s support of the school.  She was quoted by TGN as saying that we were nearly $ 800,000 under effort (or under Target) in FY14; when we were actually $ 618,712 over Target.  After speaking with her for nearly an hour, to get her agreement on facts in a letter to the editor, she agreed my numbers & facts were correct and she expressed concern at my submitting this letter.  When asked why, she said that she was concerned that if this information was published, voters might not vote for overrides in the future.   

The above facts are presented to correct false information given to citizens of Templeton by the school superintendent, chairwoman of the school committee, and a selectman.  All of these people have tried to make the public think that the town has not been supporting the school budget; when in fact it has.  In FY14 Templeton contributed 33.8 percent more than the DESE Minimum Required Contribution and 12.5 percent more than the Target Local Contribution.  In the past five (5) years Templeton’s support has averaged 10 percent over the Target Amount.  In the last eight (8) years the spending per student has increased from $ 9,070 to $ 12,720 per student, while our enrollment has dropped from 1,652 to 1,309 students.  That’s an increase in spending per student of 40 percent while the enrollment dropped 21 percent.  When it comes to Total Net Spending as compared to DESE’s Foundation Budget for the Narragansett Regional District, our schools spent 29.7 percent more than that “Adequate Spending Level for Our School District” while the entire state of Massachusetts averaged 23.7 percent more.  In-over-words our school district spent 6 percent more than the average school district in Massachusetts.  And all of this great support is before you even consider that the voters just approved another $300,000 increase in Templeton’s FY16 school budget.  

In closing -- one point that I would like to try and make is that -- I believe Templeton should be receiving praise for higher than average support, rather than being told that we are not adequately supporting our schools.


  1. This was handed badly by the Advisoy Board, and in general. Bernie dropped this on the board right before the ATM. There as not much discussion, as at the Towm Meeting. It is sad that the people who should know what they are talking about don,t, and I would be surprised if either one of them admitt they were wrong. In general, these people would rather hope this was fogotten. Let's see if they get it straight this year. Good job Julie. Bev.

  2. My hope was by putting this up again it would educate people on the advisory board as to when we are being lied to. This way if we are told the way we are under effort we can have people on advisory board who will stand up and tell the people they are not correct. We will have them on the spot. Show the town is up to par and as said all along it's the administration that has the budget over done. We have been told in the past as stated here and in other places we don't do our share. We do our share and then some. The last article about reducing the budget should have said reducing the increases in the budget.
    So when the time comes around for the Annual town meeting the Advisory board can use this model for the new budget we will vote on for the next year.
    No over rides or funny stuff this time just a number that represents what the state says we need to run our school that includes the Monty tech amounts like "Bernie" found out.
