Friday, March 25, 2016

School Concerns Voiced

School Concerns Voiced
People ask about playground use, parking and bike paths
News staff photo by Tara Vocino Sonia White was concerned about the park, bike paths and traffic congestion at a community forum regarding the Templeton Elementary School at Narragansett Regional High School on Wednesday.
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News staff photo by Tara Vocino Sonia White was concerned about the park, bike paths and traffic congestion at a community forum regarding the Templeton Elementary School at Narragansett Regional High School on Wednesday.
Tara Vocino

TEMPLETON  Abutters to the new Templeton Elementary School and other town residents attended a community forum at Narragansett Regional High School on Wednesday, where they asked questions and posed their concerns.

Sonia White, who lives on the corner of South and Wellington roads, is concerned about the park that will be built there, Gladys Park.

“No one in town can use the public playground,” White said.

“Moving a playground on school property means that other people can’t use the playground.

If they’re not CORI checked, they can’t go on the property.”

Interim Superintendent Dr. Steve Hemman’s response was that she and others could use it since she runs a daycare called Home Away from Home.

White said the playground should be available to everyone, not just a select few.

She also asked about if bike paths were on the opposite side of the sidewalks.

Project Manager Tim Alix said that the bike paths will be part of the road.

White said it’ll make parking more congested.

“It’s very involved,” White said.

“You don’t just have a mom and dad anymore.

You have stepparents and boyfriends and girlfriends.

Six cars for one family.”

White said people will park on the side of the road, in her and her neighbors’ driveways, while littering the area with juice boxes.

She said that the school doesn’t fit in Templeton, adding the architects don’t live around there.

Hemman replied that this is where they stand and the forum was so that residents could voice their concerns.

Norman Boudreau, who also lives on the corner of Wellington and South roads, asked if Templeton needs both a sidewalk and bike path.

Board of Selectmen Chairman Diane Haley Brooks explained that Templeton is seeking to become part of the Complete Streets program, where a state grant would put a sidewalk in.

Boudreau was also concerned about farmers being able to get their tractor trailers down Wellington and South roads, which will both be one way.

Nicole Winters asked if something can be done to keep people from speeding.

Architects responded that speed bumps can be effective; however, if drivers go over them too fast, then, they become a problem.

They said they’ll be traffic control with stop and yield signs. Joan McMakin said that building the school at the Developmental Center on Fuller Drive in Baldwinville, off Patriot Road, would have created less traffic problems.

School Committee member Hank Mason said the site costs there wouldn’t have been covered by the Massachusetts School Building Authority.

Alix said they spent a lot of time studying that site, doing cost estimates, but it came back too expensive.

Bob Whalen felt the bike paths start up and go nowhere.

Architects responded that bike paths will start near the school, heading into Dudley Road (Route 101).


  1. South Road is not big enough for traffic, parked cars of the people who live there, never mind a bike trip to no where. Hee hee, give me a break ! Yesterday there were cars lined up on Wellington Road, past the ball field. Where will everyone go once all of the students and teachers from Baldwinville move in ?? Well if these people want to make changes they had better get organized before the School turns the building back over to the Town. Otter River has more room than Templeton, so it is not like there is no place else to go.

  2. So, I talked to a woman who lives on Wellington Road about how bad the parking is already. She says everyone knows building the school there is the wrong thing to do, only they want someone else to take up the fight. Oh yes, how nice !! Maybe they are waiting for Julie to or me to lead the charge, after all didn't someone call us troublemakers!! Thanks but no thanks! If being a troublemaker is trying to help the people of this town and getting a kick in the ass, well I guess they can do it them selves. But of course, I can only speak for myself.
