Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Shedding Some Light on the Water Department

Shedding Some Light on the Water Department

Images from Ladder Hill Water Tank from November 5, 2012
Report by Underwater Solutions, INC.

Templeton has the highest water rates in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

You might consider attending the Water Department meeting TONIGHT!!


  1. #33 + #34 are the scum buildup on the bottom of the tank. One has to wonder how often the tanks get any attention like cleaned and flushed out. I would always wonder why my house water filter would plug so quickly. Not any more i can see why. How healthy is this for the towns people on town water? Do you think the way they spend the money serves us the way it should?
    Water meeting tonight may give even more poor practice info for us to give out.
    This was known in November 2012. We just now are being led to the bank to pay for the idea to replace the tank.
    Is this leading from behind? South road tank in better shape and older sounds like the tank was better cared for and flushed out more often a clear sign they will last longer if all tanks were.

    1. It is bad enough that there is fluoride in the water, now the rate payers can think about the crud in the water tank when they have a very expensive glass of water. The water users in this town deserve better, and it is time for them to stand up for themselves !!

  2. Baldwin TempletonFebruary 28, 2016 at 11:13 AM

    My question would be does the town own the water tank at Market Basket or was that water tank required for the new store for fire regulations? Towns are always trying to save money in one way or another mostly so they can blow it on something stupid later on. There are towns that get very creative in getting funds from the Federal Government for fifty million dollar schools with the help of friends like DavidWheeler Is it time for Templeton to cash in on this money cow?

  3. Google "David Wheeler" and see what your Government can do for you.

  4. So there were 4 of that did go to the meeting.
    1 Selectmen was there to ask what the pan or what they were doing to address the problem of water main breaking on rt2a patriots road and the answer was the same as when the question was asked at the selectmen meeting last week. No money to fix any infrastructure issues and only fix what has to be fixed. Sort of the same thing as the tank replacement issue. No money to fix but can borrow the money to replace it.Like the trucks why fix if you can purchase a new one.
    Don't forget to google "David Wheeler" tell a friend and get educated about this issue.
    The iphone story could be a problem for us all.
